It’s fairly easy to do ..... food grade vegetable glycerin is available at many stores.
As a matter of fact , you can fill a tank with this VG solution and vape it too.
It is safe and doesn’t have the heavier throat hit as PG in most vape mixes.
I double boil bud in a closed mason jar with VG just covering ground / broken up bud.
Even if a few small stems are in there too. Some decarb it before , but with steady heat and a long boil ( 1-2 hours ) in water bath will be fine too. After a bit boiling , pick up jar ( careful it’s hot ) and swirl contents. After a couple hours .... VG will be infused.
Pour mix thru cheesecloth ... press thru .
Then you can fill dropper bottles ( amazon or pharmacy ) or store in jar for home use.
Dropper bottles allow DECRETE dosing . I have made CBD 1:1 drops this way too for true medicinal use. Put with regular strains , you will get buzzed pretty well. I find it hits you over the head in a steady buildup compared to smoking or vaping it.
Vaping it is smoother than PG ... tastes good as it has a sweetness already built in.
You can add to drinks , syrup , bottled water , coffee , egg nog , food .... all kinds of shit.