No Food, No FEMA: Hurricane Michael’s Survivors Are Furious

he just gets more brazen as he goes along...."does the truth matter?" "not if we win."........what a fucking piece of shit. this is supposed to be the leader of the free world, not a fucking playground bully who justifies what he does by saying " i won, i'm right" won by lying, cheating, and using morally reprehensible tactics. enjoy the win, because people are starting to use your own tactics against you.....get ready for an uncivil war....i have plenty of incivility to go around

he just gets more brazen as he goes along...."does the truth matter?" "not if we win."........what a fucking piece of shit. this is supposed to be the leader of the free world, not a fucking playground bully who justifies what he does by saying " i won, i'm right" won by lying, cheating, and using morally reprehensible tactics. enjoy the win, because people are starting to use your own tactics against you.....get ready for an uncivil war....i have plenty of incivility to go around
Neanderthals cavemen are currently running the country.
"me trump me winning bigley.. you sadly loser ooga booga"
I was lying in bed watching it. It was the most disgraceful performance I had ever seen.

I was up half the night wondering how the hell that complete waste of life ever became president.

I was up the other half wondering how the hell anybody could believe, follow and support that complete waste of life.

he just gets more brazen as he goes along...."does the truth matter?" "not if we win."........what a fucking piece of shit. this is supposed to be the leader of the free world, not a fucking playground bully who justifies what he does by saying " i won, i'm right" won by lying, cheating, and using morally reprehensible tactics. enjoy the win, because people are starting to use your own tactics against you.....get ready for an uncivil war....i have plenty of incivility to go around

that's because it's all normal now..wait until the real shit starts or the shit we don't know about yet.

'i'm president and you're not' - DJT to Leslie Stahl
this is becoming interesting, since he's on the ballot for senate against nelson..what would holding off do? what would it do to the country? would it be for all of florida or only areas affected..can you even do that when it's not the whole state affected?

Hurricane aftermath threatens to unleash Florida election chaos

One option for Gov. Rick Scott: Use his emergency power to delay state elections.
I was lying in bed watching it. It was the most disgraceful performance I had ever seen.

I was up half the night wondering how the hell that complete waste of life ever became president.

I was up the other half wondering how the hell anybody could believe, follow and support that complete waste of life.

You should just jack it and fall asleep.

why do you want to destroy the country i grew up in? the same country that you grew up in, and made you rich (don't even entertain the thought that you made yourself rich, you know that's not true).
why do you embarrass the country that made you rich, by kissing the ass of the leader of our hereditary enemy publicly, loudly, and wetly?
why do you defend him, when he has publicly proclaimed that he hates us and he'll see to it that we get what we deserve?
why can't you realize that the color of peoples skin is meaningless, that it has nothing to do with what kind of a person they are.
if this country had stopped immigration 150 years ago, we'd be a pool of inbred idiots, just like your family.
John James Audubon, John Muir, Albert Einstein, nobel winner Gerti Cori, Albert Claude, Maria Mayer, Enrico Fermi, Hans Bethe, Dr. Elizabeth Stern, Rita Montalcini, and Chien-Shiung Wu, were all immigrants. try to imagine this country without their contributions.
you say you love America and want to make it great again. i don't think it stopped being great till you took office, the best way to make America great AGAIN would be to resign immediately, after you fire all of the incompetent friends you hired for jobs they have no qualifications for, and no ability at.
Then a public apology on all news channels would be appropriate. apologize for the damage you've done so far, for the hate you help to spread, for the racism and misogyny, for the crimes, for using the office of President as an advertising platform. apologize for the irreparable harm you've done.
If you really want to make America great again, this would be an excellent first step.


perfect. now edit and send to him via twitter.
When I was young, the National Guard took their disaster relief mission seriously and did a solid job.

We can't lay the blame for this at their feet. Follow the money (that isn't making it down to organizations like these anymore)...
When you were young the Army National guard were not deploying to Iraq and Afghanistan. They are now and plenty did not sign up for that.

i hope it goes to trial and the kids win. they're right. the government is wrong. simple as that. the government is supposed to serve the interests of it's citizens. ALL of them, not just the ones with money. they've been failing miserably at that for more than one generation, time to pay the piper for being useless pieces of money grubbing shit

i hope it goes to trial and the kids win. they're right. the government is wrong. simple as that. the government is supposed to serve the interests of it's citizens. ALL of them, not just the ones with money. they've been failing miserably at that for more than one generation, time to pay the piper for being useless pieces of money grubbing shit

they will become a powerful voting block; the '18-31's never show' is over now..they are engaged and laser focused. most colleges have voting kiosks and make it as simple as using the atm.
When you were young the Army National guard were not deploying to Iraq and Afghanistan. They are now and plenty did not sign up for that.

Slaves have no choice where master sends them.

Just because you collected a military paycheck for pilfering oranges from an honest farmer, not every dupe is able to avoid the front lines.
Slaves have no choice where master sends them.

Just because you collected a military paycheck for pilfering oranges from an honest farmer, not every dupe is able to avoid the front lines.
Show some respect you fucking pedophile
Slaves have no choice where master sends them.

Just because you collected a military paycheck for pilfering oranges from an honest farmer, not every dupe is able to avoid the front lines.
You sound jealous. How upset do you get when you have to pay your property tax ?
Show some respect you fucking pedophile
