Does this look ok for my first time putting my grow tent up??

If you are in soil top them once with a 4 week veg, if in coco top twice. 6 weeks veg would be better, particularly in soil but I understand the want to get them into flower sooner. Try to give them at least one week recovery after final topping before flip. 2 weeks recovery can be better in soil but with only 4 weeks veg you may have to top on 3rd week depending on growth. They should be good to top in 2nd week and 3rd week in coco. Just don't force it if you are not getting quick enough growth. Read more into it and look into journals so you can see how big peoples plants are getting in 4 weeks of veg. You need that perspective to make your own call.

In either case they should yield at-least 20% more this way. But again, if you are not getting quick enough growth do not force it, you'll lose yield topping plants that can't recover in time.

Hey Lucky Luke, Quick question I've started to germ my beans with paper towel method, Thing is when taproot appears can I drop them straight in coco even though they have no nutrients won't it die? Or do they need to be potted with soil with a little nutrients in or a little mix of soil and coco? I'm Confused, Thing is I only have coco at hand no soil at all I've got all the nutes but surely it will be to young for them to get them.
Hey Lucky Luke, Quick question I've started to germ my beans with paper towel method, Thing is when taproot appears can I drop them straight in coco even though they have no nutrients won't it die? Or do they need to be potted with soil with a little nutrients in or a little mix of soil and coco? I'm Confused, Thing is I only have coco at hand no soil at all I've got all the nutes but surely it will be to young for them to get them.
No idea, I have never grown in coco.To much mucking about with having to PH and PPM and all that jazz. Plain water is bad in coco though so always use at least a small amount of nutes. But yes, they are to young for nutes.
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Hey Lucky Luke, Quick question I've started to germ my beans with paper towel method, Thing is when taproot appears can I drop them straight in coco even though they have no nutrients won't it die? Or do they need to be potted with soil with a little nutrients in or a little mix of soil and coco? I'm Confused, Thing is I only have coco at hand no soil at all I've got all the nutes but surely it will be to young for them to get them.
Brother, is your friend. Do your research before germinating mate. Why not start off with soil that already has nutes in it, like fox farm ocean forrest? Coco requires a little more skill and IMO isn't for the beginner.
Brother, is your friend. Do your research before germinating mate. Why not start off with soil that already has nutes in it, like fox farm ocean forrest? Coco requires a little more skill and IMO isn't for the beginner.

Hmmmm I'm sure you can't get fox farm ocean forest in the uk, I've looked it up everywhere, I've also done loads and loads off researching about using coco I've literally printed out loads off stuff about it and how it works and what not (I know what your thinking the sad fuck lol) I've printed out there grow chart to, Per 2 litre, All in serious though I've been researching coco for the last 2-3 months what's needed what isn't needed, Appartly it's the best soil to grow cannabis with and the nutrients that go with it are specially designed for growing cannabis by the Dutch.
Brother, is your friend. Do your research before germinating mate. Why not start off with soil that already has nutes in it, like fox farm ocean forrest? Coco requires a little more skill and IMO isn't for the beginner.

I'm okay with the germination part dude, I've got some germing as we speak lol But I've known people and friends go straight for coco and not soil even on there first grow and they have had terrific results with it (coco)
I'm okay with the germination part dude, I've got some germing as we speak lol But I've known people and friends go straight for coco and not soil even on there first grow and they have had terrific results with it (coco)
That is not what I meant.

Hmmmm I'm sure you can't get fox farm ocean forest in the uk, I've looked it up everywhere, I've also done loads and loads off researching about using coco I've literally printed out loads off stuff about it and how it works and what not (I know what your thinking the sad fuck lol) I've printed out there grow chart to, Per 2 litre, All in serious though I've been researching coco for the last 2-3 months what's needed what isn't needed, Appartly it's the best soil to grow cannabis with and the nutrients that go with it are specially designed for growing cannabis by the Dutch.
You have done research for 2-3 months but your asking the most basic of questions....... Alright go with your gut brother. I shouldn't have said start off. I meant do a few grows with soil, coco requires a little more skill. Not saying you cannot, you just may learn some of the basics better with soil. Grow how you want man, either way.
No idea, I have never grown in coco.To much mucking about with having to PH and PPM and all that jazz. Plain water is bad in coco though so always use at least a small amount of nutes. But yes, they are to young for nutes.

So have you always been a soil grower? Has you never even been tempted to switch to coco?
So have you always been a soil grower? Has you never even been tempted to switch to coco?
I have only started growing again. On run two with soil. I grew years ago, but sucked at it, always messed shit up by being impatient. I still mess shit up. I def cannot do coco, my skill is not on par to deal with coco hands down. It is just added maintenance that I do not want to deal with. I also grow autos for the same reason, and I don't have the space for full photo period plants. My theory is, if I can master autos, than I can transition in photo periods maybe 1 big photo period plant that would yield the same or more as 4 autos.
That is not what I meant.

You have done research for 2-3 months but your asking the most basic of questions....... Alright go with your gut brother.

Yeah I have done a lot off research trust me on that one dude I've even got a pen and paper out to jot things down , But it's just good to get some other people's opinions on growing in coco, I'm in the U.K I can't exactly ask my dealer who I knows that grows, Hey what medium do you grow in and if its coco is it any good?
Yeah I have done a lot off research trust me on that one dude I've even got a pen and paper out to jot things down , But it's just good to get some other people's opinions on growing in coco, I'm in the U.K I can't exactly ask my dealer who I knows that grows, Hey what medium do you grow in and if its coco is it any good?
I have only started growing again. On run two with soil. I grew years ago, but sucked at it, always messed shit up by being impatient. I still mess shit up. I def cannot do coco, my skill is not on par to deal with coco hands down. It is just added maintenance that I do not want to deal with, and don't have the skill to deal with. I also grow autos for the same reason, and I don't have the space for full photo period plants. My theory is, if I can master autos, than I can transition in photo periods maybe 1 big photo period plant that would yield the same or more as 4 autos.
I have only started growing again. On run two with soil. I grew years ago, but sucked at it, always messed shit up by being impatient. I still mess shit up. I def cannot do coco, my skill is not on par to deal with coco hands down. It is just added maintenance that I do not want to deal with. I also grow autos for the same reason, and I don't have the space for full photo period plants. My theory is, if I can master autos, than I can transition in photo periods maybe 1 big photo period plant that would yield the same or more as 4 autos.

Ahhh I see at least you are making a good go off it again, I started growing in 2011 until 2013 then we had to move house and there wasn't space in the new house, So then I moved to my house I'm in now in October 2017 and there's loads off room lol good luck with your autos buddy, I plan to grow them one day I've heard they can grow and flower on 6 hours off light.
Ahhh I see at least you are making a good go off it again, I started growing in 2011 until 2013 then we had to move house and there wasn't space in the new house, So then I moved to my house I'm in now in October 2017 and there's loads off room lol good luck with your autos buddy, I plan to grow them one day I've heard they can grow and flower on 6 hours off light.
I guess they can, but not sure why anyone would give them 6hrs. Your yield would be dog shit at that point. My yield isn't exactly amazing either with 18hrs of light lol. I am slowly learning more. All I can do is learn and move forward. You can check out my latest grow. I had a scare yesterday but they bounced back nicely, I got lucky.
I guess they can, but not sure why anyone would give them 6hrs. Your yield would be dog shit at that point. My yield isn't exactly amazing either with 18hrs of light lol. I am slowly learning more. All I can do is learn and move forward. You can check out my latest grow. I had a scare yesterday but they bounced back nicely, I got lucky.

Yeah man ill check out your grow are these autos to or photos? That's it mate you hit the nail on the head you learn as you go I've got 1 uncle in his early 60s and you should see some off his methods they are out off this world he can grow some lovely weed, Hes a propper novice when it comes to growing he's lived in the same house since his late 20s and he started growing in the mid to late 80s, Anyway out off each crop he's took down he's put a little bud away with the dates and that on the nip bag, Its insane lol He showed me the quality off bud in the 80s its madness compared to what it is now I think he said in the 80s the highest thc strain he grew was 11% I think then it started going up in the 90s and then the 00's, Hes a wealth off info hes taught me loads off things.

Thing is with autos you can put them on 12 hours light 18 hours light even 24 hours light and they would still flower but the only advantage off them is they can be ready in as little off 7-8 weeks. You might as well grow Photos and get more yield and enjoyment and save a bit off leccy lol I'm not knocking your autos by the way dude far from it.
Yeah man ill check out your grow are these autos to or photos? That's it mate you hit the nail on the head you learn as you go I've got 1 uncle in his early 60s and you should see some off his methods they are out off this world he can grow some lovely weed, Hes a propper novice when it comes to growing he's lived in the same house since his late 20s and he started growing in the mid to late 80s, Anyway out off each crop he's took down he's put a little bud away with the dates and that on the nip bag, Its insane lol He showed me the quality off bud in the 80s its madness compared to what it is now I think he said in the 80s the highest thc strain he grew was 11% I think then it started going up in the 90s and then the 00's, Hes a wealth off info hes taught me loads off things.

Thing is with autos you can put them on 12 hours light 18 hours light even 24 hours light and they would still flower but the only advantage off them is they can be ready in as little off 7-8 weeks. You might as well grow Photos and get more yield and enjoyment and save a bit off leccy lol I'm not knocking your autos by the way dude far from it.
The ones in my grow are autos. Ya I could flower earlier I guess with photos but than whats the point? If I do a photo period plant I want to veg for at least 4 weeks than flip. If I flower right from seed they wont get much bigger than a full auto. It is space that is my main concern with photos, not necessarily the time they take.
The ones in my grow are autos. Ya I could flower earlier I guess with photos but than whats the point? If I do a photo period plant I want to veg for at least 4 weeks than flip. If flower right from seed they wont get much bigger than a full auto. It is space that is my main concern with photos, not necessarily the time they take.

OOOOOHHHH MANNNN, You hit the nail on the head with space and growing photos to, I've been told to veg for 3 week top once then flip then veg for 4 - 5 week then top again then a week to recover from topping, Then there's the stretching part off things years ago back in 2011 me and my mate had 4 plants into the same size tent I have now we done a 5 week veg flipped to 12/12 then honestly by weeks 5 off flower the buds where touching the top off the tent, We had ro chop them down early the buds that where over grown, then we just let the rest off the plants finish off.
OOOOOHHHH MANNNN, You hit the nail on the head with space and growing photos to, I've been told to veg for 3 week top once then flip then veg for 4 - 5 week then top again then a week to recover from topping, Then there's the stretching part off things years ago back in 2011 me and my mate had 4 plants into the same size tent I have now we done a 5 week veg flipped to 12/12 then honestly by weeks 5 off flower the buds where touching the top off the tent, We had ro chop them down early the buds that where over grown, then we just let the rest off the plants finish off.

If I can grow 1 photo plant and yield the same or more as 4 autos I would be happy with that. That is only one plant to deal with instead of 4. I may try it in the new year.
If I can grow 1 photo plant and yield the same or more as 4 autos I would be happy with that. That is only one plant to deal with instead of 4. I may try it in the new year.

You should do buddy, go for a indica based plant that's if you like indicas, They that get really bushy and top it a few times here and there and you should have one big bushy plant in your tent to look after instead off 4.