you learn morals, as well as many other things, from watching how the people around you respond to things. if your parents are racist, you have a much higher probability of becoming one yourself.
if you parents aren't racist, and have multicultural friends, that's whats normal to you.
if your parents aren't religious, and don't go to church, then chances are you aren't, and don't.
people have a negative reaction to some things, so those things eventually become "immoral"....they disturb society in general, and aren't acceptable in polite company.
a long time ago, everyone wandered around pretty much nude. then once people started staying in one place for a while, they had time to make clothes, and time to make them not only serviceable, but attractive. more people started wearing them, and people got used to it. now the nude person is not acceptable in public. no one is surprised at the equipment, we've all seen it before, but it's still somehow shocking...
"morals" aren't inborn, they aren't magic, they're the result of the attitudes of the people we live among, and our own life experiences.

It's possible what you say, however I disagree with you entirely that that's the only way morals are adopted, think about it for a moment mr. Shrubber; I don't want to get into that kind of a topic here past this point, alien Tech is interesting to me, and I certainly consider ai to be, or could be considered alien Tech as well.

That thing in the picture that I posted above was alien Tech, but it may also have been ai ? (I don't believe they're mutually exclusive)
what about the people who have already died? as far as i know, none of them have successfully made it back to tell the rest of us whats there.
i get your parallel between your scenario and christianity, just don't understand where you're going with it.
there either is a Creator, or there isn't. i tend to lean toward there being a creator, but i don't think he's nearly as interested in us as many of us would like to believe.
if we're an experiment, he can't intervene in our daily lives, or the experiment is ruined.
if we aren't an experiment, then we were created for some purpose, but for all we know, our purpose might be the equivalent of goldfish in a tank, just something to entertain our maker in idle moments.
if we're the result of a galactic accident, then i guess we'll all just sleep for a long long time.........

Many thousands of people have died and been brought back Mr shrubber, perhaps even some you're acquainted with?

you will likely never hear me speak of any particular faith and or theological belief, what I've described could be in line with many schools of discipline

where I'm going with my scenario is that this whole thing could be some variation of what I've described above, in short, a Matrix
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AI is one of the things that scare me. why wouldn't a vastly superior mind try to guide our development, at the very least? what would it take to convince a powerful AI that we're a problem, that the world would be in harmony if we were removed from the equation?
and why do we need it? computers can do what we ask of them now, without a personality (why should a machine have a personality when most of the people using one don't?) .
AI isn't needed. it's a toy that can turn around and kill the entire race if not handled properly, and people NEVER handle things properly
All powerful AI isn't a threat. If you want to be afraid, be afraid of what unscrupulous humans will do with AI that's a 'little bit' smart.

That thought keeps me awake at night because it isn't a sci-fi scenario anymore.
Many thousands of people have died and been brought back Mr shrubber, perhaps even some you're acquainted with?

you will likely never hear me speak of any particular faith and or theological belief, what I've described could be in line with many schools of discipline

where I'm going with my scenario is that this whole thing could be some variation of what I've described above, in short, a Matrix
Maybe what they've experienced is just our wetware rebooting?

There's no evidence to the contrary.
What about AI (when does it become its own entity)?

Can AI ever become or be considered alive?

Will human race eventually have to reconsider what we now consider 'life' ?
Yuval Noah Harari touches on this concept in one of his books, either Homo Sapiens or Homo Dues (think the latter book but highly recommend both), where he states that by our own definition of "God" and "life" (loosely) once we have created AI we will essentially have created a new form of life and thus become gods ourselves.

Further, with the ability of some humans to eventually "upgrade" previously immutable characteristics (such as intelligence, physical attributes etc) we may end up with some humans becoming, well almost Gods among the rest of us "normal" humans.

Interesting reads regardless!
Yuval Noah Harari touches on this concept in one of his books, either Homo Sapiens or Homo Dues (think the latter book but highly recommend both), where he states that by our own definition of "God" and "life" (loosely) once we have created AI we will essentially have created a new form of life and thus become gods ourselves.

Further, with the ability of some humans to eventually "upgrade" previously immutable characteristics (such as intelligence, physical attributes etc) we may end up with some humans becoming, well almost Gods among the rest of us "normal" humans.

Interesting reads regardless!
become gods ourselves....what disappointing deities we would be....
Yuval Noah Harari touches on this concept in one of his books, either Homo Sapiens or Homo Dues (think the latter book but highly recommend both), where he states that by our own definition of "God" and "life" (loosely) once we have created AI we will essentially have created a new form of life and thus become gods ourselves.

Further, with the ability of some humans to eventually "upgrade" previously immutable characteristics (such as intelligence, physical attributes etc) we may end up with some humans becoming, well almost Gods among the rest of us "normal" humans.

Interesting reads regardless!

Thanks for the input. That's what another guy tried to tell me too! LOL!

" the day ye eat thereof, then your eyes shall be opened, and ye shall be as gods"

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Maybe what they've experienced is just our wetware rebooting?

There's no evidence to the contrary.

Lol.. There's no evidence either way because it's death.

However and as I said above you can ask some people who have experienced what they call NDE (but there's nothing near about it, you're dead or you're not) and we can accept what returnees say or not

And while life, and even death could be considered a technology I suppose (consider Lazarus in the Judeo-Christian Bible), this is a thread about nuts and bolts tech, or maybe I'm mistaken, haven't read it all but I'm going to consider it thusly going forward
i don't think people who have "died and come back" are a reliable source of can say they "died" all you want, but if they were dead, they'd still be dead.
as miracle max says, there's a big difference between all dead and mostly dead......
and until you find someone whose been dead for a few days then rises again to tell us what he's seen, the accounts of "mostly dead" people are the same as them telling me what they dreamed last night, possibly entertaining, but proof of absolutely nothing
i don't think people who have "died and come back" are a reliable source of can say they "died" all you want, but if they were dead, they'd still be dead.
as miracle max says, there's a big difference between all dead and mostly dead......
and until you find someone whose been dead for a few days then rises again to tell us what he's seen, the accounts of "mostly dead" people are the same as them telling me what they dreamed last night, possibly entertaining, but proof of absolutely nothing

I disagree. Dead is dead. Some people have been dead a half an hour or longer, they're dead not by my definition but by the world's definition (and does it really matter whether you're dead 1 minute or 1 hour?)
No 'alien' spacecraft has ever crashed, as it's not possible for them to crash, although many have been specifically sent in with the appearance of having crashed at certain times, and to certain governments

i don't think people who have "died and come back" are a reliable source of information....

If you can find others to ask we'll go that route LOL! I don't think that's going to work out, I think we're stuck with nde folk?!

Life is electricity in water.
(As above so below)

Life as a technology!? ..that's kind of pushing the envelope Mr shrubber, but then again there is the Lazarus example?!
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I disagree. Dead is dead. Some people have been dead a half an hour or longer, they're dead not by my definition but by the world's definition (and does it really matter whether you're dead 1 minute or 1 hour?)
yeah, it matters, after 5 minutes you start to experience irreversible brain damage, after 10 minutes, it starts to do major damage, not just to the cognitive part of the brain, but the autonomic functions as anyone whose "dead" for more than ten minutes is coming back to impaired functions, whether they're apparent or not
you ever done whippits? all the accounts i've heard of "the afterlife" sounds like someone doing whippits to experiencing oxygen deprivation without quite passing out....i hope "heaven" is more than whippits....
you ever done whippits? all the accounts i've heard of "the afterlife" sounds like someone doing whippits to experiencing oxygen deprivation without quite passing out....i hope "heaven" is more than whippits....

Not since my last Grateful Dead concert. Nothing like it. The gas sounds like a whole bunch of bees on each side of your head, and then you either pass out if you're not careful, one guy died at the last GD concert from a balloon!

Nde is totally different, some people are in white lights (earlier in this tread I mentioned *light as a solid), everything's more acute, more colorful more everything; often there are beings there we may or may not know, some people describe what we commonly call angels, or messengers. But that's if you get the good ride, I suppose, I know people who didn't, they've described a completely different journey and it wasn't pleasant


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it sounds like tunnel vision and know i'm a skeptical person...i guess this is one of those things i'd have to experience to believe in.

I don't think the dead woman smushed in that car crash going up in that light is having a hallucination!?

Point of that pic is that it is a picture, it's not a hallucination, it's a thing in a picture, and it's been examined as untouched, and I'm saying it's a type of Technology for the purpose of this thread. I don't think it's fake, it could be but I'm saying that the white light tunnel is a real thing, a real technology

Whats that famous picture from the 40s that boxer in the light beam let me see if I can find that

.. couldn't find it thought I had it saved it was Madison Square Garden back in the 40s or 50s black and white picture pretty much the same as the accident picture above, boxer died in the ring, a similar White Light Beam is visible in the picture coming in the skylights Illuminating him specifically in the ring as he lay dead, I'm sure I have it saved somewhere I'll find it going forward
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it just seems like a load of horseshit to me. i don't buy it, and i'm pretty sure you're never going to find a piece of evidence that will convince me.
honestly, it doesn't matter much to me if you're 100% accurate or not. if that is a persons soul escaping their body and going "somewhere" you have any idea where it's going? no, and neither would i, if that's what that was.
it's a trick of lighting, it's a reflection, its a smudge on a's a coincidence. it's proof of nothing at all. it's desperate people grasping at straws to quiet the fear they feel.....
i don't feel that fear. i'm not in any hurry to die, but whatever is there, is there, and i'll find out when i get there. if it's nothing, then i finally get to catch up on some rest. if it's "something"....i'll deal with it when i'm there and can see wtf it is i'm dealing with. wasting time here wondering about it is.....wasting time here, wondering about it