I wonder how Peaks Skunk compares to the old road kill skunk? I am guessing Peaks leans more sativa which is fine by me.
The sweet skunk definitely has no skunk smell associated with. It does have more of a fruty sent like the c99, but with more of a pine tang on the backend.
--- Peak's Sweet Skunk is not related to the classic Skunk, at least not directly. According to Mike, it started with an Island Sweet Skunk, then inbred with the help of an original Skunk #1:
Mike (200

: love the Skunk! (Sk#1) it is very potent, but a clean high. Not a stinky skunk, it's sweet. We purchased this many years ago from the pioneers of the industry. Cheers!
Mike: We changed the name of our Skunk to Sweet Skunk to be more accurate. The
original female was an Island Sweet Skunk.
MikeJ acquired a Skunk strain around 2002
from BCSC. He used the strongest male to begin inbreeding with. He specifically said inbreeding, so because the mom is ISS, I'm lead to believe his creation of SS was a process.
I did ask MikeJ about the origins of his Skunk line a couple of years ago. I was told, that was ISS (BCSC) x
Skunk #1 of a very famous European Seedbank, probably Sensi Seeds.
--- In turn, "Island Sweet Skunk" is just the name Federation Seed Co. gave the line when they knocked off Breeder Steve's Sweet Skunk. So ISS = Sweet Skunk. A post by Breeder Steve reflects this:
Breeder Steve: Take for instance some of Marc Emery's employees working for shit wages and growing some good grass in their basement thanks to clones from me they finally could actually get high from what they grew. These desperate boys are calling themselves Federation Seed Co. Let me set the record straight: Cotton Candy = Sweet Tooth,
Island Sweet Skunk = Sweet Skunk, Mikado = Sweet Pink Grapefruit. These are popular clones I've named and let loose. They claim to have developed them "over the years". Flash-in-the-pan seed company might have been a more appropriate name; they've already crumbled due to a combination of incompetence and shame. Just having my clones does not mean they know how to produce accurate seeds of them when they attempt to reproduce them "over the years" I had long ago told Marc when he asked, that I was not interested in doing knockoffs of others' work, in name or substance.
--- Now let's see what the background of this Sweet Skunk by Breeder Steve is:
Sweet Skunk is a Haze no doubt about it, slight whiff of the bud or the smoke is a dead giveaway, let alone vigor, structure, habits, and flower time. Breeder Steve has the claim of sprouting the seed circa 98. There were two Haze specimens in a test batch of Sweet Pink Grapefruit x Big Skunk. In the same room was a male NL x Haze who didn't do much or got taken out. From that seed batch the #2 SS cut is what has survived to be called Breeder Steve's Sweet Skunk. She made rounds in BC on the commercial circuit. The guys from Fed crossed her to some Skunk genetics and they backcrossed to the #2 till they hit F7/8/9 or something. Steve discovered it but claims to have been jacked by the Federation team, they split and now both companies, Federation & NGSC, have a version. That's the loose version of the story. Steve never released a version, but no one has challenged his claim to its origin. I know it because I believe both SS and ISS are related and great varieties I had a particular interest I at one time. SPG was said to be a clone found in a tray of clones brought north by a vet (Romulan Joe, OSG's buddy), also the Romulan was said to have come from the same gentleman. I am not sure about the BBOB1, when you smoke the SS and feel and smell the haze in her, Breeder Steve's story takes on credibility about the SS. I have had different version of ISS in Vancouver in the day that did have a lot more skunk quality to them. Perhaps they could have been from a separate yet similar gene pool.
--- So assuming British Columbia Seed Company got the "Island Sweet Skunk" from Federation, it looks like
Peakseeds' Sweet Skunk is Sweet Pink Grapefruit x Big Skunk x NLHaze x White Widow x Skunk #1