What did you accomplish today?

I smoked weed legally today for the first time.

Legally as in your state is legal...or you got a Dr ok and have a script ?
FYI...if you have an LTC ...and you get a "weed license"....your LTC won't get renewed because it's not accepted Federally to smoke pot !!
Better stash your guns...
My dumb, lying, cunt of a mother strikes again. She made plans to come here 3 days ago to drop off some of her crap and talk. I texted her first thing this morning to see if she was still coming. Took an hour to get back to me with a "yes". Then multiple texts of " another half hour" or "I'll be there soon" over the next 3 hours. Then I get "I'm not coming, I'm tired". WTF!!!!!? I have shit to do, I can't be waiting around for you're stupid lying ass all day. Because of that, I had to go out shopping in torrential rain, instead of earlier before it hit like I was planning, and then came home to my sump pump alarm going off because it tripped the circuit and my basement starting to flood. I should've fucking been here if it wasn't for her lies. She's a fucking useless waste of oxygen. I'm not at all religious and I've literally prayed every night for weeks she has a massive heart attack, or I do.
Congratulations !!
Now the rest of the world should wake up and face reality...
As long as booze is legal to consume--all the hippocrates can bite me !!