Smoking leaves / drying leaves

Actually, I'm looking for a smokeless way to use. I have COPD and shouldn't smoke.

Can that be used in edibles?
sure, just have to decarb it, just like weed you're going to make edibles out of. if you plan to make edibles, i'd just skip the whole pressing part, decarb the kief, then stir it into butter, or coconut oil, or w/e you intend to use.
i like to use it for tinctures, you don't get any of that nasty green taste, and butter tastes better, too
Thanks, I'll take a look.

OK, Been there. I've already seen it. It's on my list of possibilities.

My though is that one should feel good and not just OK. Enjoying the taking of if, I believe, is part of the process. I think I might rather eat a cookie than take a capsule.
Just an option. I don't enjoy the taste of edibles.Not sure on what you mean about "good" and "OK". Its easy to over step dosage on edibles and end up in the scarily uncomfortable zone.
"good" and "OK"
OK would be neutral point. You don't hurt but you don't feel like walking out to the barn to gather the eggs. If you feel good you might not only gather the eggs but put a little straw in the nest, check the feed and water, and whatever. I am not talking about getting wasted.

I take enough pills and don't want any more.
ahh Ok. last edible I had I couldn't move or speak for about 3 hrs. Never had an edible that didn't get me wasted, like mega wasted. Capsules are good cause you can control the dosage very accurately, you can get smashed for hrs and hrs but not in that uncomfortable zone.
I normally just smoke or dab but I made the capsules for an elderly cancer patient.
My first smoke was from a pipe I bought at the drug store. I smoked a full bowel and told my Weeds, my wife, that it wasn't doing anything. I smoked another bowel. That was right at 50 years ago. Ever since that it has been one hit from a new bag, half a cookie, or a minimum of whatever. That's how I establish my dosage.

I don't like to be extremely hi, just a little buzz. I think that after all this time I can manage my edibles. It's not like I haven't had them. And, I was very serious about not taking any more pills.
I've fairly well decided my course. I am going to make dry ice hash and use it for cookies. The math for (roughly) calculating the THC is here someplace and I have a favorite "Heart Healthy Cookie" receipt that was orientally put out by some university. I took out all their sugar and some other unhealthy things and added natural seeds, nuts, and other things. They are more like a granola bar. Not everything in then is awesomely healthy, but NOTHING unhealthy, Not even sugar. Sugar is replaced with agave or honey.

Trouble is, everyone here likes those cookies so they will have to be kept locked up. It would make one hell of a party, though, just to set a tray of them out when everyone is here LOL. (Not going to happen.)
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I've fairly well decided my course. I am going to make dry ice hash and use it for cookies. The math for (roughly) calculating the THC is here someplace and I have a favorite "Heart Healthy Cookie" receipt that was orientally put out by some university. I took out all their sugar and some other unhealthy things and added natural seeds, nuts, and other things. They are more like a granola bar. Not everything in then is awesomely healthy, but NOTHING unhealthy, Not even sugar. Sugar is replaced with agave or honey.

Trouble is, everyone here likes those cookies so they will have to be kept locked up. It would make one hell of a party, though, just to set a tray of them out when everyone is here LOL. (Not going to happen.)
honestly, if you plan to make something that contains a fat, don't bother to make the hash. i put half a pound of unsalted butter in my crock pot, pour my trim in it till its just below full, then add water, put the lid on. set it on high, and let it go till its boiled for a couple of hours. then i'll put it on simmer and leave it for at least 4 more hours, or overnight, depending on when i pass out 8).
strain it into a container the next morning, squeeze it out good, put it in the fridge till the butter solidifies on top of the water, and use that to make cookies, candy, fudge.....
the boiling and long simmer takes care of the decarbing perfectly.
this is a personal weirdness kind of thing, but to me the butter has a broccoli taste to it. i like to use it on mashed potatoes.....know it's not your usual edible, but it works, and tastes good.
pour my trim
OK. I don't really have any trim left. What I do have I would rather not use it in my first batch. All I have is bud with sugar leafs. Didn't bother to take off the leafs because it was almost all going hash. Maybe butter now. I don't use butter. I use coconut oil, or some other more healthy oil than butter. Also, less oil because of my homemade peanut butter.

The receipt makes 5 doz 2+". That should be an easy calculation, but how would I know how much is in the butter?

BTW, @Lucky Luke mentioned getting a little (or more) too wasted. That reminds me of the guy that grew the first weed I had. He put a full OZ in one banana nut bread and ate half of it, got scared and called his girlfriend. She came over and ate the other half. That was told to me to be true.
I make my canna oil with coconut oil. I don't bake or cook with cannabis. Make capsules. (To each their own).

Me, I do an oven decarb, 250f 30 min.

Then into the Crock-Pot with the coconut oil, and water, simmer for a few days. Either let cool and take the solidified oil off the top our use a turkey baster to suck the liquid oil off the water.

Not too nasty of a flavor this way, if one were to eat it.

Today is a joint rolling day... Brown ones are 1:1 CBD/THC Med Gnom1. White ones are a Cheese. Came up with double length tips, so the doesage is right for me in a joint, plus I have something to hold on to with my fat fingers, and don't torch my face.
It looks very cool, I think that cannabis is the best way to relax. Guys and what to do with a bad back? Will CBD oil help get rid of the pain, I just have never experienced back pain before and so nothing bothered me. Tell me where to buy cbd oil online good quality?
It looks very cool, I think that cannabis is the best way to relax. Guys and what to do with a bad back? Will CBD oil help get rid of the pain, I just have never experienced back pain before and so nothing bothered me. Tell me where to buy cbd oil online good quality?
I don't think CBD will do much, at least by itself. THC certainly helps mask pain.
My first smoke was from a pipe I bought at the drug store. I smoked a full bowel and told my Weeds, my wife, that it wasn't doing anything. I smoked another bowel. That was right at 50 years ago. Ever since that it has been one hit from a new bag, half a cookie, or a minimum of whatever. That's how I establish my dosage.

I don't like to be extremely hi, just a little buzz. I think that after all this time I can manage my edibles. It's not like I haven't had them. And, I was very serious about not taking any more pills.

Damn bruh you smoking bowels huh? :P