Those Damned Intolerant Liberals


Well-Known Member
I thought all the libs were preaching uncle creepy Joe Biden would be running. Anyone ever see the reels of footage showing him fondling underage girls at the WH, the jackass parents are all smiles in front of the camera as their child is sacrificial lamb o_O
WTF? Why would you complain about his fondlings? He fits right the fuck in! :blsmoke:


Oh, thanks.

I forgot to add naive to my list of descriptive adjectives describing it. Feel free, naive sock, to add more..
Ouch, still slinging sock insults, cool bro. I don't even know WTF you're talking about me being a sock. If by sock you mean objective than sure mo fo.

Stop drinking outta the same watering hole as your dog & maybe we could get somewhere.

Peace! bongsmilie


Texas might be going blue very soon

You seem like a Scott Wiener kinda guy? You prolly voted for that sick mental fuck cause he's "blue". Decriminalize spreading the HIV to people. You think States will remain blue with those type of bills getting passed, yikes!


Well-Known Member
You seem like a Scott Wiener kinda guy? You prolly voted for that sick mental fuck cause he's "blue". Decriminalize spreading the HIV to people. You think States will remain blue with those type of bills getting passed, yikes!
who do you think will be indicted next?


WTF? Why would you complain about his fondlings? He fits right the fuck in! :blsmoke:
:bigjoint: why wouldn't I, observating the political zoo bud. I heard recently people preaching creepy Biden 2020. Welcome back to the political cesspool.

Watching any of the compilations of this dude is uncomfortable.



Well-Known Member
:bigjoint: why wouldn't I, observating the political zoo bud. I heard recently people preaching creepy Biden 2020. Welcome back to the political cesspool.

Watching any of the compilations of this dude is uncomfortable.

which sock puppet o you plan to use for jim jordan?