Those Damned Intolerant Liberals

You're claiming Nazi's still exist

So do Nazis still exist, or did violence defeat them?
The KKK, the alt.right, Fascists and neo-Nazis exist.

You keep talking as if free hugs or something like that will defeat these guys and so I just went to the extreme and asked when did pacifism ever defeat Nazis. Perhaps we can go forward if you can at least acknowledge that the hard boiled extremist Hitler-Nazi regime was defeated by violence and pacifism would not have done so. You must know that Hitler would have just had peace marchers mowed down or otherwise killed.

don't you?

We have to start somewhere.
Violence attributed by the US and allies during WW2 was a result of exhausted diplomacy. It's a giant mistake to say WW2 was solved by violence. How much violence was committed in WW1? Not enough, if you go by that logic. The US Civil War? Not enough.. Violence does not solve conflicts, it simply perpetuates the conflict so the next few generations will have to figure it out.

The only thing that actually solves conflict is reason.

Hitler wasn't reasonable.

And neither are you much of the time.
The KKK, the alt.right, Fascists and neo-Nazis exist.

You keep talking as if free hugs or something like that will defeat these guys and so I just went to the extreme and asked when did pacifism ever defeat Nazis. Perhaps we can go forward if you can at least acknowledge that the hard boiled extremist Hitler-Nazi regime was defeated by violence and pacifism would not have done so. You must know that Hitler would have just had peace marchers mowed down or otherwise killed.

don't you?

We have to start somewhere.
Through passivism, the 3rd Reich wouldn't have existed

There would have been no need for you to obfuscate responsibility to those who hold no hate to those like you who do
Violence attributed by the US and allies during WW2 was a result of exhausted diplomacy. It's a giant mistake to say WW2 was solved by violence. How much violence was committed in WW1? Not enough, if you go by that logic. The US Civil War? Not enough.. Violence does not solve conflicts, it simply perpetuates the conflict so the next few generations will have to figure it out.

The only thing that actually solves conflict is reason.

Hitler was an aggressor the entire time. The historical record -- Nazi documents, Hitler's own writings, the economics of his military build-up -- all tell us that Hitler planned the invasion and conquest of Europe. The only action that would have stalled his plans would have been military intervention when he invaded the border lands between Poland and Germany.

Haven't you read anything on this subject?
Hug a Nazi for pada, if we had just stormed the beaches with care bears and my little ponies, we wouldn't even be talking about Nazism today. Wrong, what questions pada fails to address is, how many lives were saved by defeating the Reich? If hitler wasnt stopped where would his quest for world domination have ended? Would a free world still exist?
Hug a Nazi for pada, if we had just stormed the beaches with care bears and my little ponies, we wouldn't even be talking about Nazism today. Wrong, what questions pada fails to address is, how many lives were saved by defeating the Reich? If hitler wasnt stopped where would his quest for world domination have ended? Would a free world still exist?
This is utterly without any semblance of logic or sense.

Par for the course for you.
False choice.
My question is pertinent to our debate regarding your position that we must give Valentine cards, kiss and have sex with facists in order to melt their hearts and end all racism and other violent behaviors of fascists.

A core concept in fascism is the strong should rule over the weak. Also a glorification of violence. Other aspects are "dictatorial power, forcible suppression of opposition and control of industry and commerce" (Wikipedia). Pugnacious nationalism too. Is this something that can be defeated by passive resistance?

Rather than ask a hypothetical, to which anybody can just say whatever they like without proof, as pad just did, I ask for any example where fascism was defeated by passive resistance. I don't know of any examples. Do you?