Well-Known Member
Tell that to Georgia power, trying to get their nuclear project shut down because it's billions over budget and decades behind schedule.
Time to do your own homework instead of letting industry lobbyists tell you what to think.
There's a good reason for that: the design was changed several times.
Originally, it was supposed to be a standard power plant much like the other nuclear plants designed and built in the 60's. Then it went to an upgraded design that was a bit more efficient. Then there was a complete halt at the federal level of all nuclear plant construction. By the time that was undone years later, they had to go back and redo a great deal of work that sat out in the weather rusting the entire time.
Then by the time they got that back up to speed, there was another moratorium handed down by the Federal Government. By the time that expired, they decided to upgrade the plants to a molten salt reactor.
The problem isn't the construction. The problem is all the politics with it's on again off again on again battles primarily caused by big coal and big oil. They don't want nuclear power plants coming in and making them obsolete. They want nuclear on the sidelines until they sell every single pound of coal and gas they have no matter what the costs are to the environment or humanity.