Those Damned Intolerant Liberals

You cult members love to take things out of context so I have no comment unless I saw and heard what took place before this moment.
Then wade through the entire 8 hr. sideshow of the congressional inquiry.
Is that too hard for you to find? Try HERE .
I just thought it apropos that he'd adopt the smarm of a 4th grade girl during public inquiry and the "girl" in the situation (Lisa Page) is reportedly working quite well w/ congressional inquiry behind closed doors.

Then wade through the entire 8 hr. sideshow of the congressional inquiry.
Is that too hard for you to find? Try HERE .
I just thought it apropos that he'd adopt the smarm of a 4th grade girl during public inquiry and the "girl" in the situation (Lisa Page) is reportedly working quite well w/ congressional inquiry behind closed doors.

i saw was great..what was he thinking looking into lisa pages eyes as he made love to her?

god i wish my wife would do this? (more than likely):wink:

Then wade through the entire 8 hr. sideshow of the congressional inquiry.
Is that too hard for you to find? Try HERE .
I just thought it apropos that he'd adopt the smarm of a 4th grade girl during public inquiry and the "girl" in the situation (Lisa Page) is reportedly working quite well w/ congressional inquiry behind closed doors.


I watched a little of your cult sideshow but it was a little hard to stomach. Looked to me as if the tRUmp stooges running it were more interested in smearing a persons reputation than looking for any answers and they failed miserably and showed what they really are. The Grand Old Putin party needs to put people with more than a double digit IQ in charge of these things so they don't look like the clowns that they are.
Then wade through the entire 8 hr. sideshow of the congressional inquiry.
Is that too hard for you to find? Try HERE .
I just thought it apropos that he'd adopt the smarm of a 4th grade girl during public inquiry and the "girl" in the situation (Lisa Page) is reportedly working quite well w/ congressional inquiry behind closed doors.


12 russians were just indicted for stealing information from americans, working with a republican congressman and a senior official of the trump campaign to weaponize it, and here you are worried about the facial expression of an FBI official.

goddamn, you need shot
lol, you are desperately retweeting human pinky ring don junior.
you are pathetic
Why it's Buckold - the meme-mistress almost-actuary!

Strange how he can't tell the difference between the twitter video he alludes to and an animated gif made from said video (which is a far cry from retweeting).
But things that are crafted are often confusing to those who don't have the skill or mentality to actually create something.
Why it's Buckold - the meme-mistress almost-actuary!

Strange how he can't tell the difference between the twitter video he alludes to and an animated gif made from said video (which is a far cry from retweeting).
But things that are crafted are often confusing to those who don't have the skill or mentality to actually create something.
you posted the exact same gif that human pinky ring don junior tweeted

Why it's Buckold - the meme-mistress almost-actuary!

Strange how he can't tell the difference between the twitter video he alludes to and an animated gif made from said video (which is a far cry from retweeting).
But things that are crafted are often confusing to those who don't have the skill or mentality to actually create something.

LOL, if Hannity,Limbaugh and Jones suddenly went off the air you would stroke out trying to come up with a original thought.
eeeeeeeeeek!!!! i love you're is worth living again!!!!
if you can find a stomp and a face?
I tried (and failed to find one) and replied (created one for you) but it bunged rolli's panties after Buckold went crying to him and is gone now (in about 5 min.).

Isn't it strange how the rules don't seem to apply to certain individuals?
It's almost like RIU was a small but perfectly approximate version of D.C. ;)