Those Damned Intolerant Liberals

It's really quite sad, they watch fox and info wars and the other wack job outlets to get their weekly marching orders then come out parroting it like it's been their belief their whole life, quite pathetic. Wonder what clownish points and conspiracy theories they will have next week, they get more bazaar by the week.
So saying someone might like abuse is name calling ? How I'm I racist, please share an example.
Lie ? I asked how did you get injured. You did not deny what was said about you trying to rob a black couple. So now I asked is it the drugs ?

I already answered all your pointed questions and you still came back at me like a picked on school boy. A struggling loser.

Now you keep trying to confirm what you know are lies because you are out of material.
we already have discussed this, it was concluded that you are way to stupid to comprehend

so your stupidity just comes from you being black? period?

you don't get to 'conclude' anything about me.

face it by the time obama was done, most every black person i know or talk to, didn't think he was effective in his role.

citation: don't drink the water.
It's really quite sad, they watch fox and info wars and the other wack job outlets to get their weekly marching orders then come out parroting it like it's been their belief their whole life, quite pathetic. Wonder what clownish points and conspiracy theories they will have next week, they get more bazaar by the week.

'That's some weird shit'. - President George W. Bush on Trump Inaugural Speech
What your orange savior is peddling is not democracy, burned any nice crosses lately?

How is he my anything? I didn’t vote for him. I don’t support him. I couldn’t even watch his stupid reality show.

And if you parrot any of Bucks lies about me you are as crappy a person here as he is.
We never discussed your injury, only how you were wrong to say you have experience racist profiling due to being white.

I never used the word racist. Only you poor crybabies bring that up.

I said I was profiled as a white man with the ability to pay fines. I never said they were racist.

You have absolutely nothing to contribute after many posts about this.

And I did tell you about my accident and injury. Your memory is bad.
so your stupidity just comes from you being black? period?

you don't get to 'conclude' anything about me.

face it by the time obama was done, most every black person i know or talk to, didn't think he was effective in his role.

citation: don't drink the water.
Are you not the one who claimed to have to pay back a pell grant ? Do you really want to talk about stupid.
Did you apply for "student loan forgiveness" ? What about Obamacare ? Did you apply for a small business grant ? What about the solar program ? or did you not take advantage of any of Obama doings ?
Most black people you know...what 3. What job did they have under Bush. What job under Obama.
Back to the Pell Grant. Tell me again why you had to pay back your Pell grant :dunce:
I never used the word racist. Only you poor crybabies bring that up.

I said I was profiled as a white man with the ability to pay fines. I never said they were racist.

You have absolutely nothing to contribute after many posts about this.

And I did tell you about my accident and injury. Your memory is bad.
OMG so you really are a liar or do we blame it on you being forgetful.
You are dumb and forgetful. It wasn’t me that showed racism. It was the Camden city police.

They profiled young white out of town drug seekers like me and busted us while driving up to the set. But not the dealers. They let them run away. And not the hookers. They just stood there and watched.

The cops, dealers and hookers were all black. Only i was white and only I was busted on that corner.
STOP you are no good at this