Make the Moon great again.


Well-Known Member
Last edited: know that moon landing is fairy tale sci fi BS right? They had to quit "going" way back in 1972 because the hoax would be uncovered if they continued. With the advancements in technology NASA should have live feeds of the earth from the moon. Would have been cool during the eclipse in Aug. but no. The reason they haven't been back is because it's impossible. The Earth is an enclosed system with a firmament.If u let NASA convince you that the earth is one of billions of planets within billions galaxies and your existence is a cosmic accident and not meaningful with purpose. Then the ideas of God and creation become unlikely. The Rothchild's want you to sacrifice your soul at the altar of materialism and become a slave to the dollar.
Only uneducated imbeciles who can't grasp the most basic laws of physics believe in government propaganda. It shows your level of incompetence. Furthermore, you are clearly part of the staff at rollitup to be able to curse and degrade fellow members with impunity.
Only uneducated imbeciles who can't grasp the most basic laws of physics believe in government propaganda. It shows your level of incompetence. Furthermore, you are clearly part of the staff at rollitup to be able to curse and degrade fellow members with impunity.

All governments around the world are in collusion to keep us in ignorance?

And if you really believe it. Why would they?
that been one of my arguments all along. its hard to get any two governments in the world to agree if its midnight or noon....and you're going to get ALL of them to agree to anything? to keep a secret? many of them would reveal any secret to spite their enemies....there's no fucking way they would all be able to keep a secret of this magnitude for more than a matter of minutes.

but, we've all already refuted all the claims made....while he has provided no proof of any of his claims. and yet...he struggles on, trying to enlighten the rest of the world, in the doomed hope that he will finally be shown to be the smart one, while the rest of us are all fools......
Dutch Prime Minister Willem Drees was gifted a moon rock by Neil Armstrong. The rock was analyzed and turned out to be just petrified wood. Moon landings were a hoax. No one will ever go to the moon in your lifetime because it's impossible. The firmament prevents it. Space travel will never happen because there is no outer space. NASA has been caught lying repeatedly. If some dude sold you dried banana peels but told you it was black African ganja would you keep going back to buy more? My illusions of outer space and a infinite universe were destroyed many years ago. I had to adjust and learn on my own the true nature of our realm. They say this is the era of fake news. Well it's not a new phenomenon by any stretch of the imagination.
That’s rediculous. The moon landing was televised around the world. Russia had already been to space by then.
You should watch that video of the guy in that rocket... it's comical (sorry to feed into conspiracy but some things are surely questionable)

For instance... HE3 on the moon, yet none was harvested? Platinum in abundance but they brought back petrified wood?
Live stream of the landing in 19(what year) and we don't have live stream today? c'mon now guys

They might have went to the moon but I have a tough time believe the footage we saw is that.
The moon landings were produced by Stanley Kubrick after he was approached by the CIA. He left clues behind in the movie The Shining. The Apollo 11 moon photos are poor fakery. They look like old B rated sci fi movie rubbish because that's exactly what they are. The test of time has obliterated the Apollo missions. You can watch the Apollo 11 and the crews press conference on Youtube. It's all about body language and how solemn they appeared after the greatest achievement in the history of the world. You can see Buzz Aldrin just staring at the floor LOL.
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