Well-Known Member
My new favorite quote,
"Kremlingate Is Really Just Watergate for Morons—With Russians"
"Kremlingate Is Really Just Watergate for Morons—With Russians"
Yes, anybody who thinks Trump is why North Korea is closing the nuclear test facility or that they are going to give up their nukes is must believe little rocket man is giving up his nukes. that's gullible...
If what you say is true then why virtually no black protestant voters for Trump?its the fake christian, white evangelical republicans who allowed this. no other person in my life could say or do the things trump did and said. evangelicals accepted it, where they have not in the past.
they sold out to the devil and deserve extreme criticism for their hypocrisy... church membership was already on the decline. trump just put more nails in the coffin. stupid motherfuckers cut their own throat..
I was being sarcastic when I said:He deserves no credit. Both North and South Korea along with China and Japan want to keep Trump out of the situation, all recognise the greater danger. When they pass out Nobels peace prizes for those looking to start wars and mass murder millions to act as a distraction, the prize won't be worth much.
Trump is a danger and everybody with a brain is worried, if they don't have a war now he would start one if he was anywhere near there. He still needs a distraction and everybody knows he would kill tens of millions on the Korean peninsula to get one, not the kind of thing they pass out Nobel prizes for.
It was a failed attempt but it was an attempt at humor.Trump did scare Kim to the negotiating table. His calling him Rocket Man showed North Korea that Trump was nobody to be trifled with.
He deserves credit for that.
Is the Trump presidency a religious cult?its the fake christian, white evangelical republicans who allowed this. no other person in my life could say or do the things trump did and said. evangelicals accepted it, where they have not in the past.
they sold out to the devil and deserve extreme criticism for their hypocrisy... church membership was already on the decline. trump just put more nails in the coffin. stupid motherfuckers cut their own throat..
If evangelist and more broadly charismatic churches are why Trump, then why didn't black protestants vote for him? There are plenty of devout socially conservative black churches out there. Trump's racist rhetoric repelled them as much as his racist, misogynist rhetoric attracted white evangelist and southern protestant church goers to vote for him.Is the Trump presidency a religious cult?
Are fundamentalist Christians a dangerous religious cult? Possibly. The controversial author and religious scholar Reza Aslan posits that President Donald Trump has much of his evangelical fan-base believing that he's somehow been anointed by God to become President. Nevermind the Russian election scandal, his affairs with porn stars and unwarranted sexual acts towards women, or his inability to remember even a single Bible verse when asked. Evangelical Christians are abandoning their core moral beliefs to follow, as Reza suggests, someone who exhibits every trademark of a cult leader.
This is also a factor and probably the biggest one.If evangelist and more broadly charismatic churches are why Trump, then why didn't black protestants vote for him? There are plenty of devout socially conservative black churches out there. Trump's racist rhetoric repelled them as much as his racist, misogynist rhetoric attracted white evangelist and southern protestant church goers to vote for him.
Trump was elected by racist and misogynist white people who are gradually losing their entitled position in society. There are plenty of Christians who are appalled by Trump. I'm Atheist but recognize that religion is a tool for organizing people and society. Religion can be put to good or bad use.
Certainly, the teachings of Jesus and the Old Testament don't condone Trump's and the evangelist white racist church's actions.
What's going on right now is due to dynamics in demographics where a large contingent of white racist voters are slowly losing control. Demographic modeling indicates we are in for about 10 years of swings back and forth in our government until a more diverse socially minded population takes control from white, mostly baby boomers and gen x voters.
If evangelist and more broadly charismatic churches are why Trump, then why didn't black protestants vote for him? There are plenty of devout socially conservative black churches out there. Trump's racist rhetoric repelled them as much as his racist, misogynist rhetoric attracted white evangelist and southern protestant church goers to vote for him.
Trump was elected by racist and misogynist white people who are gradually losing their entitled position in society. There are plenty of Christians who are appalled by Trump. I'm Atheist but recognize that religion is a tool for organizing people and society. Religion can be put to good or bad use.
Certainly, the teachings of Jesus and the Old Testament don't condone Trump's and the evangelist white racist church's actions.
What's going on right now is due to dynamics in demographics where a large contingent of white racist voters are slowly losing control. Demographic modeling indicates we are in for about 10 years of swings back and forth in our government until a more diverse socially minded population takes control from white, mostly baby boomers and gen x voters.
Or from the extreme right, who is into identity politics with groups like neo nazis and the alt right, Trump is all about dog whistles and identity politics. Not too many non whites at the Trump rallies.Nothing like identity politics from the left
Racist bullshit and off topic, more identity politics.Why do blacks get treated badly by their own race when they talk properly?. In this country that is.
After you answer that you will understand why blacks did not vote for him in mass even if they like what he says.
Look at what is happening with kanye.
Racist bullshit and off topic, more identity politics.
I know some people who think filipinos are subhuman, I don't agree with that either. I have friends who are filipino, used to work with a few and some were real assholes, most were fine folks, just like everybody else. Judging individuals by their appearance is always a mistake, judging whole groups of humans by such criteria is tragic. There are plenty of black folks that are both better and smarter than you.It is the truth. And it is in my opinion one ofthe things keeping the black race down in America.
That and to much assistance creates a dependence.
I know some people who think filipinos are subhuman, I don't agree with that either. I have friends who are filipino, used to work with a few and some were real assholes, most were fine folks, just like everybody else. Judging individuals by their appearance is always a mistake, judging whole groups of humans by such criteria is tragic. There are plenty of black folks that are both better and smarter than you.
What a shitty stupid postIt is the truth. And it is in my opinion one ofthe things keeping the black race down in America.
That and to much assistance creates a dependence.
Black people in America have a distinctive culture and way of speaking, they were ghettoized for most of American history. Many people in the UK speak with a "lower class" accent and southern whites are often characterised as stupid for the way they speak. You have no real point.Side stepping the issue won't help anyone.
I'm not saying everyone is like that.
Plenty have woken and see it as a issue, but until it gets more attention it wont change at a large enough scale to make a difference.
I know decent blacks as well that don't talk like idiots. I know one fine gentleman in particular that was raised by his grandmother he is an example for other blacks around him. If only they realized it.
We are all prejudice it is human nature it helps you identify situations quickly. But that does not mean wre are all racists.
Racism and fear induced xenophobia are worldwide issues, good people speak and act against it. The only logical end to racism are the gates of a place like Auschwitz, America can't afford this kind of bullshit, nobody can.You want to see real racism go to south America. In the states the only real racism I see is on TV or the internet but I have not been through the whole country just speaking from experience.
I boiled it down to its simplest by calling them for what they are, racist and misogynist white people. The article you posted was written to be read by a wider audience and so it called the Trump voter motivated by "the cultural anxieties of white male voters", I call them racist and misogynist, the article calls them "culturally anxious whites". The article was, I think, being kind to them in order get more people to read it.This is also a factor and probably the biggest one.
Democrats need to stop believing this myth about Trump's base
(CNN)The big myth about the 2016 presidential election was that economic suffering drove most of Donald Trump's "base" directly into his hands in states such as Wisconsin, Pennsylvania, and Michigan. The story goes that while Democrats were tied in knots about identity politics, Trump's attacks on China, free trade and open-ended immigration appealed to struggling workers who believed he could bring back their jobs.
The problem with the narrative is that we keep learning it is not true.
Some Democrats have responded to the widely circulated misconception about why Clinton lost by insisting that the party needs to move away from identity politics -- issues revolving around gender equality and racial justice -- and focus in on economic issues. Instead, Democrats should be basing their 2020 election strategy on what is actually true.
A just-published study in the Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences by the political scientist Diana Mutz found that white, Christian, male voters were attracted to Trump out of fear that their social status keeps dwindling. It was, in fact, Trump who was focused on identity politics, not simply the Democrats.