Neoliberalism has wrecked the planet

Talk to guy with dog drinking out of toilet
Are you in a snit because I wasn't nice when you trolled me?

I already told you. Idealists like you are boring. You have a personalized definition of Anarchism and I'm not interested in learning more about your personal idea of Anarchism and really don't want to talk with you about a hopeless and failed ideology.
Are you in a snit because I wasn't nice when you trolled me?

I already told you. Idealists like you are boring. You have a personalized definition of Anarchism and I'm not interested in learning more about your personal idea of Anarchism and really don't want to talk with you about a hopeless and failed ideology.
He's not even American.
I sense great butthurt from you over what happened in Catalonia in the 1930's. It was terrible. Can I go now?

So that means you feel nothing bad about the past slave trade in the US. Your true self is slowly surfacing.
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So that means you feel nothing bad about the past slave trade in the US. Your true self is slowly surfacing.
Pity him. His lack of critical thinking skills are a serious disability.
Lack of critical thinking is both of u thikning I was trollling at any moment master yoda
Gee guys, one would think I was shilling for the Cult of Sanders from the things you say about me.

I am deeply hurt.
Smearing alternative news sources because they present a different perspective than your chosen propaganda outlet is the mark of a weak mind.

You used to actually think for yourself.

What happened?
Jimmy Dore's show is propaganda that pushes the right wing agenda. Anything from that show is suspect.