If you had a good budget what would your method be for a secure mid size indoor grow?

For 60k you’re going to need a warehouse. There is no way you’re spending 60k on a grown in a residential.

I would pick up a hydro system with 5 gal buckets minimum. 200+ gal reservoir and have at it.
electric company doesn't volunteer information about their customers to the authorities, that would leave them open to endless law suits. they do cooperate if the authorities have a warrant. so don't get noticed and you don't have to worry about

Are you sure about that? Has there not been cases of people being busted from utility use alone?
Pretty sure the utility company will openly tell law enforcement if they even suspect illegal operations.
Are you sure about that? Has there not been cases of people being busted from utility use alone?
not that i'm aware of. there have been cases where people are careless, fall under suspicion, and get their records subpoenaed, but utility companies are like any other company, they can't just share their records, without a warrant, unless they want to be sued.
i just looked it up, the dea can issue a subpoena without a judge, if you're a suspect in an ongoing investigation. most of the cases i looked at, the electric companies didn't willingly comply, they tried to use the customer privacy argument. the court didn't agree.
so, the dea can look at your records if they want, but most electric companies aren't going to rat you out. the key here seems to be, as always, to avoid being noticed.
Are you sure about that? Has there not been cases of people being busted from utility use alone?
There are plenty of everyday things that consume large amounts of electricity, a space heater for example can use 1500/ 2000 watts easily. Pay your bill and you'll be fine it really isn't enough to attract attention.

Keep the smells contained and illegal shit out of the trash barrel though, once that hits the sidewalk it becomes public. You can look up expectation of privacy laws in your state they can differ state to state.
If he goes residential it's all about stealth and can be easily done if you have a garage/safe spot to load/unload new/used soil. Or go hydro and avoid soil all together.

2, 3 or even 4 1000 watt lights is doable down a basement in tents...or without them. But tents safer bet to hide heat and light. You can do two 5 x 10 tents with four 1k's and have one tent running 12 hours and the other tent running the other 12. This way only using 2k 24/7. 8 to 18 plants in each tent depending on how you set up. If no basement available you can use the bedrooms. One 5 x 10 in one room and the other 5 x 10 in another. Just offset the time so it looks like you are running 2k watts 24/7. It costs anywhere from $20 to $40 for running one 1k light per month depending where you live. Then add in heating/cooling costs, fans and other assorted electrical usage and get yourself an estimate.

Run a 4 x 8 with two 600 watts for veg if you go soil and want to transplant. A 3 to 4 bedroom house can handle this fine. Depends on what part of town you live in tho. You live in poor area and you have a $500 electric bill it may raise the flags. You live in a nice middle class and up area and utility company don't care as long as you are able to pay on time every month.

If it's in an area that's hot all year you could see a $500 bill running four 1ks and two 600s and whatever cooling you use. Cold area a little nicer because you can use the tent heat and run it in the house after you filter it.

If he goes commercial you can fit that stuff in a tiny 1000 sq foot warehouse with a ton of room to spare. Just got to be stealthy and have a way in and out that no one can see from outside. All supplies taken out and brought in thru truck/van in private garage.
Hes looking to grow no more than 20 plants and the 60k budget was to include buying the space to do the project (house, building, etc) he was under the impression that LEDs would be my most efficient use (power wise) for grows this size and latest research he did pointed to the black dogs being best option for LEDs at the moment...Majority of the budget would be towards securing a safe space to do this in...only budgeted about 10k for the actual grow

Tbh the guy was pretty vague but now youve cleared that up it sounds even more ridiculous.

You want to spend 50k to hide a few leds? (insert wide eyed wtf did you just say smiley here).

But seriously you have 50k to spunk on stealth, this must be a record here....
todays market LED's can compete with HPS easily. He didn't ask for your negative input. If you don't have anything to offer don't speak its as simple as that.
I would use a bunch of HLG 600's

1.) No.
2.) I had somthing positive to add, now what was it... ahh yes, '50fucking k of stealth just to run a few k of leds... are you taking the piss out of me as a grower? is the op troll posting? Pictures of this 60k or it dosent exist? Stop wet dreaming marijuana ventures that seem just plain dumb all over this forum'.
3.) No again...
You should only be red flagged for energy consumption if your residential property starts drawing average commercial amounts. Then they want to know what residential appliance is drawing that of a small factory. The computer system red flags you automaticalky and its not a warrant they need to inspect its simply a mandatory health and safety inspection which is a legally binding part of the contract you have to sign or agree on before they will allow you to use their supply.

This for most of first world Europe and all of UK, standard energy operating system :-)
1.) No.
2.) I had somthing positive to add, now what was it... ahh yes, '50fucking k of stealth just to run a few k of leds... are you taking the piss out of me as a grower? is the op troll posting? Pictures of this 60k or it dosent exist? Stop wet dreaming marijuana ventures that seem just plain dumb all over this forum'.
3.) No again...
Uh yes they can. It's been proven by multiple people you can grow the same amount if not more bud with half the wattage using LED. Sure this is not the case all the time. But it will be soon enough just wait a few years.
Uh yes they can. It's been proven by multiple people you can grow the same amount if not more bud with half the wattage using LED. Sure this is not the case all the time. But it will be soon enough just wait a few years.

I laugh in the face of future led tech, be real, it hasnt come much futher since the first blurple, seriously open your eyes, youve all funded an exspensive folly.

The future is in the as yet unused grow light charged gasses that are unpracticle atm.

The half wattage led to hps statement is just crazy.
It can be crazy. It's still a fact. You may not like it but that changes nothing.

The mods have me on a post count limit the amount of times i can disagree on somthing before i have to say somthing constructive so changing the subject...

How have you got only a few posts but yet you registered in 2007, second account or maybe long time lurker? Like this place was a lot different then... (insert smiley face constructive nerd face smilwy face here)
If I had $60,000 I would move to a legal state like Cali, buy some land and seed and have at it. :)
But, if you want to stay in an illegal state and grow, simply buy a fixer-upper for say $35,000 down and use the rest for equipment and renovations.
Forget solar, it won't be cost effective, just put a 200 amp service in with adequate wiring to your basement grow area. You will need to get a plumber to install a sink and washer hot/cold water feed.
I run 27 plants in 3 rooms in half of my basement, perpetual, under a combination of LED/HPS totaling 7200 watts.
I been running this present system in a residential neighborhood for around 12 years, with no issues from the power company/neighbors/cops
Every 6 months the power company send me a notice though, comparing me to my neighbors, which tells me that I am using 4 times the average amount (last months bill was $432)
The 1st one I got I almost shit, now I just toss them in the garbage and pay my bill on time.
So, fuck the commercial building, buy a small house and pack the basement.
Oh, one more thing, make sure you can sell all that shit you guys plan on growing, like constantly, or your buddy is going to be fucked.
OK 55-60% wattage then. Lets keep it real

Yer, thanks to you pros the first five pages of google are all bs led claims and jarred wet boveda weed from scrogs that now outyeild sogs...

Round of applause to all those dumbasses who made that so, ya you know how to grow weed... not! :-)