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Well-Known Member
You ignore the obvious and are impossible to reason with. Flat earth flys into the face of everything you were taught and that you thought was the truth. Gravity is just a theory. I think it's fucking far out that pot heads are so close minded. I am guilty of stereotyping because I thought all pot heads were opened minded but brainwashed and indoctrinated with theories? No fucking way. I was wrong. Blows my mind.
Care to explain how those boats in the video disappeared behind flat water and the sails can still be seen.


Well-Known Member
Take retired guerillas use of a sun dial. If earth were flat two sticks in different areas would have equal length shadows. They don't though because of the curvature of the earth. This process was used to accurately estimate the size of earth.

Time zones. Sun shines on one side of the earth and not the other.

One side of earth will be in summer as the other side is in winter.

Ships disappearing o we the horizon.

Nothing based in fact has been presented to make me believe the earth is flat.


Well-Known Member
Take retired guerillas use of a sun dial. If earth were flat two sticks in different areas would have equal length shadows. They don't though because of the curvature of the earth. This process was used to accurately estimate the size of earth.

Time zones. Sun shines on one side of the earth and not the other.

One side of earth will be in summer as the other side is in winter.

Ships disappearing o we the horizon.

Nothing based in fact has been presented to make me believe the earth is flat.
Ever been in a plane?

Did you see a curve?

Me either.

You say nothing based in fact you not believe your own eyes?

Heres a better example:


Well-Known Member
The king James bible talks about other books that are missing. It even asks questions that can only be answered by those books.
Non-canonical books quoted or alluded to: Book of Enoch (Jude 4,6,13,14–15, 2 Peter 2:4; 3:13, John 7:38) Book of Jasher (2 Timothy 3:8, 2 Samuel 1:18, Joshua 10:13) Epistle to the Laodiceans (Colossians 4:16 "read the epistle from Laodicea")


Well-Known Member
Betty and Barney Hill were abducted in the early 60s while driving on a desolate road in New Hampshire. They recounted the painful examinations under hypnosis. Forestry worker Travis Walton. His buddies saw him get zapped by a beam of light. What about cattle mutilations? Surgical precision with technology far more advanced than today's. In the early 1890s a flying machine crashed into the local Judges windmill. The folks of Aurora Texas buried a man in the town cemetary described as being not of this earth. Coincidently Aurora is the name given to the latest and fastest top secret aircraft.


Well-Known Member
Non-canonical books were deemed not relevant to the purpose of the scripture because the message was laid out in the other books of the new testament. Not related to aliens but related to the book. Most blasphemous of the other books was the book of Judas. (iscariot). But who would believe that prick anyway :D

Aliens are actually demons. God lives on the other side of the flat earth and the demons are on this side. A new hypothesis.


Well-Known Member
Take retired guerillas use of a sun dial. If earth were flat two sticks in different areas would have equal length shadows. They don't though because of the curvature of the earth. This process was used to accurately estimate the size of earth.

Time zones. Sun shines on one side of the earth and not the other.

One side of earth will be in summer as the other side is in winter.

Ships disappearing o we the horizon.

Nothing based in fact has been presented to make me believe the earth is flat.

I can usually see where a fantastical theory seems true from “evidence”.

But with the flat earth thing every link and video just keeps proving the truth instead. And all the “provers” are just proven to be kooks.

When did crazy folks making videos become more real than books and known science?


Well-Known Member
Ever been in a plane?

Did you see a curve?

Me either.

You say nothing based in fact you not believe your own eyes?

Heres a better example:
Yes I've been in plane. In fact on the concord before they went out of service they went high enough to see the curvature.

I'm done. Man. Its fact. Plain and simple. The earth is so large that simply using your eyes doesn't work. There are other ways we know from high altitude planes and weather balloons to he things I've already stated.

Look at the video you posted. You can see part of the curvature.


Well-Known Member
I can usually see where a fantastical theory seems true from “evidence”.

But with the flat earth thing every link and video just keeps proving the truth instead. And all the “provers” are just proven to be kooks.

When did crazy folks making videos become more real than books and known science?
The globe model defies physics. It can't be recreated in a lab. Flat earth can. Med open your mind and look at this from a different point of view. Once you go flat you don't globe back.


Well-Known Member
Yes I've been in plane. In fact on the concord before they went out of service they went high enough to see the curvature.

I'm done. Man. Its fact. Plain and simple. The earth is so large that simply using your eyes doesn't work. There are other ways we know from high altitude planes and weather balloons to he things I've already stated.

Look at the video you posted. You can see part of the curvature.
The men at NASA that you worship have even said you must be at least 60 miles up to detect curvature. So somebody is lying.


Well-Known Member
The globe model defies physics. It can't be recreated in a lab. Flat earth can. Med open your mind and look at this from a different point of view. Once you go flat you don't globe back.
How would you explain the pattern of stars that travel overhead? Or the movement of the Sun and Moon? How can you describe and explain the tides and seasons? How does gravity work for you?

Can you connect your flat Earth theory to any other known, provable, portion of Science and Physics? Or is it simply a few statements, and videos that you watched that swayed you?

Once you go flat Earth, do you keep researching or do you just move on with your life and tell everyone that brings it up how literally uneducated you have become?

Im serious here, and would ask you this face to face. I mean no harm, or offense.. I am trying to understand how one does what you have decided to do.


Well-Known Member
There is a thing called High Altitude Low Opening Insertion in the military. In my time in the Marine Corps, I was lucky enough to do this a handful of times.. meaning..

I have personally seen the curvature of the Earth..

..and you can choose to disbelieve that..

..but I am telling you, I have fucking seen the curve myself with my own two eyes, just like others here have stated already.

<-- this is a HALO insertion training (in Arizona most likely).

The Earth is not fucking flat, Brother.
..It just is not.


Well-Known Member
What would it take to make these people believe that the earth is a sphere?

Would they have to actually go into orbit to believe it? Or would they still claim that something is fake even after actually seeing it for themselves?


Well-Known Member
How would you explain the pattern of stars that travel overhead? Or the movement of the Sun and Moon? How can you describe and explain the tides and seasons? How does gravity work for you?

Can you connect your flat Earth theory to any other known, provable, portion of Science and Physics? Or is it simply a few statements, and videos that you watched that swayed you?

Once you go flat Earth, do you keep researching or do you just move on with your life and tell everyone that brings it up how literally uneducated you have become?

Im serious here, and would ask you this face to face. I mean no harm, or offense.. I am trying to understand how one does what you have decided to do.
Time lapse video has shown that all the stars rotate around Polaris which is stationary and sets above the North Pole. Also known as the north star the ancients used it for centuries as a aid in navigating the oceans. The sun has a exact path it follows on a 365 day cycle this creates the seasons. Eclipses, seasonal meteor showers and other cosmic events are predictable. Sound like cosmic chaos to you? The heliocentric theory and model you worship depends on perpetual motion which is impossible as is the oceans curving into a 360 degree angle. It defies the laws of physics. Intelligent people with extensive education and culturing don't buy into it. Uneducated, mouth breathing kool aid drinkers do. I mean no harm or offense. I mean it must be true we saw it on tv man and learnt it down at the school house.
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