Well-Known Member
Not only do I agree with what you have said but since you mention the Mayans, I suspect you also understand the correlation between the ending of the Mayan calendar and the date of 2060? Or have I assumed incorrectly?
This is why I don't get involved with Flat Earth because when one realizes these simple truths then one must also realize that there was a Creator. and that's a big step for a lot of people was for me too
It's to hide God and creation. If they lead you to believe that earth is one of trillions of planets in billions of galaxies in a infinite universe then the idea God and creation become implausible. The earth is not a accident that sprang to life out of the cosmic chaos of the Big Bang. Our realm is of intelligent design. The dome is a clock put there for man to use. It was mastered by the Mayans. They knew we lived under a domed system. They built a observatory that is part of the ancient ruins that lie close to Cancun. You can visit those if you ever go to Mexico.
Not only do I agree with what you have said but since you mention the Mayans, I suspect you also understand the correlation between the ending of the Mayan calendar and the date of 2060? Or have I assumed incorrectly?
This is why I don't get involved with Flat Earth because when one realizes these simple truths then one must also realize that there was a Creator. and that's a big step for a lot of people was for me too