CNN contributor Bakari Sellers: ‘Bernie 2020 died 4/4/18’

Bernie Sanders is a corrupt, socialist, giant piece of garbage, and a limp-wristed pussy that didn't even have the balls to defend his own podium from being taken over by 2 obnoxious squawky bitches, and yet morons think that douche can handle being POTUS.


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Trump is far worse.

How is that draining the swamp that you voted for going?
Bernie Sanders is a corrupt, socialist, giant piece of garbage, and a limp-wristed pussy that didn't even have the balls to defend his own podium from being taken over by 2 obnoxious squawky bitches, and yet morons think that douche can handle being POTUS.


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Edit: Hi to all the haters. Hope you're having a great week!
you're a nazi so who cares what you think?
He didn't disrespect Obama, he called him a brilliant guy. He was responding to the question

"We saw a surge of millennials supporting you, how are you harnessing that energy to engage and sustain millennials in Jackson, Mississippi, and how are you doing the same to re imagine the Democratic party?".

How is his response disrespectful?
He didn't disrespect Obama, he called him a brilliant guy. He was responding to the question

"We saw a surge of millennials supporting you, how are you harnessing that energy to engage and sustain millennials in Jackson, Mississippi, and how are you doing the same to re imagine the Democratic party?".

How is his response disrespectful?
You didn't watch the video. Either that or selective memory. You are correct that there were moments when he wasn't disrespecting Obama.
Fix News would love to see Biden run. He is beatable.

Bernie would crush anyone the Republicans could put up.

Bernie is already making the Democratic Party look like Republican lite... including a lot of the 'liberals' on this site.

Bernie is an instant ticket to another 4 years of republican rule. He couldn't even beat trump after all the crap he has piled on us.
You didn't watch the video. Either that or selective memory. You are correct that there were moments when he wasn't disrespecting Obama.
Yes I did. I don't think criticizing the Democratic party is offensive or disrespectful, especially when he's asked about how he plans on sustaining millennial energy and re imagining the Democratic party
Yes I did. I don't think criticizing the Democratic party is offensive or disrespectful, especially when he's asked about how he plans on sustaining millennial energy and re imagining the Democratic party
You despise Hillary Clinton. There are plenty of people in the Democratic Party who voted for Clinton in the primary and are sincerely depressed about her losing the election. If Bernie wants to win the nomination he has to win them over, it's not going to be done by criticizing their choices. Bernie is an awful politician. I don't doubt that he was sincere. I also don't doubt that people who admired Obama didn't like hearing Bernie's criticism of him, nor do they want to hear about how awful the Democratic party is in Sander's opinion. Doing it all at a venue to recognize the sacrifice MLK made was just plain stupid if Sanders wants to rally the party around him.

Get your head out of your ass and start trying to empathize with people who are different from you. Bernie is great at agitating and playing the role of outsider. To win the nomination, different skills, skills he doesn't have, are needed.
"The only reason all you liberals don't realize that the DNC is a failure is that Obama is so charismatic. He's such a smart guy and he was also to blame for the DNC being a failure." Said the irrelevant shitstain to a liberal crowd regarding the first black president at an event in honor of the greatest black civil rights leader.

Too bad this probably won't shut those two "progressive" gringos up here.
I knew before I posted her name that Gillibrand would upset a misogynist because of all her railing against sexual predators. Warren has gotten a lot done unlike Bernie. I'd still rather have a younger person running as the candidate.
If there's a better candidate than Sanders in the next cycle I'll vote for them.

With age comes experience, something badly needed in the Oval Office these days.
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"The only reason all you liberals don't realize that the DNC is a failure is that Obama is so charismatic. He's such a smart guy and he was also to blame for the DNC being a failure." Said the irrelevant shitstain to a liberal crowd regarding the first black president at an event in honor of the greatest black civil rights leader.

Too bad this probably won't shut those two "progressive" gringos up here.
No it won't and you can't stand it, blowhard.

You're the original 'against everyone, for no one' clown here. Trump is your fault.
Sanders didn't criticize Obama, he complimented him

He was asked how he re imagines the Democratic party moving forward, that's exactly what they wanted to hear about, hence the multiple applause...
You have to keep in mind that the shills here are so in the bag for a Democrat, any Democrat, that they'll call everyone else blind.
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Shytstikk just had a complete histrionic meltdown over Bernard throwing his already long shot at the presidency away. Poor unemployed gringo...
Sanders didn't criticize Obama, he complimented him

He was asked how he re imagines the Democratic party moving forward, that's exactly what they wanted to hear about, hence the multiple applause...
It's called damning with faint praise.

He pinned the losses of the Democratic party on Obama. The rest was divisive. The old white man went down to Mississippi and told the voters in that state that they didn't show up which is why they lost. It was well received by some and not well received by others. He didn't do himself any good with black voters in the south. He hasn't lost Hispanic voters yet.
It's called damning with faint praise.

He pinned the losses of the Democratic party on Obama. The rest was divisive. The old white man went down to Mississippi and told the voters in that state that they didn't show up which is why they lost. It was well received by some and not well received by others. He didn't do himself any good with black voters in the south. He hasn't lost Hispanic voters yet.
"Bernie 2020 died 4/4/2018"

"The Democratic party's model over the past 15 years has been a failure. People sometimes don't see that because there was the charismatic individual named Barack Obama who won the presidency in 2008 and 2012. He was obviously an extraordinary candidate, a brilliant guy."

You're trying to manufacture dissent
