
Well-Known Member
Today around the country there are marches to end gun violence and say fuck you to the NRA.
Expected are millions of students and parents taking to the streets around this great nation, to demand THEIR RIGHTS as American citizens, to live and being able to go to school, work, or even a movie, without fear of death by an assault weapon sold today in this nation (bring BACK the ban)
This should be interesting in the sense that there is a generation of new voters coming up, that will target any candidate that accepts money from the NRA, and vote them fucking out. (I hope they are shitting in their panties)

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Actually the Media is kinda walking it back Last week it was Millions will march. Today the headline read 10's of thousands march across the country.

Hey dickwad, this was an international march, not just in the USA, that just alone in DC had an estimated crowd size of over 800,000 participants, not counting all the other cities in this country, and the world.

An initial crowd estimate from Washington, D.C., 4:55 p.m.: March for Our Lives organizers are estimating about 800,000 people gathered in Washington, D.C. Saturday for Saturday’s rally, according to a report from NBC News

Wake up, and stop watching only Fox for your fucked up news and propaganda.

Oh, and while I'm at it, fuck the NRA ( their done :) ) and fuck your soulmate, that no good piece of shit Trump,
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A march asking the government to take your rights away. The grooming of underage voters.

Yea, that's right.
A march by MILLIONS of future voters, that are set to cut the balls off of any representative (Republican?) that supports the NRA, with it's fucked up interpretation of the 2nd Amendment.
This ain't 1776 anymore, and in the 21st century gun ownership needs to be amended to deal with the reality of the world we live in today, and the weapons we have
Yea, that's right.
A march by MILLIONS of future voters, that are set to cut the balls off of any representative (Republican?) that supports the NRA, with it's fucked up interpretation of the 2nd Amendment.
This ain't 1776 anymore, and in the 21st century gun ownership needs to be amended to deal with the reality of the world we live in today, and the weapons we have
You have never sounded more communist Comrad!
Yea, that's right.
A march by MILLIONS of future voters, that are set to cut the balls off of any representative (Republican?) that supports the NRA, with it's fucked up interpretation of the 2nd Amendment.
This ain't 1776 anymore, and in the 21st century gun ownership needs to be amended to deal with the reality of the world we live in today, and the weapons we have

you comment about fox news and immediately link an article from cnn, thats laughable.
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