What did you accomplish today?

You've got to think history, too many folks think areas instead of "meeting points/exposure". I'm largely Sicilian, from a historical perspective Sicily was a prime stopover: ancient Middle Eastern Phoenicians, Etruscans, Greeks, Palestinian types, then Moors, Normans, Italians Albanians,etc ad nauseum. Now the ex's people were fairly isolated: Norway and Germany and they mixed in Wisconsin

Yeah, it's complicated.

2 parents, 4 grandparents, 8 great, then 16-32-64-128-256-512-1024.

That's a lot of sex and mixing.
Just curious.

These companies are in business to make money.
What keeps them on the straight and narrow and actually do the work?

In my skeptical mind I see someone in a basement reaching into a hat and drawing
out random printouts, all the while knowing there are only 100 different printouts to choose
from for the thousands of people that throw money at them.:confused:
They keep the profiles, its what they want.

  1. Waiver of Property Rights: You understand that by providing any sample, having your Genetic Information processed, accessing your Genetic Information, or providing Self-Reported Information, you acquire no rights in any research or commercial products that may be developed by 23andMe or its collaborating partners. You specifically understand that you will not receive compensation for any research or commercial products that include or result from your Genetic Information or Self-Reported Information.
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my dad was a bigamist, married my mom, then a year later married another woman. when my mom found out and divorced him, he stayed married to the second wife, and found a third...as i understand it, he was married to 5 women before he died, 2 at a time, and i have several half brothers and sisters, while i am the only legitimate one out of the bunch...not really much of an achievement, but ya gotta take it where you find it. my grandpa told me a lot of stories, and towards the end, when he was getting a little forgetful, he started telling me conflicting stories. Benjamin Franklin is one of our direct ancestors...then he told me that our family name when his grandfather came through Ellis island was Franzkleiner, and the schmuck couldn't spell that, so that side of the family became Franklins....how are we related to Benjamin Franklin then?
They keep the profiles, its what they want.

  1. Waiver of Property Rights: You understand that by providing any sample, having your Genetic Information processed, accessing your Genetic Information, or providing Self-Reported Information, you acquire no rights in any research or commercial products that may be developed by 23andMe or its collaborating partners. You specifically understand that you will not receive compensation for any research or commercial products that include or result from your Genetic Information or Self-Reported Information.
so they're saying if they find out you have a really interesting ancestor, they can write a book about it, or even make a movie, and you can't do anything about it? fuck them.
so they're saying if they find out you have a really interesting ancestor, they can write a book about it, or even make a movie, and you can't do anything about it? fuck them.
It's more science oriented; look up Henrietta Lacks. Suppose you do it and in the self-report you say you've never had a cold or flu in whole life; if they look into it and find out how to use your genome to either make a vaccine or product that cures/lessens said diseases; you get nothing.
It's more science oriented; look up Henrietta Lacks. Suppose you do it and in the self-report you say you've never had a cold or flu in whole life; if they look into it and find out how to use your genome to either make a vaccine or product that cures/lessens said diseases; you get nothing.
Thats my issue with it, that and other mad science type shit they'll do with our genetics.

One day there's a knock on your door and "Hi, I'm your genetically modified, illegitimate child."

That and my paranoia that it's all a govt funded black op project to catalog as many people as possible.
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Thats my issue with it, that and other mad science type shit they'll do with our genetics.

One day there's a knock oon your door and "Hi, I'm your genetically modified, illegitimate child."

That and my paranoia that it's all a govt funded black op project to catalog as many people as possible.
they can already catalog all of us if they want to...they have endless possibilities. anytime you get any kind of injection, any time you get a flu shot, hell, any time you get a hair cut, they can get all the genetic material they want from you.
they can already catalog all of us if they want to...they have endless possibilities. anytime you get any kind of injection, any time you get a flu shot, hell, any time you get a hair cut, they can get all the genetic material they want from you.
Starts at birth with blood draws and finger prints. Then they can track you for life through those methods you mentioned.
It's more science oriented; look up Henrietta Lacks. Suppose you do it and in the self-report you say you've never had a cold or flu in whole life; if they look into it and find out how to use your genome to either make a vaccine or product that cures/lessens said diseases; you get nothing.
This was done with measles (may have been polio) vaccine too, in 40's I think. Aborted fetus cells were used. Look up Hayflick limit, dude still has cells frozen in garage.


Very interisting story in addition to the triva tidbit.
If the chart looks like this it's a trap.:p
Last time I got an eye exam the eye Dr was this really hot chick. She would sit on that Dr stool and when she got up close she was grinding her cooch on my knee really hard.

It kind of freaked me out. I'm happily married and would never cheat. She was really obvious with what she wanted.
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