What did you accomplish today?

No, it is pretty simple, it is done with high-frequency needles.
You lie on a carbon fiber bed so they can see inside you with X-rays, they know where the nerves run. Then they connect the needles to a little machine and it zaps the shit out of the nerve. No, cutting, no bleeding.
If they do a diskogram at the same time you may lack sensation from a few nerves for a few hours. You don't notice anything is wrong until you try to walk... But, it is over before you wake the next day.
Gabapentin has horrible side effects. I try to stay away from it unless the pain travels down my legs.

Though we have to do what we got to.

Most of the time edibles and smoke help.
To be honest.. its like drinking water for me, and pretty much always has been. I take 800mg 3x daily too, and have literally zero side effects unless I up my dosage amounts.. which from time to time I build a tolerance and have to ask the Doctor to go up 100mg or so.

But I've heard so many things about its side effects.. most suffer terribly when they take it. I happen to be very lucky in that respect.. because without gaba, my life would be hell. Utter, complete, Hell..
Fuck me. I'm down in my back again. I just don't know I can live like this. I've tried inversion, exercise and physical therapy. I don't want surgery. Edibles and salve are barely touching it.

Its depressing. I'm not suicidal but at times I just don't see how I can continue like this.

Ever tried a reverse hyper machine? A few folks I know, one having been in an ied blast, swear by them. Some call them the "back fixer."

Thought I'd throw that your way.
Screw that. I've yet to meet anyone that felt better after.
Precisely, pain is not an indication for spinal fusion, sadly. Although they are often immediately successful for pain relief they destabilize the level above and below requiring more fusions in roughly a decade give or take and create more pain. If you have motor loss you need a fusion, but as long as you can crawl away from a neurosurgeon (never let an orthopedic surgeon touch your spine), you are good.
Ever tried a reverse hyper machine? A few folks I know, one having been in an ied blast, swear by them. Some call them the "back fixer."

Thought I'd throw that your way.
I haven't but will check it out. Thank you.
Precisely, pain is not an indication for spinal fusion, sadly. Although they are often immediately successful for pain relief they destabilize the level above and below requiring more fusions in roughly a decade give or take and create more pain. If you have motor loss you need a fusion, but as long as you can crawl away from a neurosurgeon (never let an orthopedic surgeon touch your spine), you are good.
That's the way I feel.
Fuck me. I'm down in my back again. I just don't know I can live like this. I've tried inversion, exercise and physical therapy. I don't want surgery. Edibles and salve are barely touching it.

Its depressing. I'm not suicidal but at times I just don't see how I can continue like this.
I too have back pain and nerve pain. I'm afraid of surgery too. My doctors say that surgery is only 50% effective and sometimes makes things worse. I was on Narcotics for a long time, but I finally found a medication that helps with nerve pain. Its called Nortriptyline. Maybe something like that can possible help you. Anyhow, I sure hope you get better or at least find some relief.
~snip~ My husband would be sleeping in his boat or with the dogs!

LOL this reminds me of a dude I used to work with.

He had mentioned that things at home were "tense", he never explained what made it tense.

A few weeks later he told us that when he got home from work on Friday there was
a brand spanking new bass boat, with all the fancy trim, in the yard.

him: where did this come from?
her: I bought it today.
him: That's cool. Let's go fishing.
her: You don't understand, that's MY boat and I'm busy this weekend.
