What did you accomplish today?

Look into getting rhizotomy done if you have lots of pain radiating into your legs.
I got tired of one misdiagnosis after the next.
Now I just have the nerves cut before winter and it provides a much higher quality of life.
Fuck me. I'm down in my back again. I just don't know I can live like this. I've tried inversion, exercise and physical therapy. I don't want surgery. Edibles and salve are barely touching it.

Its depressing. I'm not suicidal but at times I just don't see how I can continue like this.

Know the feeling, mate, it's why Duloxetine has been added to my pharma intake. Mainly an antidepressant but also works on neurological pain.

Might be worth trying
Know the feeling, mate, it's why Duloxetine has been added to my pharma intake. Mainly an antidepressant but also works on neurological pain.

Might be worth trying
Ill check it out. I normally don't take any kind of pharmaceuticals including Tylenol and ibuprofen.

At the moment I'm about high enough to not care if I'm hurting .
It is good when you haven't built up a tolerance to them.
Just don't take any opiates. That is a slippery slope...
I had a long-running DF118 script at one point.

I guess at least I get knocked out for a few hours every night with Seroquel.
That stuff is hectic though. It is like being Kenny. Every night you die, and then the next morning you are alive in your bed again.
Fuck me. I'm down in my back again. I just don't know I can live like this. I've tried inversion, exercise and physical therapy. I don't want surgery. Edibles and salve are barely touching it.

Its depressing. I'm not suicidal but at times I just don't see how I can continue like this.
I had to end up getting the fusion :-(
Any time they need to stick a catheter in you, they are going too far!
Sometimes its needed. My brother-in-law had a growth in his bladder and got to where he couldn't pee. He went a couple or three day without urinating and I had to take him to he ER. He cried tears of relief when the urine came out. The Dr had to run a camera up his pecker and cut the growth out.
Thank you. I took a gabapentin, a norco, two cookies and some salve.

That is what I am on, Gabapentin and Norco for my Fibromyalgia.. its a gnarly nerve pain issue for those that havent heard of it. The pain is the most severe Ive ever felt at times, shaking.. crying.. puking my guts out from the pain. But between good herb, this great CBD topical I have, and my gaba things are usually covered.. its only every now and then that I have to take half a Norco, up to 2 at once, to get back to feeling like I dont want to punch myself and shit. Its a daily struggle sometimes, and I literally wait until the last minute before I take a Norco.. I just hate the idea that I have to rely on that shit to live a somewhat normal life.
That is what I am on, Gabapentin and Norco for my Fibromyalgia.. its a gnarly nerve pain issue for those that havent heard of it. The pain is the most severe Ive ever felt at times, shaking.. crying.. puking my guts out from the pain. But between good herb, this great CBD topical I have, and my gaba things are usually covered.. its only every now and then that I have to take half a Norco, up to 2 at once, to get back to feeling like I dont want to punch myself and shit. Its a daily struggle sometimes, and I literally wait until the last minute before I take a Norco.. I just hate the idea that I have to rely on that shit to live a somewhat normal life.
Gabapentin has horrible side effects. I try to stay away from it unless the pain travels down my legs.

Though we have to do what we got to.

Most of the time edibles and smoke help.
I'm telling you, just find a neurologist willing to do a rhizotomy for you.
I have mine done under waking sedation. I'm out of the hospital like 2 hours later.
I'm telling you, just find a neurologist willing to do a rhizotomy for you.
I have mine done under waking sedation. I'm out of the hospital like 2 hours later.
Ill check into it. I had a great neurologist but he was in a car wreck and died.

I get nervous thinking about someone clipping nerves.