Blacks are Responsible for More Than 50% of All Homicides...

I'm not a racist

This was a remix by Mysonne to give his take instead of the rather weak response to racism by Joyner Lucas.

Back story here

A couple days ago, Lucas dropped “I’m Not Racist”—a now-viral video with 2.8 million views on YouTube and 24 million on Facebook. It depicts two men (one black and one white) sitting by themselves in what looks to be a warehouse, and each has the opportunity to air his racial grievances at the other.

The white man—decked in a “Make America Great Again” hat and “regular-people” clothes—basically raps that black people are lazy, government-assistance-dependent criminals who use slavery as an excuse for our behavior and are more concerned with looking cool than taking care of our kids. Basically, everything we’ve already heard on every message board, in every comment section and from every American politician ever.

When he’s done, the black man offers his rebuttal, which is ultimately that racism is the reason we’re forced to do the things the white guy accuses us of doing. Throughout each verse, “I’m not racist” is repeated like a singular chorus breaking up each stanza. The point? Neither of these men is racist. They just need—and want—to understand each other better.

And when both men are done rapping, they hug.

The final statement/assessment that pretty much nails what's wrong with the Joyner's video:

Actually, most of us don’t do those bad things you think we all do.” He basically returned shrapnel fire with a spitball.

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Are you wearing a man show shirt?

I'm not saying you're a racist but some people here might think so because of that.

Yeah Man! It's a Man Show shirt. I loved the Man Show, and I met Jimmy and Adam when I spent a day at the studio with them, and watched the taping of 2 shows. That was definitely one of the funniest shows on TV.

Thanks for linking that article, it brought back a lot of good memories. The author is a moron though, because as he is complaining about how much the show sucked, he is retelling some of the really funny stuff.

Yeah Man! It's a Man Show shirt. I loved the Man Show, and I met Jimmy and Adam when I spent a day at the studio with them, and watched the taping of 2 shows. That was definitely one of the funniest shows on TV.

Thanks for linking that article, it brought back a lot of good memories. The author is a moron though, because as he is complaining about how much the show sucked, he is retelling some of the really funny stuff.

Sensitive white guy doesn't like satire that makes him look foolish.
His response?
#7 You are the racist
That article you keep quoting is pretty fucked up think about this.

"The truth is that talking about race makes white people uncomfortable because it reminds them of the filthy history of white supremacy"

If white were a "race" (neither is black) this is racial profiling.

"And I get it; it is very uncomfortable for white people to hear about the atrocities of racism knowing that their people are complicit in centuries of mistreatment. It would give me the heebie-jeebies, too. It’s like cheating on a woman, confessing and then wondering why she’s always bringing up old shit when you come home late."

Seriously? So we compare centuries of mistreatment by a number of white people to a marraige that lasts less than a lifetime? Let's not mention there are many white races. So that makes sense cause we owe for what our ancestors have done right? Is that genetic debt?

"I’m not one of those people who believe black people can’t be racist, because I, too, felt racism creep into my heart once when a Caucasian co-worker offered me leftover potato salad. Even though black-on-white racism technically exists, it is rarely injurious.

Because—feeling butt-hurt is not a medical symptom."

Clearly this is written by a racist, what he "felt" when someone offered him some food makes him feel racist? That's not racism lol. See the thing is any normal person would've said hell YEA to the salad and THANK YOU! They wouldn't turn into a racist for a moment lol.

This makes me sick, you have no argument here.

There was more to my statement. I said one can't know what somebody thinks but one can know what they write and decide if that person is racist. Have I said you were? I don't think I have. I think you aren't worth having a dialogue with but I don't know if you are racist. Maybe your butt is hurt from an inference?

There was more to my statement. I said one can't know what somebody thinks but one can know what they write and decide if that person is racist. Have I said you were? I don't think I have. I think you aren't worth having a dialogue with but I don't know if you are racist. Maybe your butt is hurt from an inference?

No, frankly I think you were being teasonable. If that's ok.
Why would someone post something like this on here? Is this just another place to babble racist bullshit? I'm black and it always seems to me that it's always some ignorant white person that fucks a peaceful setting up. I don't go looking for trouble, I've got enough problems of my own, but it seems that i always find some coward that can hide behind the screen of the internet and spout a whole bunch of shit... somebody pray for that cat
That article you keep quoting is pretty fucked up think about this.

"The truth is that talking about race makes white people uncomfortable because it reminds them of the filthy history of white supremacy"

If white were a "race" (neither is black) this is racial profiling.

"And I get it; it is very uncomfortable for white people to hear about the atrocities of racism knowing that their people are complicit in centuries of mistreatment. It would give me the heebie-jeebies, too. It’s like cheating on a woman, confessing and then wondering why she’s always bringing up old shit when you come home late."

Seriously? So we compare centuries of mistreatment by a number of white people to a marraige that lasts less than a lifetime? Let's not mention there are many white races. So that makes sense cause we owe for what our ancestors have done right? Is that genetic debt?

"I’m not one of those people who believe black people can’t be racist, because I, too, felt racism creep into my heart once when a Caucasian co-worker offered me leftover potato salad. Even though black-on-white racism technically exists, it is rarely injurious.

Because—feeling butt-hurt is not a medical symptom."

Clearly this is written by a racist, what he "felt" when someone offered him some food makes him feel racist? That's not racism lol. See the thing is any normal person would've said hell YEA to the salad and THANK YOU! They wouldn't turn into a racist for a moment lol.

This makes me sick, you have no argument here.
That article along with the Man Show is satire. True it was raw and harsh on it's targets of ridicule but it was satire. Something you clearly don't get.

Were you kidding when you quoted an article that compared the sexuality of lions with dark manes to people with dark skin to explain why "those black people are soooo violent and can't control their urges"? Or when you quoted Rushtin who's truly vile unscience science has become a touchstone for white supremacists for decades? Or because penis size of black men (all?) and achillies tendon (all?) can mean brains different so why not believe that?

If so, then I missed the sarcasm and I apologize for hurting your feelings though I will say it was a bit too easy. If you weren't just kidding then I simply can't come to any other conclusion. Because the information is easily available to refute every one of your assertions and you keep asking a questions that have been answered long ago, it's quite easy to conclude you suffer from a severe case of racism -- whether you acknowledge it or not. Quite often racists don't even see it in themselves, so you are not alone. Quite common, actually.

You may change your attitude some day and I hope you do. For myself, I don't think there is anything I can say that will. So, I will mercilessly make fun of you by whatever means I like. There is nothing I can do or say that comes even close to the shit black people are confronted with by racism in America.
That article along with the Man Show is satire. True it was raw and harsh on it's targets of ridicule but it was satire. Something you clearly don't get.

Were you kidding when you quoted an article that compared the sexuality of lions with dark manes to people with dark skin to explain why "those black people are soooo violent and can't control their urges"? Or when you quoted Rushtin who's truly vile unscience science has become a touchstone for white supremacists for decades? Or because penis size of black men (all?) and achillies tendon (all?) can mean brains different so why not believe that?

If so, then I missed the sarcasm and I apologize for hurting your feelings though I will say it was a bit too easy. If you weren't just kidding then I simply can't come to any other conclusion. Because the information is easily available to refute every one of your assertions and you keep asking a questions that have been answered long ago, it's quite easy to conclude you suffer from a severe case of racism -- whether you acknowledge it or not. Quite often racists don't even see it in themselves, so you are not alone. Quite common, actually.

You may change your attitude some day and I hope you do. For myself, I don't think there is anything I can say that will. So, I will mercilessly make fun of you by whatever means I like. There is nothing I can do or say that comes even close to the shit black people are confronted with by racism in America.
While there is some comedy to the article it's not satire, can you point me to where it states it's satire?

You can make fun of me all you want it means nothing to me, shows a lot of people you are immature.

You try to use this against me and then when I call you out you say it's just a joke? Sorry buddy the writer of that article is racist either way you put it.

I think i mentioned Ruston deserved no merit but who cares anyway you can't question intelegence being genetically influenced at all without being labeled racist, even if you aren't trying to prove anything and are just interested in something.

I was reading the argument and it sounded convincing (not the lion one way to cherry pick), why can't our brains be different? Doesn't mean we don't all have the same capacity to be good or bad, just makes it harder for one or another if maybe we were genetically influenced somehow, when all other organs on an average are different and even disease resistances are passed down, what makes it impossible for a larger frontal cortex or larger vessels in the brain? What's to say this can't cause differences in small secluded populations?

I think it's weird people don't believe there races can be unique I guess, doesn't mean I think I'm better or worse, just that maybe I have a few behaviors that have been passed down genetically.

I always thought it was a known thing that when you breed dogs you breed for behavior, this is noted with wolf hybrids or any wild hybrid, the offspring are known to have behavior issues. I mean we are not dogs but to dismiss it because your afraid of being labeled racist is like treating black people better in fear of them thinking you are racist.
You like to put words in others mouths, when someone quotes something, it doesn't mean the person they quoted they were best friends with and believed everything they said.

The shit said on the man show about Oprah was pretty sexist and I don't see how that's satire either.

Satire doesn't mean to make fun of people u know that right. It's sarcasm, that shit was seriously just more racism.
Too funny that you didn't get the reference to the complaining wife. He was pointing back at himself, dummy. .

The Man Show? I didn't think it was funny either. But I saw what he was trying to do and it worked for some. Its art, not for everybody.

Not going to explain why something is funny. Talk about a way to kill comedy. Also, poor white guy was picked on by a satirist. Your feelz hurt? Do you have any idea how much so-called comedy shit gets pointed at black people? Or the shtick where there is the skinny short but really funny black guy in just about every sit com? Jeez, Lurch, just change the channel if you don't like it.

Thanks for the laugh guys. This place is getting old and I got what I needed for my growing so I'm not going to stick around and argue with #nonracists. I really think you are racist and more than that so it makes no difference to me what you think.

Racists crying about racism then using crying as an insult lol.

Good luck on your crying everyone.

Peace out RIU!
Uh, before you go,

Explain again why lions with dark manes are like black people?