Well where you are wrong is in your assumption of rich. So the upper middle class should be hammered the same as the lower middle class. To what point 100k 150k 200k
100k is not rich by a long shot. Houses cost 700k on average so where do you draw that line.
That is what I mean. The poor me line keeps going further in to middle class because of the tax being spent for the stupid. That is Canada, USA is vastly different.
Lets make min wage 20 bucks an hour. Sorry you went to school to become a PSW you get paid the same as that burger flipping moron (forgot to add that part). Or a dental hygenist or a welder or an electrition/pipe fitter/mechanic...
The poor me shit gets tired. I suffered to train to become what i am. Become a skilled trades person we need 1000s more of them. Suffer 2 or 3 years and achieve upper middle class.
And poor me this or that dont work. You have no idea where I came from. That is cop out nonsense.
And sorry for the hijack. They achieved irritation.
And here they adjust tax level based on salary. I am not sure how it works in the USA. But i meant the only people that pay the brunt are middle class. And if you happen to hit a threshold here you get hammered even harder. It is like you can get ahead to this point and then we will kick you in the nads and give it to this person that we need a vote from.
And I am done on this not related to tillerman sideline that got carried away.

Peace out even my crazy liberal friends.
And I am always right so na na na na na na