Stupidest shit you have ever done

Asked the old lady to grab me some hydrogen peroxide,eyes not that great anymore ,she come home from shopping said here it is , lol , of I go mix it up to get 3% when it was all gone went to mix more had glass on fuck alcohol yaw I know lmfao
Yeah, I'd be embarrassed to believe in 48-hour acid too.
really the stuff was 'said' to be acid but found out later it was just a random combo of toxic chemicals in the end, trip indeed on the shit but it was a poisonous negative feeling all the way, took some time to get over that one indeed
I suspect you were given DOM or DOB ... potent, long-acting phenethylamines ... with a rep for bummers.
hmmmm it was something akin to that, was made in an NSW Australia University, more often than not Strychnine was stated as 1 of the ingredients of that brew...and i can very much believe that, was around for some years in the late 1970's Sydney area, on blotting paper & was called black and white tiles, lethal loathsome toxic shit
Was on a crew remodeling a house in Miami back in 1986. The owners wanted to knock out a wall and put up fluted columns for a more open floor plan. I was tearing down the wall and came across a huge stash of money and coke hidden behind the sheet rock. I manage to stash a kilo of uncut coke and 30,000 cash in with my gear out in the truck then went upstairs and told the owners and my boss. I was really nervous and shit. I just wished i could of thought of something and took more. Anyway they called the cops and I was nervous as hell that they would ask to search the truck. Anyway i did the best i could and it all worked out. I quit a couple months later and didn't have to work for 3 years. Just should have gotten more !!!!
Was on a crew remodeling a house in Miami back in 1986. The owners wanted to knock out a wall and put up fluted columns for a more open floor plan. I was tearing down the wall and came across a huge stash of money and coke hidden behind the sheet rock. I manage to stash a kilo of uncut coke and 30,000 cash in with my gear out in the truck then went upstairs and told the owners and my boss. I was really nervous and shit. I just wished i could of thought of something and took more. Anyway they called the cops and I was nervous as hell that they would ask to search the truck. Anyway i did the best i could and it all worked out. I quit a couple months later and didn't have to work for 3 years. Just should have gotten more !!!!
Holy hell I could ask what the fuck but you said Miami so...
Not too long ago I was in Colorado on business. I was sitting at a stop light in my rented truck when this guy in a prius drove up next to me flipping me off before pulling slightly ahead of me. There was a faded Hillary 2016! and I LOVE ISIS! bumper sticker. I pulled forward a little so I could talk to him, put on a big smile and waved at him.

He called me a "truck driving neo nazi" and kept flipping me off. The soft, portly driver asked me if I wanted to be missing some teeth (he himself was missing several teeth). so I said of course not, that's silly, and got out of the truck. He must not have expected me to be 5'9", 165, and in shape.

As I strode up to his open window, I could smell the booze. His fleshy red face and glazed over eyes were those of someone who was already drunk at 2pm. He gurgled something about Trump and looked at me in disbelief. Then I noticed the small child car seat in the back seat of the Prius.

I turned around, got back into my truck and left. I hope he made it home safely.

I have no idea what his problem with trucks may have been.

I should have rented a Prius. Stupid of me.
Not too long ago I was in Colorado on business. I was sitting at a stop light in my rented truck when this guy in a prius drove up next to me flipping me off before pulling slightly ahead of me. There was a faded Hillary 2016! and I LOVE ISIS! bumper sticker. I pulled forward a little so I could talk to him, put on a big smile and waved at him.

He called me a "truck driving neo nazi" and kept flipping me off. The soft, portly driver asked me if I wanted to be missing some teeth (he himself was missing several teeth). so I said of course not, that's silly, and got out of the truck. He must not have expected me to be 5'9", 165, and in shape.

As I strode up to his open window, I could smell the booze. His fleshy red face and glazed over eyes were those of someone who was already drunk at 2pm. He gurgled something about Trump and looked at me in disbelief. Then I noticed the small child car seat in the back seat of the Prius.

I turned around, got back into my truck and left. I hope he made it home safely.

I have no idea what his problem with trucks may have been.

I should have rented a Prius. Stupid of me.
what time is it?
one time i was up at 1:30 in the morning calling this guy a fake jew, which i had been doing for months on end.

the next day, i made fun of him for posting at what i thought was 1:25 AM, but it was really 11:25 PM his time.

i got so upset that i wished death upon his jew infant because of his wife's jew bloodlines but i told everyone that it was a sincere wish of goodwill so i think i covered my tracks pretty well. my white power buddy GWN cleaned up the whole mess and deleted it for me, and another guy i like who calls him a "white hating fake kept jew boy" took my side.