Where I stand on americas gun "laws"


Well-Known Member
Then you realize the entire issue is redundant. They arent coming for anyone's firearms, ever.

Last year trump was hitler, now you want him to collect firearms...
no, we'll leave the inevitable gun control for a competent president.

the tide is turning already and every new gun massacre is only gonna make it worse for frustrated bitter clingers like yourself.


Well-Known Member
Because statistically the US has more firearms.

The odds of dying in a school shooting are about one in a million. For comparison the odds of dying in your car are 1 in 500.

I don't sit around dreaming of winning big on the lotto so why worry about the same odds for something bad to happen?
Maybe we dont need so gd many then...

One in 5 million, when ur sending the flesh of ur flesh off to school.... thats a hellova lot more than 0 out of 5 million...

The cars line is a nra classic... but see the interesting thing is even if we say the two are good comprabables...the glaring difference is we have worked ceaslessly to bring that car number down and down, guess what? It took federal mandates to do it to on some of it, and certainly the mandated research on it has helped... yet our congress has banned even studying the gun death issue... that aint right...


Well-Known Member
I believe in change.... I've seen it in many ways. To not believe in change is the way of the conservative is it not?

I do agree that when presented with facts and evidence it becomes quite annoying but I don't agree with just resorting to name calling it's childish and trump like, we need to show people liberals don't take no shit yea but let's show them we can also stay sane in an argument. There are middle ground points here that people are being insulted for bringing up a lot.

I'd like to see change... It's almost like buck has backed off the name calling a bit already, maybe I'm just dreaming though lol.

I like this place, I can handle the name calling it doesn't hurt me, it fuels me to try and help more.
I'm not criticizing you for trying. I don't really care if you want to call out Buck, he's a big boy. I just think there is something to be said about making vile people feel uncomfortable for saying vile things. Social pressure on racists and shithead gun rights conservatives is just fine with me. I don't think it affects them one way or the other except it might just make them think twice about what they are saying.

My thing is to counter propaganda. These guys didn't make their schtick up. They repeat the lies of the NRA, Rush Limbaugh, Trump and Breitbart. Studies have shown that repeating well couched lies and distortions, aka propaganda, over and over again does have an effect on public opinion. When counter arguments are presented, propaganda becomes ineffective. This is the benefit I see from you, Buck and others presenting counter-arguments. Maybe you don't like the harshness that some employ. I still don't think its hurtful and to me sometimes I think Buck art form of trolling is funny.

I basically don't think vile racists and right wing gun nuts deserve consideration. I try to stick to facts but otherwise don't care about their feelz any more than they do for the people they harm. Let's make no mistake. The right wing racist and gun lobby are harming people. My words not so much.

I think we mostly agree on this issue. I applaud your advocacy of locking those guns up, by the way.
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Well-Known Member
Then you realize the entire issue is redundant. They arent coming for anyone's firearms, ever.

Last year trump was hitler, now you want him to collect firearms...
Yet another propaganda triggered gun nut. Nobody is coming for your gunz nor is that necessary. The objective is harm reduction, not taking gunz away from harmless people. You simply don't get it.

Ripped Farmer

Well-Known Member
The objective is harm reduction, not taking gunz away from harmless people.
Weird cause the internet and tv keep talking about banning semi autos from everyone including harmless people. They dont speak of reduction in harm its all about the big black semi auto rifles. Got guys on here saying 22 rimfire should be included. None of it will lead to any measures that make firearms safer.

Oh i get it, it just aint happening. We had O' for 8 years and I watched him doing nothing about it.


Well-Known Member
Weird cause the internet and tv keep talking about banning semi autos from everyone including harmless people. They dont speak of reduction in harm its all about the big black semi auto rifles. Got guys on here saying 22 rimfire should be included. None of it will lead to any measures that make firearms safer.

Oh i get it, it just aint happening. We had O' for 8 years and I watched him doing nothing about it.

He calls you a propaganda driven gun nut but he is the one who is propaganda driven. Reality is not a concept extremists subscribe to. And they are the extremists. You sound reasonable. They sound out in panic and denial.


Well-Known Member
Weird cause the internet and tv keep talking about banning semi autos from everyone including harmless people. They dont speak of reduction in harm its all about the big black semi auto rifles. Got guys on here saying 22 rimfire should be included. None of it will lead to any measures that make firearms safer.

Oh i get it, it just aint happening. We had O' for 8 years and I watched him doing nothing about it.
Banning the sales of semi auto's.. You never get it right. Ever. Amazing how programmed you are. Where to did you get that they were going to "take away your guns"? Breithbart? Fox? Limbaugh? NRA newsletter. Perhaps it's your own selective reading problem. Whatever.
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Well-Known Member
You are mostly hurting yourself clinging to your words on this website. If you were smarter you would see it when you are older. Instead I believe you will remain in ignorance. And creep deeper into denial.


ya see, these are things only the white supremacists ever say. everyone sees it too.


Well-Known Member
He calls you a propaganda driven gun nut but he is the one who is propaganda driven. Reality is not a concept extremists subscribe to. And they are the extremists. You sound reasonable. They sound out in panic and denial.
you call yourself a liberal jew but you can't stop sucking gun nut and white power cock.


Well-Known Member
No you are still just talking to yourself.

Now go back to fake Jew school so you can keep pretending to be one and live in your rich doctor wife’s house drinking all day and posting insults on the internet.

You are a self hating white guy. I hope you don’t become your own beloved statistic. Do you own a gun? Would you just use your nail gun? Pills and beer?

Stay awake so long typing your bullshit that you pass out and die from exhaustion? This last one would actually be pretty funny. The last thing you typed was “Trumptard”. Lol you idiot.

You used to have funny interesting comments. What happened to you?


calm down baby


Well-Known Member
I think its stupid. Can't smoke pot and have guns.

A person can however drink all the booze and pop as many pills as they want and buy a gun.

Its crazy.
'Murrikkka, Fuk Yeh!'

Those poor lil ol' pharmaceutical conglomerates and their billionaire owners gotta make a buck somehow, right?

Don't worry about the overdose death numbers, it was all THEIR fault.


Well-Known Member
you ignorant yokels said the same thing about dslavery and racial segregation.

change is on the way, get ready for it princess rambo
Really? The only one I hear pushing for better wages is Bernie, but you can't handle truth.

So when is this change you speak of coming?

I'm gonna guess it will start when the West Virginia Teacher's strike gets headline coverage on MSNBC.

Haven't seen it there yet...