Where I stand on americas gun "laws"


Well-Known Member
The Mini 14 doesn't look scary. Most folks think Assault Rifle if the stock and magazine look a certain way. I paid 200 bucks for mine. And I got a grocery bag of ammo and extra clips. Sister ask to buy it back, but I had sold the 270 as well as a 243 pump to scrape up the money for it, so I told her no. The last two or three birthdays I haven't bought myself a gun, so maybe my collecting bug is getting better. I should give it back to her. I never do any shooting other than killing varmints anymore. And I do have a couple of SKS's if I ever did need to shoot fast.
I forgot to tell you. That mini 14 is worth about 700 bucks now.


Well-Known Member
I thought they were in 3rd place, behind us and Serbia. 8 million Swiss. 2.3-4.5 million guns, when government owned guns are included. I may be reading this wrong.

But the training is a big factor toward their low death rates. About 10% of ours. Their one mass shooting has resulted in changes to the way Army ammo is stored. Not in soldiers homes anymore.
...and the GINI coefficient, which I think has as much or more to do with relative gun violence levels between the US and Switzerland.


Well-Known Member
There are times where the law contradicts itself and we have to leave out parts of the truth I would say that is true.

You can say that is breaking a law sure.... There's much more behind that though, like drug definitions for example.

Look at sugar, it is a mind altering substance, it may be needed for function but the same could be said about endogenous neurotransmitters like nndmt and 5meodmt.

Let's just agree to disagree on some stuff. I'm pro abortion to a degree(didn't used to be mostly)... It's not right and it's evil, it's even against the law....sometimes... This whole thing is about changing laws, I bet not many (strictly) pot smokers commit mass murder either.


Well-Known Member
Sorry don't mean to offend anyone but don't listen to this, I can legally buy a threaded barrel and have it shipped to me.... And then legally buy a suppressor and use it if I want.

Gunsmiths thread barrels all the time, you can buy a suppressor with a 200 dollar tax stamp and about 5 grand, this is why nobody uses them cause they are hard to obtain, they are not illegal federally although some states are going to have laws against them I'm sure.

These same laws and hard processes are what could lower massacre numbers across the nation. It shouldn't be a piece of cake to go out and buy 5 ar-15 rifles and 5000 rounds. If you intend to shoot that many rounds they should be bought at a range and shot on site.

I have roughly 1-2000 rounds of ammo for probably 15 or so different guns. Mostly 22lr. I don't need anymore than that and I kill more animals for food in a year than most people do in a lifetime. I target practice a lot, I can hit a 8 inch plate with my glock at 100yards, I shoot regularly with my rifle at 500.

Unless you can show me hours logged into a range you don't need 1000 .223 rounds just for protection.

I will always defend my right to own my weapons, but it's time to change shit.
Gun's are too big of a business for their to be change. Americans love their guns. Guns are deeply rooted in our culture especially in the south. Gun shows, ranges, pawn shops, outdoor shops, carry permit fees, gunsmiths, reloading equipment, collectors, investors ect. Gun's are here to stay !!!! moooohahahaha

too larry

Well-Known Member
I forgot to tell you. That mini 14 is worth about 700 bucks now.
I knew I had got a good deal, but didn't realize it was that good. Hell, the bag full of ammo and clips is worth a lot by itself. I only have a couple three other .223's, so I might only keep a couple hundred rounds. My first good long gun was an over and under, .223 and 12 gauge Savage Arms. {Rich Redneck Special is what I call them} It's popular for turkey hunting, but I don't kill turkeys anymore. I think I have a bolt action too.


Well-Known Member
Ruger mini-14. I knew a old nam vet deputy who kept one in the trunk of his patrol car with two 30 round banana clips duct taped together. He added a bump stock to it.


Well-Known Member
Gun's are too big of a business for their to be change. Americans love their guns. Guns are deeply rooted in our culture especially in the south. Gun shows, ranges, pawn shops, outdoor shops, carry permit fees, gunsmiths, reloading equipment, collectors, investors ect. Gun's are here to stay !!!! moooohahahaha
You seem to miss the point. Nobody wants to take all of our guns away, the house just proposed an assault weapons ban which I oppose parts of, I believe they need to be more specific and allow exemptions or opportunities for people to keep certain weapons in certain states.

There has never been a mass school shooting in Alaska by definition, on that note I'd like to keep my semiauto pistols mostly, I walk through bear country everyday, it's my right to feel safe there and at home.

I've educated my daughter on guns, she's 8 and owns a .22lr, she can't have it or use it anywhere but the range, it's in the safe she doesn't know the combination too the rest of the time. She understands how dangerous weapons are and that they are for killing. She has a great heart and a strong mind, she wants to harvest a deer to help feed the family but is not quite ready for a bigger caliber.

I've already sold my assault weapons, I have some here in a safe that aren't mine but not my problem other than keeping them safe for now lol.

I believe we could be safer without even having to enact an assault weapons ban, but idiots are proving me wrong and shooting up schools so it's time we as responsible gun owners come to a compromise... Too much money and time going elsewhere just simple things can help. If they offered us good money for our weapons, just selling some off the streets will help.


Well-Known Member
You seem to miss the point. Nobody wants to take all of our guns away, the house just proposed an assault weapons ban which I oppose parts of, I believe they need to be more specific and allow exemptions or opportunities for people to keep certain weapons in certain states.

There has never been a mass school shooting in Alaska by definition, on that note I'd like to keep my semiauto pistols mostly, I walk through bear country everyday, it's my right to feel safe there and at home.

I've educated my daughter on guns, she's 8 and owns a .22lr, she can't have it or use it anywhere but the range, it's in the safe she doesn't know the combination too the rest of the time. She understands how dangerous weapons are and that they are for killing. She has a great heart and a strong mind, she wants to harvest a deer to help feed the family but is not quite ready for a bigger caliber.

I've already sold my assault weapons, I have some here in a safe that aren't mine but not my problem other than keeping them safe for now lol.

I believe we could be safer without even having to enact an assault weapons ban, but idiots are proving me wrong and shooting up schools so it's time we as responsible gun owners come to a compromise... Too much money and time going elsewhere just simple things can help. If they offered us good money for our weapons, just selling some off the streets will help.
We have a society problem not a gun problem. IMO


Well-Known Member
You seem to miss the point. Nobody wants to take all of our guns away, the house just proposed an assault weapons ban which I oppose parts of, I believe they need to be more specific and allow exemptions or opportunities for people to keep certain weapons in certain states.

There has never been a mass school shooting in Alaska by definition, on that note I'd like to keep my semiauto pistols mostly, I walk through bear country everyday, it's my right to feel safe there and at home.

I've educated my daughter on guns, she's 8 and owns a .22lr, she can't have it or use it anywhere but the range, it's in the safe she doesn't know the combination too the rest of the time. She understands how dangerous weapons are and that they are for killing. She has a great heart and a strong mind, she wants to harvest a deer to help feed the family but is not quite ready for a bigger caliber.

I've already sold my assault weapons, I have some here in a safe that aren't mine but not my problem other than keeping them safe for now lol.

I believe we could be safer without even having to enact an assault weapons ban, but idiots are proving me wrong and shooting up schools so it's time we as responsible gun owners come to a compromise... Too much money and time going elsewhere just simple things can help. If they offered us good money for our weapons, just selling some off the streets will help.
So true bro. Very good lessons we should all be teaching our future generations. I think ultimately that is the biggest key. Very well said!


Well-Known Member
You seem to miss the point. Nobody wants to take all of our guns away, the house just proposed an assault weapons ban which I oppose parts of, I believe they need to be more specific and allow exemptions or opportunities for people to keep certain weapons in certain states.

There has never been a mass school shooting in Alaska by definition, on that note I'd like to keep my semiauto pistols mostly, I walk through bear country everyday, it's my right to feel safe there and at home.

I've educated my daughter on guns, she's 8 and owns a .22lr, she can't have it or use it anywhere but the range, it's in the safe she doesn't know the combination too the rest of the time. She understands how dangerous weapons are and that they are for killing. She has a great heart and a strong mind, she wants to harvest a deer to help feed the family but is not quite ready for a bigger caliber.

I've already sold my assault weapons, I have some here in a safe that aren't mine but not my problem other than keeping them safe for now lol.

I believe we could be safer without even having to enact an assault weapons ban, but idiots are proving me wrong and shooting up schools so it's time we as responsible gun owners come to a compromise... Too much money and time going elsewhere just simple things can help. If they offered us good money for our weapons, just selling some off the streets will help.


Well-Known Member
While I agree we have internal problems in our society.... This doesn't change the fact that lowering total gun numbers and making them harder or even illegal to obtain for some will drop gun deaths and most importantly school shootings.

I'd like to say thanks to everyone here by the way, thanks for these discussions and thanks for the support from both sides.

Most importantly thanks for being civil in our discussions.


Well-Known Member
Just a thought. When I buy guns, I have to fill out a form. One of the questions is about drug use. I have lied about pot smoking on every one, so I guess I'm a criminal too. As are all the gun owners on this forum.
I think its stupid. Can't smoke pot and have guns.

A person can however drink all the booze and pop as many pills as they want and buy a gun.

Its crazy.


Well-Known Member
Gun's are too big of a business for their to be change. Americans love their guns. Guns are deeply rooted in our culture especially in the south. Gun shows, ranges, pawn shops, outdoor shops, carry permit fees, gunsmiths, reloading equipment, collectors, investors ect. Gun's are here to stay !!!! moooohahahaha
you ignorant yokels said the same thing about dslavery and racial segregation.

change is on the way, get ready for it princess rambo

Ripped Farmer

Well-Known Member
You don't go to school, though. I'm assuming you don't have a child that attends either. Loving parents don't play numbers games.

Why is it that those with the least to lose always beat the drum the loudest?
Oh look, another person assuming things. Thank you for not placing words in my mouth though.

I have 4 children, 2 still in grade school.