Where I stand on americas gun "laws"

Ripped Farmer

Well-Known Member
statistics have names and faces. everyone one of those dead children are now a statistic. You are trivializing their lives.
they were at least as important as you and everyone you know and love. people knew and loved them.
quit thinking about your penis replacement for a minute, and think about how you would feel if the same thing happened to someone you care about (if such a person exists).

I never trivialized anyone's life. You assumed they are only numbers to me. I cant post every feeling i have when speaking numbers. Again more assumptions.

However, numbers speak massive truth. While a very emotional situation, the response must be calculated.

Ripped Farmer

Well-Known Member
Like I said, loving parents don't play numbers games with their children's lives, sad.
Numbers speak truth. Being emotional when you shouldnt be scares children unnecessarily. My kids have no fear going to school but understand what their response must be if something were to happen. Loving parents dont pass fear to their children.


Well-Known Member
Numbers speak truth. Being emotional when you shouldnt be scares children unnecessarily. My kids have no fear going to school but understand what their response must be if something were to happen. Loving parents dont pass fear to their children.
Oh, don't be scared, but take this gun just in case some body wants to kill you.


Well-Known Member
Lol as soon as I said something about people being civil......here comes UncleBuck to the rescue!!!

Seriously man you don't help, you couldn't convince a monkey to eat a banana. There should be a thread for belief bashing just for Buck......oh wait there already is lol.


Well-Known Member
Lol as soon as I said something about people being civil......here comes UncleBuck to the rescue!!!

Seriously man you don't help, you couldn't convince a monkey to eat a banana. There should be a thread for belief bashing just for Buck......oh wait there already is lol.
nice ellipses


Well-Known Member
Lol as soon as I said something about people being civil......here comes UncleBuck to the rescue!!!

Seriously man you don't help, you couldn't convince a monkey to eat a banana. There should be a thread for belief bashing just for Buck......oh wait there already is lol.
Oh gawd.

Don't you think that continuing to support unconstrained gun sales in the face of very convincing facts that unconstrained gun sales led us to these mass killings is an uncivil position to take?

Personally, I've given up on two kinds of people. White overt racists and gun owners who continue to defend unconstrained gun ownership. As we can see from their very replies today, we argue facts while they argue belief. As with racism, which is also based upon false belief, committed gun nuts aren't going to change based upon what other people tell them.

Getting back to the uncivil position that leads to the death of 8000 people per year and the 10's of thousands traumatized by their murder by gun, what Buck says is kind by comparison. I stand with him in opposition to their vile propaganda.


Well-Known Member
Oh gawd.

Don't you think that continuing to support unconstrained gun sales in the face of very convincing facts that unconstrained gun sales led us to these mass killings is an uncivil position to take?

Personally, I've given up on two kinds of people. White overt racists and gun owners who continue to defend unconstrained gun ownership. As we can see from their very replies today, we argue facts while they argue belief. As with racism, which is also based upon false belief, committed gun nuts aren't going to change based upon what other people tell them.

Getting back to the uncivil position that leads to the death of 8000 people per year and the 10's of thousands traumatized by their murder by gun, what Buck says is kind by comparison. I stand with him in opposition to their vile propaganda.
let's be real: bullets hurt

but what really hurts are my words on a pot website.


Well-Known Member
Oh gawd.

Don't you think that continuing to support unconstrained gun sales in the face of very convincing facts that unconstrained gun sales led us to these mass killings is an uncivil position to take?

Personally, I've given up on two kinds of people. White overt racists and gun owners who continue to defend unconstrained gun ownership. As we can see from their very replies today, we argue facts while they argue belief. As with racism, which is also based upon false belief, committed gun nuts aren't going to change based upon what other people tell them.

Getting back to the uncivil position that leads to the death of 8000 people per year and the 10's of thousands traumatized by their murder by gun, what Buck says is kind by comparison. I stand with him in opposition to their vile propaganda.
I believe in change.... I've seen it in many ways. To not believe in change is the way of the conservative is it not?

I do agree that when presented with facts and evidence it becomes quite annoying but I don't agree with just resorting to name calling it's childish and trump like, we need to show people liberals don't take no shit yea but let's show them we can also stay sane in an argument. There are middle ground points here that people are being insulted for bringing up a lot.

I'd like to see change... It's almost like buck has backed off the name calling a bit already, maybe I'm just dreaming though lol.

I like this place, I can handle the name calling it doesn't hurt me, it fuels me to try and help more.


Well-Known Member
nice ellipses

Do I need to put the sentences I replaced with these in there for you?

Is this an attempt to bash my punctuation cause you don't use any at all Buck.

Nice punctuation by the way!

Let's not get into your spelling and grammar. Edit: Which I'm sure is great if you would slow down on your responses.

We all make mistakes.


Well-Known Member

Do I need to put the sentences I replaced with these in there for you?

Is this an attempt to bash my punctuation cause you don't use any at all Buck.

Nice punctuation by the way!

Let's not get into your spelling and grammar.
there is no need to be so upset