Where I stand on americas gun "laws"


Well-Known Member

The NRA creates the problem then blames their victim.

This from the link posted above: “anyone who does not have a record can go to a licensed gun store in most states, legally buy as many handguns as he or she wants, and walk out the door with them.” Kairys also points out that there are no “meaningful limits on the resale of handguns,” because private individuals, unlike federally licensed gun dealers, are not required to run Brady background checks on purchasers.

It's almost impossible to legally buy a hand gun in those cities. The problem doesn't lie with them, it's their surrounding community's gun dealers, deliberately crafted loopholes in laws for background checks and a racist attitude by gun nuts and the media towards the deaths of black kids.

Once a gun is sold, there is no tracking scheme for it. Too easy to go from a legal sale into the hands of criminals.


Well-Known Member
you only wear the earmuffs or plugs when you're actually firing....you don't have to walk around with them in all day
Are you saying you don't need to be aware what's behind you or around you when shooting from a bench?

I don't get what your trying to say... Nobody said you had to walk around with them all day. I simply said it would be nice not to have to use them.


Well-Known Member
How about going FORWARD, like CT/NY/CA did by banning high capacity magazines?
How about CONTINUING the ban on assault weapons, that was allowed to fucking EXPIRE in 1994?
How about this nation wakes the fuck up, and says we need MORE gun control laws, because the ones we have now, are fucking useless.
Didn't it start in 1994?

too larry

Well-Known Member
Cars are nowhere near as dangerous as they used to be. Deaths per vehicle mile traveled has fallen dramatically in the last 20 years.
That is true. The numbers of deaths per miles driven as well as over all deaths are going down. When we get out from behind the wheel, the numbers will really go down.

As of 2013 were had 10.6 road deaths per 100,000 population, 12.9 rd per 100,000 vehicles, 7.1 rd per 1B/Km traveled for a grand total of 34,064 road deaths. Not too bad compared to just a few years ago. I remember when 9-11 happened, the death toll was less than the road deaths for the month of February that year. ie, the shortest month.


Well-Known Member
We need money and help to enforce laws, we can make a million laws but if we don't have the right people enforcing them they are useless.

I'd like to see 100 billion of that military budget put to better use right here at home.

Pretty sure we have enough nuclear warheads that are in essence "illegal". This doesn't stop our government from telling others that they can't make or test nuclear weapons.


Well-Known Member
We need gun control, were just trillions in debt and our leaders keep writing tax cuts for the top 1 percent!

Take away politicians salaries, they should be allowed to live comfy not large!


Well-Known Member
How about going FORWARD, like CT/NY/CA did by banning high capacity magazines?
How about CONTINUING the ban on assault weapons, that was allowed to fucking EXPIRE in 1994?
How about this nation wakes the fuck up, and says we need MORE gun control laws, because the ones we have now, are fucking useless.
Any law can be deemed useless and ineffective if they arent enforced. What good are more laws if the current ones arent being enforced or followed by government agencies and military?

Didn't it start in 1994?
Yes, and ended in 2004. It didnt stop Columbine or any other large group of similar style shootings in that time.


Well-Known Member
We need gun control, were just trillions in debt and our leaders keep writing tax cuts for the top 1 percent!

Take away politicians salaries, they should be allowed to live comfy not large!
No one on this planet expects us to actually pay this "debt" off.

too larry

Well-Known Member
. . . . . . .Take away politicians salaries, they should be allowed to live comfy not large!
Most elected offices pay less than private sector jobs. The real money comes when they retire and become lobbyists. And most federal office holders are rich before they ever try to get elected. The list of non-millionaires in the house and senate is pretty short.


Well-Known Member
Any law can be deemed useless and ineffective if they arent enforced. What good are more laws if the current ones arent being enforced or followed by government agencies and military?

Yes, and ended in 2004. It didnt stop Columbine or any other large group of similar style shootings in that time.
I thought so.... We can't jump to conclusions though.... Just cause we enacted it, doesn't mean we did a good job enforcing it.

Government never advertises or pays enough for buybacks. We need to clean up the streets and change laws, I'm sure we will still have shootings but it won't be once a week I bet!

We can't just say let's give up...all this evidence points to stricter laws at least lowering the number of shootings.

I will continue to fight for my gun ownership, I would like to see change though and the selling of semi autos to minors and the mentally challenged to stop.


Well-Known Member
Take away politicians salaries, they should be allowed to live comfy not large!
I understand the sentiment but that's a recipe for worse corruption than we already have. Let's use our votes. One promising trend is the upward surge in activism and number of new faces entering their names as candidates on ballots. More activists, more new people contending for office. I know we've heard it before but things do look different than it did just a couple of years ago.

The new challengers for office come from a broad base of incomes, not just the 1% represented by Republican leadership. We have to pay them or they can't afford to give us their time.


Well-Known Member
These idiots have an iq of a squirrel, the rest of us know that it will never happen. We think we have salaries but were payed with loaned out money.


Well-Known Member
I understand the sentiment but that's a recipe for worse corruption than we already have. Let's use our votes. One promising trend is the upward surge in activism and number of new faces entering their names as candidates on ballots. More activists, more new people contending for office. I know we've heard it before but things do look different than it did just a couple of years ago.

The new challengers for office come from a broad base of incomes, not just the 1% represented by Republican leadership. We have to pay them or they can't afford to give us their time.
It seems with the power of the media most people are swayed enough to not vote at all or not vote for the candidates they would have had they not seen something on Facebook.

This is why we lost the election, I couldn't convince people that Hillary wasn't the criminal people made her out to be... It got so bad I questioned it myself and didn't have time enough to do my research.

I really am ashamed but I didn't vote because I was misled at the right moments, I liked Sanders but when he became a write in it was like a huge kick in the face. I felt like I didn't want to choose the lesser of two deaths.

Of course it only took the winter months and some time before I realized it was all a joke and a fucking sham, Hillary should have won like I thought she would in the first place. I was too busy wasting energy trying to tell people off, should've saved it, shut the fuck up and voted. May not have worked but I'd feel better about it now.

too larry

Well-Known Member
I thought so.... We can't jump to conclusions though.... Just cause we enacted it, doesn't mean we did a good job enforcing it.

Government never advertises or pays enough for buybacks. We need to clean up the streets and change laws, I'm sure we will still have shootings but it won't be once a week I bet!

We can't just say let's give up...all this evidence points to stricter laws at least lowering the number of shootings.

I will continue to fight for my gun ownership, I would like to see change though and the selling of semi autos to minors and the mentally challenged to stop.
The world works in certain ways. More often than not, what you hear on the news has no relationship with what is really happening behind the scenes. Hoping for new laws to make big changes is just a pipe dream. Even with the laws, very little will actually change.

Years ago the GOP gave up on blocking regulations they didn't like. They just fund the agencies that enforce the regulations as such a low rate they can't hire enough folks to do the actual work. If you own a coal mine and keep having safety violations, just get a few congressman aboard to cut the funding for inspectors. Much cheaper than actually improving safety. This is the case across the board. Almost every federal agency is way behind on staffing.

What Mark Twain said is still true today. We have the best government money can buy.

too larry

Well-Known Member
This is the wrong answer. Other countries have even more firearms per capita and don't have the problems America does.
Are you sure? I thought we had way more than Serbia, the next highest country. We have just over one gun per person, while Serbia has a half to three quarters per person.


Well-Known Member
It seems with the power of the media most people are swayed enough to not vote at all or not vote for the candidates they would have had they not seen something on Facebook.

This is why we lost the election, I couldn't convince people that Hillary wasn't the criminal people made her out to be... It got so bad I questioned it myself and didn't have time enough to do my research.

I really am ashamed but I didn't vote because I was misled at the right moments, I liked Sanders but when he became a write in it was like a huge kick in the face. I felt like I didn't want to choose the lesser of two deaths.

Of course it only took the winter months and some time before I realized it was all a joke and a fucking sham, Hillary should have won like I thought she would in the first place. I was too busy wasting energy trying to tell people off, should've saved it, shut the fuck up and voted. May not have worked but I'd feel better about it now.
Thanks for this.

If I may, I offer to you that a lot of people including you learned something about the power of propaganda. That's what it was. Clinton has faced propaganda against her for 30 years and as you say, it worked. To the detriment of this country, I'm not saying it's a good thing at all. The good going forward is, a majority weren't fooled and voted for Clinton over Trump and people like you who might have developed immunity to the lies of the fascist right.

I still don't understand your theory about not paying politicians. Sounds like a recipe for corruption to me. Perhaps a base salary with bonuses based upon whether or not certain objectives were met would satisfy you?

Edit: People don't vote for many reasons but the main one is they don't think it's worth the effort. My interpretation is that the people who don't vote are OK with the status quo. Probably for many different reasons. My feeling is that it's the job of candidates, campaigns, churches and others to convince people to vote for them Obviously they failed to do so. Could be that propaganda is in play here too. Not surprised the minority government is attacking freedom of the press.
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Well-Known Member
I still don't understand your theory about not paying politicians
Ok I spoke too soon, not all politicians or even government officials obviously, let's start with a decent comfortable salary....and then let's make sure they keep their hands out of the pot in other ways and stick to their jobs. Investing money is one thing but taking payment in exchange for political power is another. I like that quote above about our government being the best money can buy... It only just proves what we vote on means nothing and the decisions made in the end are swayed by big money.


Well-Known Member
Maybe it's more of a mock... Big Donald says hes not takin a salary....lets see him do that without all those payments from the nra and shit or the millions he gets on his own tax cut.

You could take the money away and if they had the power they would still be rich just more corrupt.... I think I get it.