Where I stand on americas gun "laws"


Well-Known Member
Because statistically the US has more firearms.

The odds of dying in a school shooting are about one in a million. For comparison the odds of dying in your car are 1 in 500.

I don't sit around dreaming of winning big on the lotto so why worry about the same odds for something bad to happen?
You don't go to school, though. I'm assuming you don't have a child that attends either. Loving parents don't play numbers games.

Why is it that those with the least to lose always beat the drum the loudest?


Well-Known Member
Good reply. I agree with the majority of Americans in regards to gun control, but pragmatically speaking, it's going to be a while before spree killings subside because of the availability of guns in the US and the lack of adequate mental healthcare. I think if Republicans were serious about limiting the amount of deaths committed by spree killers, they would support investing in mental healthcare, but they don't. They support decreasing the amount of funding going towards mental healthcare.. One can only conclude from that that Republicans don't actually give a damn about gun deaths and innocent murders. They sure do love to pretend like they do, though. In every argument against gun control legislation, Chicago and the blacks are referenced.
Guns have nothing to do with it.

Gun violence in America has little to do with gun availability and much more to do with the GINI coefficient; that is, wealth and income inequality;


too larry

Well-Known Member
I think silencers should be banned aswell. Not only because it takes the skill out of hunting at distances, but because of how much different they sound. Not only are they considerably quieter but average folk wont even realize its gunfire until its too late. It could easily be someone with hammer, so many things sound the same. They dont have that long "crack" that echos so far.
Tim, they are banned. They are real strict about that. Just threading the end of your rifle is a felony.

too larry

Well-Known Member
Won't matter. I can make a damn fine silencer with a plastic soda bottle and duct tape. You gonna outlaw them too?
The second you duct tape it to the rifle, it is outlawed. You can get big time fines and jail time. And it's not very effective after the first shot. The oil filters for lawnmower engines work much better. Drill out the hole before firing the first time. It does get less effective the more you use it.

Roger A. Shrubber

Well-Known Member
Yup, I'm the dumb one. Statistics really are just for dumb people who cant make up a good narrative.

And my goodness you sure spend a lot of time posting here.
statistics have names and faces. everyone one of those dead children are now a statistic. You are trivializing their lives.
they were at least as important as you and everyone you know and love. people knew and loved them.
quit thinking about your penis replacement for a minute, and think about how you would feel if the same thing happened to someone you care about (if such a person exists).

Roger A. Shrubber

Well-Known Member
Although I don't believe we need silencers...have you ever shot a high powered rifle at a range? Very mandatory to wear ear plugs and or muffs.

It would be nice not to have to wear muffs or earplugs, would make you more aware of your surroundings.

But those pros are far outweighed by the cons....It just sucks that it has to be that way. Other countries have a good amount of weapons and don't have these damn problems.

If we can't be like them (which we have demonstrated) we need to make gun sale laws strict, offer more buybacks even if just for the benefit of getting guns off the street.
We need to enact mental health checks on anyone owning or buying assault weapons and start spending more money on security cameras and advanced alert systems at schools.

We could come up with more ways to secure classrooms or campuses even if with simple fences and gates, I mean we protect our prisons from breakouts why not protect our schools in a similar fashion? Is this too much?
you only wear the earmuffs or plugs when you're actually firing....you don't have to walk around with them in all day


Well-Known Member
You trump and gunz supporters all say the same thing. Thoughts and prayers. "Car accidents kill more people" or some such oblivious nonsense.

Yeah, only 17 kids died in Parkland. The entire community was traumatized. The entire school body have had a part of their childhood ripped away. Probably hundreds saw their friends gunned down in front of them. How many of those kids will die from PTSD related issues? Not just Parkland. We have the same happen somewhere practically every month. Not only that but kids are going through active shooter drills all across the country. What an idiotic thing to say. "It's a fraction of the people who die each year". As if dying from kidney failure is anything like gun homicides. Listen to the people from Parkland. They say "no more of this". They want none of this for other towns and cities. Practically all of this gun violence is preventable.

It's not as if this is an either-or question. Do we work to reduce kidney disease or gun murders? How about doing both?
School shootings in America are now a WEEKLY OCCURRENCE.

It's now so common that unless the death toll is large enough, it doesn't make the news anymore.

Ponder that for a moment... And then ask yourself why it happens in America andanowhere else.

It's not about the guns themselves, but rather a symptom of the inequality and increasing desperation of our society.
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Well-Known Member
Parkland one of safest places in florida - Florida Today
Florida Today › crime › 2018/02/15 › pa...

Feb 15, 2018 · With a median household income of $128,292, Parkland is far more affluent than most places in the country, where the median income is just over $55,000. Just 2.8 percent of families live inhttps://www.google.com/url?sa=t&source=web&rct=j&url=https://www.floridatoday.com/story/news/crime/2018/02/15/parkland-school-shooting-town-known-safe-place-live/340845002/&ved=2ahUKEwjQh-mJwtDZAhXhjVQKHY8eCe0QFjAAegQIBxAB&usg=AOvVaw2j0AKgg5JqpOB_4XBnAGh8

Another bttyk fail. Say those kids must feel so bad for having more than others that they shoot each other, makes perfect since.


Well-Known Member
One of the first things to do that would go a long way to get stricter gun control and a decently functioning gov't is to overturn the US Supreme Court ruling about a decade ago? that gave corporations the same status as citizens so they now can dump millions of dollars into a candidates slush fund which makes that gov't official beholden to them.

Trump got almost 10mil from the NRA alone but because that's just pocket change to him he has the balls to tell them to f'off. The whole system is open to blatant bribery that is gov't sanctified and draws in the people that have only money on their minds and couldn't care less about the people that elected them.

Dem or Republican. They are all the same. If the Dems hadn't tossed Bernie out he would be prez now as Killary was despised by people on both sides of the fence. Trump only got in because the way elections are run in the US is as corrupt as the people up for election. Hard to say no to all that cash.

I have 4 long guns but nothing fancy. An old Brit. .303, Ruger 10-22 semi-auto, single shot .22 and a single shot 16 gauge. Good enough to kill anything that walks or flies in my neck of the woods including a human if the need should ever arise. Have had all sorts of training including hand guns but it's such a chore getting a legal pistol and can't use it anywhere but a range unless you are a prospector then you can pack it on you while out prospecting.

It would be nice if every discussion in the politics forum didn't descend into chaos brought on by the troll faction, (you-all know who you are), but that will never be.

Americans fear their own government more than any outside force so the most cowardly and fearful own the most and deadliest guns. Their paranoia drives them to doctors who feed them all sorts of legal mind altering drugs which pushes them over the edge so they get something like an AR15 and try to wipe out innocents. Talk about a dysfunctional society.
Of course we now have good reason to fear our government, since it's been bought by the corporations and used as a weapon against the People.


Well-Known Member
Because statistically the US has more firearms.

The odds of dying in a school shooting are about one in a million. For comparison the odds of dying in your car are 1 in 500.

I don't sit around dreaming of winning big on the lotto so why worry about the same odds for something bad to happen?
This is the wrong answer. Other countries have even more firearms per capita and don't have the problems America does.


Well-Known Member
Thanks for the callout, though i really want to press the question of, when is it a practicle situation to have a silencer besides killing something without other things knowing? If im going for bushwalk / hike i WANT to know i somebody is firing a gun nearby. Guns are meant to be heard. Period. Peace
Silencers are not silencers. They just reduce noise. You will still hear the gun and the action of the gun. You've seen too many movies. They are more accurately suppressors.

Most gun owners suffer from hearing loss. I see no reason to not legalize them.

Oh and about if giving an edge on hunting. Lol.

That and the fact that suppressors are rarely used in crimes.


Well-Known Member
guns are part of our society....our heroes used to be 6 gun toting cowboys, now they're dirty cops and gangsters....maybe we should try to teach kids to idolize scientist, astronauts, great thinkers....instead of clint eastwood wannabes shooting everyone that pisses them off

If that were the case, the explosion if gun violence would have started half a century ago when it became common fare on television, in the movies and video games.


Well-Known Member
OH NO !!! I'm a lover not a killer. I center my knowledge and power on the flat earth movement. The atheist globe is crumbling. In the meantime stop hating on law abiding gun collectors they could easily hate on you for being a sodomite.
Why are you a flat earther? you’re killing me with this post