Where I stand on americas gun "laws"


Well-Known Member
If we want to talk about statistics, im good with that...

Why then are my children stagistically in far greater danger of dying by a gun at school than an Austrailians fathers children are?
I cant imagine the feeling dude. Nearly everyday when they leave for school itd have to be in the back of your mind. So hard to block that shit out.
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Well-Known Member
This is gunna go like gay marriage, they fought us like hell, and told us society would damn near implode instantaneously if we allowed it... now for most part its either crickets or quiet semi support of it...

None of them are making a serious charge to get full autos legal... they seem to have accepted that as a given, and they will once assault rifles are banned and its clear the majority wants this, they will then abandon the gun fervor only to focus on some other culture war battle they can stir fear with and fight societal maturing and progress with...
Full auto is legal if you fill out the right paperwork and got deep pockets.


Well-Known Member
How is anyone else supposed to know that?

Isn't that what someone who plans on shooting people up would say?

I totally support your right to shoot firearms, but even you must agree something has to be done to limit the amount of life lost in American shooting sprees, right?
And that something needs to be reducing wealth and income inequality.

The solution isn't about guns in America, it's about life in America.


Well-Known Member
I would not be surprised if this troubled kid wasn't taken advantage of by the MKULTRA program of the CIA. The military industrial complex/CIA are gun runners and they are selling AR-15's like hot cakes right now. Sales always spike after these events because folks think they may be banned. For me i would much rather have the AK-47. It's more durable and dependable with fewer parts. You can clean the damn thing with motor oil and a coat hanger. You can throw it in the mud and sand then run over it with a damn car and it still fires just fine. Does way more damage than the .223 round of the AR-15.
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Well-Known Member
I think silencers should be banned aswell. Not only because it takes the skill out of hunting at distances, but because of how much different they sound. Not only are they considerably quieter but average folk wont even realize its gunfire until its too late. It could easily be someone with hammer, so many things sound the same. They dont have that long "crack" that echos so far.


Well-Known Member
I think silencers should be banned aswell. Not only because it takes the skill out of hunting at distances, but because of how much different they sound. Not only are they considerably quieter but average folk wont even realize its gunfire until its too late. It could easily be someone with hammer, so many things sound the same. They dont have that long "crack" that echos so far.
Won't matter. I can make a damn fine silencer with a plastic soda bottle and duct tape. You gonna outlaw them too?


Well-Known Member
I would not be surprised if this troubled kid wasn't taken advantage of by the MKULTRA program of the CIA. The military industrial complex/CIA are gun runners and they are selling AR-15's like hot cakes right now. Sales always spike after these events because folks think they may be banned. For me i would much rather have the AK-47. It's more durable and dependable with fewer parts. You can clean the damn thing with motor oil and a coat hanger. You can throw it in the mud and sand then run over it with a damn car and it still fires just fine. Does way more damage than the .223 round of the AR-15.
Won't matter. I can make a damn fine silencer with a plastic soda bottle and duct tape. You gonna outlaw them too?
in my ideal america, comments like these would revoke your rights to own any firearm whatsoever


Well-Known Member
Won't matter. I can make a damn fine silencer with a plastic soda bottle and duct tape. You gonna outlaw them too?
I realise what you are saying, but how many folk know that. Let alone if a kid is looking through his dads collection and dad has silencers. Ignorance is sometimes bliss and the less people know these things the better. Besides melting on the end of a muzzle in that sorta fire, how effective and how many shots do you think a plastic bottle can handle? Really?? Peace mate, i do respect your opinion, you are entitled to one but i firmly dissagree


Well-Known Member
OH NO !!! I'm a lover not a killer. I center my knowledge and power on the flat earth movement. The atheist globe is crumbling. In the meantime stop hating on law abiding gun collectors they could easily hate on you for being a sodomite.


Well-Known Member
Knowledge is power :hump:. Tim you know little about weapons. PEACE
Thanks for the callout, though i really want to press the question of, when is it a practicle situation to have a silencer besides killing something without other things knowing? If im going for bushwalk / hike i WANT to know i somebody is firing a gun nearby. Guns are meant to be heard. Period. Peace


Well-Known Member
Guns are meant to be heard
Although I don't believe we need silencers...have you ever shot a high powered rifle at a range? Very mandatory to wear ear plugs and or muffs.

It would be nice not to have to wear muffs or earplugs, would make you more aware of your surroundings.

But those pros are far outweighed by the cons....It just sucks that it has to be that way. Other countries have a good amount of weapons and don't have these damn problems.

If we can't be like them (which we have demonstrated) we need to make gun sale laws strict, offer more buybacks even if just for the benefit of getting guns off the street.
We need to enact mental health checks on anyone owning or buying assault weapons and start spending more money on security cameras and advanced alert systems at schools.

We could come up with more ways to secure classrooms or campuses even if with simple fences and gates, I mean we protect our prisons from breakouts why not protect our schools in a similar fashion? Is this too much?


Well-Known Member
Although I don't believe we need silencers...have you ever shot a high powered rifle at a range? Very mandatory to wear ear plugs and or muffs.

It would be nice not to have to wear muffs or earplugs, would make you more aware of your surroundings.

But those pros are far outweighed by the cons....It just sucks that it has to be that way. Other countries have a good amount of weapons and don't have these damn problems.

If we can't be like them (which we have demonstrated) we need to make gun sale laws strict, offer more buybacks even if just for the benefit of getting guns off the street.
We need to enact mental health checks on anyone owning or buying assault weapons and start spending more money on security cameras and advanced alert systems at schools.

We could come up with more ways to secure classrooms or campuses even if with simple fences and gates, I mean we protect our prisons from breakouts why not protect our schools in a similar fashion? Is this too much?
Hey bro, i see your point, although i think what im trying to say is others need to know about a firing gun. I have only ever fired a .22 on my family's farm. But surely earplugs/earmuffs are effective enough. I think the first rule of gun safety should be to beware of your surrounding and that other peoples safety comes before yours. I think you seem like a very responsible gun owner and you raise a good point but there are some extremely irresponsible gun owners that either are uneducated or just dont care. It has to be harder for these people to get em. Whether it be more education, scrupulous testing or tougher laws. I believe it needs all 3. Peace and good point, shame other dickheads spoil your fun


Well-Known Member
And that something needs to be reducing wealth and income inequality.

The solution isn't about guns in America, it's about life in America.
Gun control laws are effective at reducing harm from guns.

How about we put hurdles in front of people who want to obtain mass killing machines? I could make an argument that simply wanting to own one of those makes the person unfit to do so.

Not saying improving life in America isn't worthwhile. It's kind of vague though. How about if we make it harder to buy mass murder machines as a part of that goal?
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Well-Known Member
Theres already gun laws implemented that arent even being followed by government agencies and military. When someone is dishonorably discharged from the military for mental reasons, violence, or demestic abuse they are to be added a govenmental list....a list in which a lot of people are to be put on that havent been. Now, said person goes out and does something mental and now everyone should have a new set of rules and laws and more reform because of it? How about we enforce the overabundance of gun laws we already have in place to stop such tragedies and watch how that makes a difference. It would have made all the difference in the world with Devin Patrick Kelley among many others who shouldnt have even been allowed to buy a rifle legally. Laws only work when people follow them and enforce them. His was "legally obtained" due to the negligence of the US Military to add his name to the list. And of course a day after the shooting, there were over 4000 names added to that list....that should have already been on the list. Im all for gun regulation and making sure the proper channels are followed, but the enforcement of all said laws already in place should be concentrated on, followed and enforced before creating even more laws.
How about adequately staffing the agencies responsible to do the work? How about giving more than three days to do the check? How about closing loopholes that allow people to circumvent existing laws. How about being serious about all this instead of talking a great game while undercutting the background checking system as Congress and Trump did last year?

I don't think you are the problem here, I'm just pointing out that the Trump administration is hollowing out government while talking about adding responsibilities. There is no will to actually manage the work within this administration nor is there any interest in Republican Congress to staff and fund agencies that do the work. What else should one expect from people who believe in small government?

Absolutely agree that we aren't enforcing existing laws and that's the first thing that should be done. That said, it's still too easy for people to buy guns that have no other purpose than to kill a lot of people in a short amount of time. There is weak ability to track the weapons after they are sold. Half of all gun owners store the weapons in an unsafe manner that also makes them likely to be stolen in the event of a burglary or accessible to kids. There is a lot of obvious slack in our gun regulations that allow these mass killings to go on, and they will until we put people in charge who are serious about stopping them.
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Ripped Farmer

Well-Known Member
If we want to talk about statistics, im good with that...

Why then are my children stagistically in far greater danger of dying by a gun at school than an Austrailians fathers children are?
Because statistically the US has more firearms.

The odds of dying in a school shooting are about one in a million. For comparison the odds of dying in your car are 1 in 500.

I don't sit around dreaming of winning big on the lotto so why worry about the same odds for something bad to happen?