Yes, You can smoke your fan leaves.....

Put your leaves in a blender with juice or almond milk, banana, peanut butter. Smoothie is good. Save your lungs for the flowers bre
So if I am reading correctly what original poster is saying is if you dry your leaves even in vegative state you can get high from them?
So if I am reading correctly what original poster is saying is if you dry your leaves even in vegative state you can get high from them?
Doesn't say anything about veg or flower. He does state the plant grows bud to protect it from bugs????? His knowledge seems very limited.

I'd bet putting a plastic bag over your head and breathing rapidly would give you the same buzz for much less effort.
The title of this thread is giving me a headache. Smoke fan leaves? I think not. Not me. But if someone else wants to that's their choice. It's an old thread that was pretty much dead so that sums it up. Nobody's posted "Hey man! I was smoking some fan leaves and got really baked". Because anyone that's done it hasn't done it again.
Regardless of what many say you can in fact smoke your fan leaves....This is of course depending on the potency of your plant itself and the stress it endures. You may be thinking whats he mean by stress? well as we all know wild cannabis does not grow its buds just for looks or just the convience of some stoners to smoke, Its a defense mechanism to fight against bugs and such. So when a plant is introduced to stress it then produces a thin layer of THC on its stems and even ITS LEAVES!!!!. Yes of course fan leaves to not contain the amount of THC to get you high off your ass but with the right proccess you would be surprised of the results.

During my grows ive always smoked the fan leaves and ive also tested the various ways to smoke them. Weather the leaves contain the most THC or is it the Stems? If you look on the underside of a fan leave you can see a shiny layer which is in fact a small layer of THC, Ether way if you properly dryed fan leaves making sure you of course cut off the stem so it doesent have a supply of water you can smoke it. One of the best methods ive found is this.

1. Dry them out until they are crspy, and i mean so that when you bend them the stem and all snaps. You dont want any moisture.

2. Put them in a grinder and grind them up then throw a good old dime or quarter in the grinder.

3. Get the "leaf Keef"

Ive found that this leaf keef is actually much more potent then just smoking the leaves(of course) This is by far your best way to get anything out of your leaves. I dont suggest male leaves although if you make the keef with them im sure they would still do a little something.

Anyways I hope you guys learn to love fan leaves and get the most out of your plants! Happy Smoking!!!

I don't save my fans. I toss em off my deck. But I keep all the trim from the smaller leaves since they always are coated in crystals. They don't vape bad at all in my desktop vape if dried and cured right. My wife and I don't mind it at all. Although I usually vape the buds myself, and give the trim out when people are desperate. My trim is almost as potent, but doesn't taste quite as good.
You can toss fans in a hookah and catch a good buzz. Haven't done that since my first indoor grow couple years ago. It does work tho. Obviously yea the bud is better of course
The title of this thread is giving me a headache. Smoke fan leaves? I think not. Not me. But if someone else wants to that's their choice. It's an old thread that was pretty much dead so that sums it up. Nobody's posted "Hey man! I was smoking some fan leaves and got really baked". Because anyone that's done it hasn't done it again.
I have shitloads of fan leaves in boxes. To add to the compost heap. You can smoke the resin you scrape out of pipes too. I know because I have. Many years ago.
I have shitloads of fan leaves in boxes. To add to the compost heap. You can smoke the resin you scrape out of pipes too. I know because I have. Many years ago.
Black Death we used to call it. Scrape out the stem and steam in on a saucer to dry it out...milk crates as furniture..

Fan leaves have allot of uses, smoking isn't a real good one.
Feel free to post your proof that leaves in veg have more than minimal thc.

Average fan leaf in flower has less than 2% thc. That is already minimal, it wasn't born with 2% thc. A leaf in veg is going to be under 1%. Sure you can use it to make some weak concentrates, but as far as plucking a leaf off in veg, drying it and smoking it... waste of time.