Yes, You can smoke your fan leaves.....

Then your doing it wrong.....I make killer iso oil from time to time from winterized leaves and ethanol, me likey....
now this doesn't sound to bad, although not many turpenes are found in leaves tho, but this I would be interested in doing, are you able to strip most fats and chlorophyll?


Well-Known Member
now this doesn't sound to bad, although not many turpenes are found in leaves tho, but this I would be interested in doing, are you able to strip most fats and chlorophyll?
I get gooey black, especially if you let it go passive, but in the winter that's tough. I put the alcohol and the trim/leaves/stems/whatever in the fridge for at least 24 hours. Freeze dry it. I try and use 125 micron mesh to filter it out of the jars. Then water bath it below 250F to boil out the alcohol. I have so far not tasted chlorophyll, as for fats and phenols, I have never had a chance to GC it, I just try to emulate GrayWolf. Search the name in Google, real deal chemistry. :peace:

It's RSO with ethanol.


Well-Known Member

Just my opinion of course;) But gooey black hash oil from any sort of solvant is garbage.

Stick to cold water and Ice


Well-Known Member
I wouldn't dream of using my fan leaves in any of my edibles, let alone smoking.

Hell, I trim the outside edges of my sugar leaves before I would even classify the trim to be 'cook worthy'.

Maybe that's just me, but fan leaves are long gone before I would classify myself as 'harvesting'.



Well-Known Member
I grow maters too brandywine variety....i was trying to relate the efficacy of a tomato leaf to an actual tomato which is the fruit of the labor imho.


Well-Known Member
I grow maters too brandywine variety....i was trying to relate the efficacy of a tomato leaf to an actual tomato which is the fruit of the labor imho.
I know what you were attempting to relate, I just ran with it ;)

fwiw, my prized 'matos are MoneyMaker tomatoes, but I grow a couple strains aside from that (not counting cherry-type).



Well-Known Member
Going to google the money makers.....ohh I can taste them now....grilled cheese and maters god I have the munchies.


Active Member
^ that.

I grow tomatoes. The efficacy of a tomato leaf, regardless of strain/variant is as good as a cannabis fan leaf.

just fun facts to know & tell but: Tomato parts are highly poisonous....

Fan leaf? back in the 70's often weed regularly had leaf "filler" to give it weight....I'm guessing it still gives you headaches


Well-Known Member
used to smoke a tonne of that shit when I was a kid, we'd get garbage bags full of fan's no sugars. Taking in a lot of harsh smoke that doesn't get the user high and makes you cough your ass off gives a lot of folks head aches, it has nothing to do with superiority. I'm getting to the point in my smoking life that flavour is becoming just as key as potency but that's just preference. I'd still smoke heavily coated sugars if I was desperate and had nothing else, but that's where I draw the line these days. I try to keep something pinchable in the cab at all times, even if I am out of dried smoke I can grab a nug.

Smoking things isn't the greatest for you in the first place, smoking stuff that doesn't even do what it's supposed to is just dumb IMO. Not saying I haven't done it, I do dumb things daily :)

Juicing sounds interesting. Wonder if anyone I know has a juicer I can borrow to see how it tastes :?


Well-Known Member
This is my first post regarding cannabis. My cannabis Post Virginity gone. Hymen is blasted.
SO i have not smoked in last 2 years due to availability issues. Then finally for the first time i got some seeds and iam growing of my own, Now a set of one plants are 32 days from seed, other set is 18 days in. A week ago i topped the first and had like very little tops, a couple days old tops, total 16 tops, i kept them in a plastic bag to throw them and i forgot, Today i found the bag and saw all heads(topped nodes), dried and i smelled them, and they smelled very familiar, i crushed them and the smell enhanced. Since i haven't smoked anybis (ANYBIS-Just created new word,hopefully) in last more than two years, i made a joint and smoked it. What do u think happened??????:bigjoint:
Nodes were Dinachem and Amnesia platinum btw
Iam feeling it. Definately...So fellows it not about quality or superiority smoking bud or trim or leaf. Sometimes its about availability.
But i can confirm if thats all u have at hand, go on u will be rewarded:hug:


Well-Known Member
You would be better of taking those ground fan leaves and mulch them in your soil mix for your next grow. I know my plants at least would benefit from it and not get a headache and lousy high from it like I would smokin those leaves, just sayin :eyesmoke:


Well-Known Member
Regardless of what many say you can in fact smoke your fan leaves....This is of course depending on the potency of your plant itself and the stress it endures. You may be thinking whats he mean by stress? well as we all know wild cannabis does not grow its buds just for looks or just the convience of some stoners to smoke, Its a defense mechanism to fight against bugs and such. So when a plant is introduced to stress it then produces a thin layer of THC on its stems and even ITS LEAVES!!!!. Yes of course fan leaves to not contain the amount of THC to get you high off your ass but with the right proccess you would be surprised of the results.

During my grows ive always smoked the fan leaves and ive also tested the various ways to smoke them. Weather the leaves contain the most THC or is it the Stems? If you look on the underside of a fan leave you can see a shiny layer which is in fact a small layer of THC, Ether way if you properly dryed fan leaves making sure you of course cut off the stem so it doesent have a supply of water you can smoke it. One of the best methods ive found is this.

1. Dry them out until they are crspy, and i mean so that when you bend them the stem and all snaps. You dont want any moisture.

2. Put them in a grinder and grind them up then throw a good old dime or quarter in the grinder.

3. Get the "leaf Keef"

Ive found that this leaf keef is actually much more potent then just smoking the leaves(of course) This is by far your best way to get anything out of your leaves. I dont suggest male leaves although if you make the keef with them im sure they would still do a little something.

Anyways I hope you guys learn to love fan leaves and get the most out of your plants! Happy Smoking!!!


this all ends once you harvest some grade A buds
good luck


Well-Known Member
Some fan leaves are too tough for my taste, but I always put the leaves I trim and wony use for extract into a salad and eat them while im trimming. Ive been on my knees plenty of times since my youth and smoked everything from plant, down to the stems. None of it was disgusting, most of it just took the edge of needing some nugs.