Yes, You can smoke your fan leaves.....


Well-Known Member
I use brown sugar Or back woods paper taste awesome. I always have a pack of raw as well as back up but I’m more of a billy smoker my selfB551BF30-9A65-40C6-8678-6F11013B9D05.jpeg


Well-Known Member
My friend likes to eat the material left over from making butter. After I press out as much as I can, she adds more butter and eats it like turnip greens....with a punch. I tried it, not bad, but I prefer a good walnut brownie I haven't tried making anything with fan leaves, but I keep meaning to try something. Seems like a waste to just throw them in the compost bin. I wonder how many oz's to make a pound of butter? I use an oz of good trim, so I'f figuring at least 8 oz of leaves.


Well-Known Member
Back in the 80's when I started growing, I sprouted some Hawaiian seeds, I would take the tops to make the plant branch out more and I would smoke those tops. They were in veg but they got me high (probably low tolerance back then). Fan leaves did nothing for me.


Well-Known Member
Once had a super silver haze that never stopped stretching, ugliest thing I've ever seen. buds never formed, or rather they did and stretched out. Looked like a bush of little thin twigs and leaves, complete disgrace.........but 100% covered with THC. stems, fans, everything, covered with THC. Ended up cutting the whole thing and drying it out. Smoked the stems and everything, the high was amazing. Had enough to last a year and I used it as a conversation piece, would show people it and challenge them to smoke it and just laugh as their face lit up. Out of the dozens of strains I've grown this was the only one that I have ever seen this. So I understand you can smoke the fan leafs, but 99% of the time I wouldn't.