stock market, jobs, economy all plummeting under trump


WASHINGTON (The Borowitz Report)—Donald J. Trump doubled down on his claims of being a genius on Saturday by surrounding himself with the most intelligent people he knows and proclaiming himself “the smartest person in the room.”

Referring to the associates gathered in the Oval Office as “my Brain Trust,” Trump said, “Every one of these people is a stable genius, and I am by far stabler and more geniuser than any of them.”

Trump said that the collective brain power of the other people in the room was proof of how smart he was. “Anyone who was insecure about his own intelligence wouldn’t surround himself with such smart people,” he said. “That’s why you never saw people like this in the Oval Office when that dummy Obama was President.”
Too bad it's fake news.... But it's funny news so here it is....

It's a short term option for aggressive investment as opposed to a long term option for a steady gain. It's one of the few options for short term gain at the moment.

Why wouldn't you?

Because that isn't what short selling is. In a short sale, or in options for short sale, you BET the price of the stock is going to go down. You basically borrow shares, sell them, and buy them back later and replace them. If the stock goes down, you sold high and bought low.

It's a risky form of investing. You can lose your shirt if the stock moves up quickly.

Or did you mean near term options? Entirely different beast. Options that will expire soon are much closer to an accurate strike price than one that is still at full term. You can make money, but everyone knows that and they will be pricey. Again, if you can find near term options that are underpriced, you can make good money, but you are betting against the market since they le the price drop.
  • The Dow closed at 18,332.74 on his Nov. 8, 2016 election day, which means there is 6,013 points to go before the President's market rally is gone.
Markets are currently positive again. Could be a head fake or the rally could be resuming. Either way like I said, it was an incredible buying opportunity. Thank you again Mr. President!
  • The Dow closed at 18,332.74 on his Nov. 8, 2016 election day, which means there is 6,013 points to go before the President's market rally is gone.
Markets are currently positive again. Could be a head fake or the rally could be resuming. Either way like I said, it was an incredible buying opportunity. Thank you again Mr. President!
You need to measure it from the end of Obama's last fiscal year, dumbass.