stock market, jobs, economy all plummeting under trump

you're a demonstrable liar so no one believes this new lie of yours either, fatass jew hating racist.
Go back to calling me baldy, at least some truth to that as my hairline is def receding. As for fat, my BMI is normal but I would like to lose 5 pounds. Jew hating racist? Nah, I love my wife of 19 years and our Jewish daughter too much to hold their ancestry against them. Thanks for the chuckle, keep trying. I'm going for a mountain bike ride so smell you later bucko!
Go back to calling me baldy, at least some truth to that as my hairline is def receding. As for fat, my BMI is normal but I would like to lose 5 pounds. Jew hating racist? Nah, I love my wife of 19 years and our Jewish daughter too much to hold their ancestry against them. Thanks for the chuckle, keep trying. I'm going for a mountain bike ride so smell you later bucko!
you going with your imaginary golfing buddies?

fat racist lying jew hating unfuckable
Working people have better odds at a casino than to devote their life savings to the stock market their entire life. It was designed and built to funnel money to the very wealthy, when it crashes the people controlling it always make out and everyone else is screwed, stay in the market long enough and you will lose.
no one actually believes you have your own business, roundbelly.

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Well my weekend fun is over and I just popped a 10er of amphetamine so I can crank all afternoon on entering raw material invoices into Quickbooks so I can build virtual product assemblies to report accurate COGS and reconcile to finished goods physical inventory counts. All of which doesn't earn the business one dime. Just like the time spent last week trying to send a 1099 to a guy that did not want to receive one. Once I get raw materials/finished goods reconciled (not today) I'll get my paypal and shopify accounts reconciled with the books just as I did for my bank account and credit card statements. Of course I need to pay my sales reps and fulfillment house on Monday as well so need to do a paypal transfer to the bank to cover the checks. I wish my largest vender would pay me more quickly, another tough nut to crack. Then there's the day to day order processing and billing functions, production planning and purchasing, marketing activities, new product design, payroll (monthly Federal Form 1041 and quarterly Federal Form 941 filings, withholding, 940 payment, 941 payment, W2s etc. etc.), sales tax returns which I now get to do quarterly - yipee! And I work from home so I have to do my own computer diagnosis, get my own coffee, run to Staples when the ink runs out, etc. You get the idea, I'm clearly not a small biz owner, which is nothing to brag about in the first place when you understand how easy it is to start one and how hard it becomes to operate one. You so funny buck.
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Well my weekend fun is over and I just popped a 10er of amphetamine so I can crank all afternoon on entering raw material invoices into Quickbooks so I can build virtual product assemblies to report accurate COGS and reconcile to finished goods physical inventory accounts. All of which doesn't earn the business one dime. Just like the time spent last week trying to send a 1099 to a guy that did not want to receive one. Once I get raw materials/finished goods reconciled (not today) I'll get my paypal and shopify accounts reconciled with the books just as I did for my bank account and credit card statements. Of course I need to pay my sales reps and fulfillment house on Monday as well so need to do a paypal transfer to the bank to cover the checks. I wish my largest vender would pay me more quickly, another tough nut to crack. Then there's the day to day order processing and billing functions, production planning and purchasing, marketing activities, new product design, payroll (monthly Federal Form 1041 and quarterly Federal Form 941 filings, withholding, 940 payment, 941 payment, W2s etc. etc.), sales tax returns which I now get to do quarterly - yipee! And I work from home so I have to do my own computer diagnosis, get my own coffee, run to Staples when the ink runs out, etc. You get the idea, I'm clearly not a small biz owner, which is nothing to brag about in the first place when you understand how easy it is to start one and how hard it becomes to operate one. You so funny buck.
in two minutes you'll be telling me your business is imaginary.
remember last night when you talked about your anti-semitic golfing buddies then tried to tell me they were imaginary two minutes later?
No, I don't. I had golfing buddies when I was golfing and we talked lots of shit to each other because we loved each other, were doing drugs, and gambling. Ok if you do not understand. We said vile things to each other, but well understood it was locker room ball busting stuff. Don't recall any jews in the group so we wouldn't have talked in those vile terms, we certainly talked in vile terms, the type of stuff I'm not so into anymore. Buh-by for now. Gotta work.
The U.S. government is set to borrow nearly $1 trillion this year, nearly double last year’s amount
The Treasury Department attributed the increase to the “fiscal outlook.” The Congressional Budget Office was more blunt: Tax receipts are going to be lower because of the new tax law.
looks like trump just doubled the deficit.

he is hellbent on undoing anything obama did. and i guess that includes the fact that obama slashed the deficit by over a trillion dollars.
Donald Trump used his magical wand to bring jobs back to America. The United States economy is booming because of the wand and corporations have been quick to move back to America. Barack Obama unfortunately mocked Donald Trump for having "A Magic Wand" during his 2016 presidential campaign. However he was very very wrong indeed
Donald Trump used his magical wand to bring jobs back to America. The United States economy is booming because of the wand and corporations have been quick to move back to America. Barack Obama unfortunately mocked Donald Trump for having "A Magic Wand" during his 2016 presidential campaign. However he was very very wrong indeed
Is everyone in Michigan drinking that Flint water?