stock market, jobs, economy all plummeting under trump

Donald Trump used his magical wand to bring jobs back to America. The United States economy is booming because of the wand and corporations have been quick to move back to America. Barack Obama unfortunately mocked Donald Trump for having "A Magic Wand" during his 2016 presidential campaign. However he was very very wrong indeed

job creation under trump is the lowest it has been since 2010, when we were still climbing out of the last republican great depression.
Amazon and Apple Gush Over Holiday Sales

For the quarter that ended Dec. 31, Amazon said, net income rose to $1.86 billion, the highest profit in its history and more than double the $749 million from a year earlier. A big part of the increase, $789 million, came from the tax benefit. Revenue jumped 38 percent to $60.45 billion from a year earlier.

Apple, in contrast, is without equal in making profits from tech hardware.

For the company’s fiscal first quarter, it reported a record for quarterly net income — $20.07 billion, up 12 percent from a year earlier. Revenue rose 13 percent to $88.3 billion. The gains were notable considering that Apple’s fiscal first quarter was a week shorter than the previous year’s 14-week fiscal first quarter.

Lets take oregon as an example, super majority Democrat since the 40s...40 billion in unfunded liabilities and comprised of mostly teachers and this year they more than doubled their returns, at above 15%. So, they are praying for a bear not a bull. 4 trillion in unfunded liabilities countrywide that rely on the sto
Amazon and Apple Gush Over Holiday Sales

Lets take oregon as an example, super majority Democrat since the 40s...40 billion in unfunded liabilities and comprised of mostly teachers and this year they more than doubled their returns, at above 15%. So, they are praying for a bear not a bull. 4 trillion in unfunded liabilities countrywide that rely on the sto

jeff bezos just got even richer.

meanwhile, his workers, who are american citizens, have to piss in bottles between delivery stops and get paid diddly.

the economy is in decline for everyone except the very wealthy right now.
Amazon and Apple Gush Over Holiday Sales

Lets take oregon as an example, super majority Democrat since the 40s...40 billion in unfunded liabilities and comprised of mostly teachers and this year they more than doubled their returns, at above 15%. So, they are praying for a bear not a bull. 4 trillion in unfunded liabilities countrywide that rely on the sto
Oregon is doing just fine. You worry too much.

Now about those dams you love and want to protect. Salmon will never recover without them removed. Your answer? Improve logging roads?
Oregon is doing just fine. You worry too much.

Now about those dams you love and want to protect. Salmon will never recover without them removed. Your answer? Improve logging roads?
How come you never mention oha cover oregons little fuck are so proud of your indignation arent you, lol, apopleptic.

Maybe you shoould google the EPA Regulatory Relief Act of 2011....
My answer is to improve roads?

25,000 miles of logging roads were slated to be violators of the clean water act and therefore were subject to million if not billions cleaning it up, Improving Salmon habitat.
Wyden took the opposite action.
Dams need to be removed of course, quote me where i stated otherwise, but habitat is the othe key component, that wyden doesnt support, quite clearly by just googling EPA Regulatory Relief Act of 2011, but you wont because you would have to shut your lying uneducated trap...

Now, i am satisfied that you are for dropping non sequitars instead of facts, and then twisting facts to make your narrative.....what dams have you personally been involved with? I also,worked on a dam removal on the rouge with water watch a few years ago, so,why would i argue against their removal? Because i dont and again the twisting to suit your attempt at debate, i enjoy your point of view, but you alwys leave out appropriate details....why is that? I could claim somethting other than what you actuallly wrote, like your pattern, but that accomplishes about dick, doesnt it.....
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jeff bezos just got even richer.

meanwhile, his workers, who are american citizens, have to piss in bottles between delivery stops and get paid diddly.

the economy is in decline for everyone except the very wealthy right now.
Amazon is russias fault, forgot that Bezos voted Bush......Apple has factories in US employing americans?
i never mentioned russia, i just said the economy is in decline, especially for the average american
In decline?.... while two of the biggest five american companies reported Record profits....whats in decline is your swag sales to the local indentured white community, they just knew your shit was bunk, err i mean buck.....
Didnt you just brag about 3 different jobs you are workjng on personally, but you dont know how to distinguish between "everbody but the ultra rich" and yourself?

But how the fuck are you doing anything in your 2.5 hour breaks from posting all day here, makes no sense for a hard worker with no time.....
lower job numbers than obama. the lowest since 2010

lower gdp growth than obama.

trump just doubled the deficit.

the stock market plunged nearly 700 points in a day

but hgey, at least the richest man in america is doing ok.

View attachment 4084351
No statistics with real numbers, hearsay talking points. Blame bezos hes rich bitch, you fat lily white Republican Toad[see what i did there with lily,lol]
lower job numbers than obama. the lowest since 2010

lower gdp growth than obama.

trump just doubled the deficit.

the stock market plunged nearly 700 points in a day

but hgey, at least the richest man in america is doing ok.

View attachment 4084351
Now we can confirm your closeted Republican stance with a Paul Ryan quote, when did he get anything right?
No statistics with real numbers, hearsay talking points. Blame bezos hes rich bitch, you fat lily white Republican Toad[see what i did there with lily,lol]
Now we can confirm your closeted Republican stance with a Paul Ryan quote, when did he get anything right?

maybe if you reply to the same post for a third time you'll be less triggered, cuck.

From February through May — the latest data available — the U.S. economy has created 594,000 net new jobs, according to the Labor Department’s Bureau of Labor Statistics. That’s fewer than the 659,000 created during the final four months of the Obama administration, which Trump criticized for its job growth.

So far, 2017 is on track to produce the fewest net new jobs in seven years.
Letr's see.

There is unamous agreement among economists that two things the market hates, and reacts to negatively, are uncertainty and risk.

There is unamous agreement amongst political scientists that two pillars of trump's presidency are uncertainty and risk.

What could possibly go wrong?
How come you never mention oha cover oregons little fuck are so proud of your indignation arent you, lol, apopleptic.

Maybe you shoould google the EPA Regulatory Relief Act of 2011....
My answer is to improve roads?

25,000 miles of logging roads were slated to be violators of the clean water act and therefore were subject to million if not billions cleaning it up, Improving Salmon habitat.
Wyden took the opposite action.
Dams need to be removed of course, quote me where i stated otherwise, but habitat is the othe key component, that wyden doesnt support, quite clearly by just googling EPA Regulatory Relief Act of 2011, but you wont because you would have to shut your lying uneducated trap...

Now, i am satisfied that you are for dropping non sequitars instead of facts, and then twisting facts to make your narrative.....what dams have you personally been involved with? I also,worked on a dam removal on the rouge with water watch a few years ago, so,why would i argue against their removal? Because i dont and again the twisting to suit your attempt at debate, i enjoy your point of view, but you alwys leave out appropriate details....why is that? I could claim somethting other than what you actuallly wrote, like your pattern, but that accomplishes about dick, doesnt it.....
You've still never said what the alternative to Wyden is.

You've never said anything about dam removal before, just histrionics over what happened in 2011. You know that the salmon can't recover unless those dams come down but you have this obsession about those logging roads which won't save salmon unless the dams come down. So, you'd imperil hard to find jobs in rural areas and still salmon would die off. Oh yeah, that's a winner at the ballot box.

Regarding those logging roads, there is more than one way to skin the cat. Oregon is assuming authority.

INTRODUCTION In 2012 and into 2014, representatives from the West Coast Regional Office of NOAA’s National Marine Fisheries Service (NMFS) and the Oregon State Office of the U.S. Fish & Wildlife Service (USFWS) met with a representative from Region 10 of the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) to develop a process to address concerns related to the Endangered Species Act (ESA) with a proposal by the Oregon Department of State Lands (DSL) to assume permit authority under §404 of the Clean Water Act (CWA).

You talk as if Wyden wanted to kill off salmon. Perhaps the state of Oregon prefers that the Army Corps of Engineers not be responsible? After all, they haven't a good track record when it comes to protecting salmon.

I look forward to your next fulmination.