2 dead in school shooting in KY


Well-Known Member
You asked where the imigrants in my family where
And i told you

Technically unless your native american by blood
We are all imigrants lol


Well-Known Member
You can't possibly be scared, considering the fact that you studied martial arts for over two decades and have a small armory hanging from the walls in your trailer.

Does this mean that you aren't still going to come beat me up like you promised?
He's going to shoot you via instagram. Due to shitty satellite internet on his trailer the bullet will never reach you.


Well-Known Member
But weren't you the one who couldn't answer what a second dan is?
No, I know exactly what it is. You don't get a title for the rank of Ni Dan. It will take a few years.

onata wa nihongo o hanasa masu ka???

My nihongo is not very good but it's better than the inbred's English.
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Well-Known Member
If your asking
Nihongo ga hanasemasu ka.
No i dont speak japanese

But my father was pretty fluent it is where he earned his black belt in shotokan karate.
While he was in the air force as a helicopter maintainence and telecommunications

Which ryu do you study ? Still wana see your knuckles

Youll have to forgive me as i did not study japanese arts much just a sprinkle of jujitsu
Which i would like to do more eventually


Well-Known Member
He literally has no idea what you're talking about. He searched on the internet and repeated something he just read to make himself look like he has knowledge about something that he doesn't, and it took him a whole day.
A whole day lol...

It took me less time than it did for you to respond. Also, the reason I have been offline during daylight hours is that it's not daylight here when it is in your trailer park.