2 dead in school shooting in KY

Tell you what take a picture of your knuckles

It will tell me all i have to know about your being a second dan :)
But you need to put your user name somewere
Come on, internet tough guy. You're the one talking all the shit about all your guns and about how you studied martial arts for over two decades. You say you make so much money, it should be nothing to fly on over. You keep calling everyone pussies but now you are backing down?

Your father would be so proud...
The number of gun deaths has no bearing on the fact that other races in our country are having more kids and whites will be the minority in time. That has been a known fact for almost 20 years.

Whites will be a minority because they keep marrying whites. Y'all are going to slow fuck yourselves into extinction. Keep avoiding those vaccines while you're at it too. Lulz
My brother keeps his arms locked up at a friends safe. He takes them to target practice when he can. They are for sport and not exposed to children. He has PERSPECTIVE because he doesnt live with rednecks all year long so he doesn't use his guns for idiot shit or leave them laying around.If someone steps to him he can handle himself without a weapon.

What do you get from being proud of being careless? Nice that you fall back on '"its my right to do what I want" but its not a well thought out reason.
I hope he doesnt need his gun in an emergency
Nope i just held my info
