2 dead in school shooting in KY


Well-Known Member
Anybody that is a member of an organization that SPENDS 10's OF MILLIONS OF DOLLARS PER YEAR LOBBYING AGAINST UNIVERSAL BACKGROUND CHECKS AND SAFETY FEATURES ON GUNS is, sorry to say, an irresponsible horses ass.

Ok. I did hear you right. I don’t agree with your assessment in this comment either.

Much much more to be considered about the NRA and gun owners in general.


Well-Known Member
Im an asshole when it comes to the rules

No kids are ever in my house unlessnwe are there if we arent then they are locked

Im not a moron i just dont have to tell you guys every detail of my life lol
so you lock your kids in your home with loaded weapons on your counter top and tell them nobody is allowed in until you get home?
sounds safe to me

good kids sneak other kids into their homes every day. to smoke, play vids, doctor, and yes, even to rummage while nobody is home


Well-Known Member
I should say if you where to speak of my father like this to my face we would be going.at it

He was not a drunk he was infact quite intelligent.
When you work on helicopters you have to be sure or eles people die.

Hes dead now and i would rather you leave him out of this

Sorry he fought for your rights
I wasnt insulting your dad just giving one plausible consideration concerning why you may have grown up thinking that telling your little kid to not do something will automatically prevent them form doing so. a drunk dads gun safety teaching would fit that bill no?

btw, school bus drivers, airline pilots, and even mechanics are not supposed to be drunk at work, yet still happens...
I wouldnt tell my son I was a drunk mechanic or bus driver would you?


Well-Known Member
Cuck thinks trailer park boxing is martial arts.
That actually does sound pretty tough. I doubt that someone with any real martial skills would feel the need to be armed every second of the day. Nor would they have failed to obtain at least second dan or equivalent. In fact, I can't imagine that they would have such a poor command of English. This dude is just another troll, full of shit.


Well-Known Member
ha, you did call this one like a psychic!

I have never felt psychic in my life. I was just high. Lol.

But maybe you’re right as I was told my reading comprehension is poor. Anytime I disagree here I hear that.

If the fraternity of liberals here is right I am just a Jew hating Nazi anyway. I wonder if Rabbi Soslov thought that at my Bar Mitzvah?

Where’s my gun? Oh yeah right here on the counter next to my bong. :-)

It seems when people vehemently argue for a belief they are often acting just like the opposite of that belief.


Well-Known Member
Ok. I did hear you right. I don’t agree with your assessment in this comment either.

Much much more to be considered about the NRA and gun owners in general.
I am a gun owner. I am, in fact, licensed to carry.

The only people AGAINST universal background checks and safety features are, sorry to say, irresponsible horses asses.

That includes ANYBODY that would ever be a member of the NRA. That organization stands for and fights for one thing only: MORE GUN SALES TO GENERATE MORE PROFITS...no matter who the guns are sold to, or by whom, or what they do with them.


Well-Known Member
The US sells weapons to the enemy, I dunno if its to increase their chances of beating us or what, but thats fucking weird.
I ponder gun manufactures' responsibility(for deaths, misuse etc) when they operate within the laws that the US makes for them, specifically them , with great thought and their wisdom. great debate, maybe not so much in a weed forum, but wtf, its all good.


Well-Known Member
The US sells weapons to the enemy, I dunno if its to increase their chances of beating us or what, but thats fucking weird.
I ponder gun manufactures' responsibility(for deaths, misuse etc) when they operate within the laws that the US makes for them, specifically them , with great thought and their wisdom. great debate, maybe not so much in a weed forum, but wtf, its all good.
It's the military complex that has this nation so bankrupt.

They make TRILLIONS of dollars off of the dead. They don't care who has to die or why so long as the contracts and money comes flooding in.

Any time you try to stop all the killing, you're hit with two things:
And people are so fucking stupid, they get shamed into going along with the program.

The rich get richer, the poor get fucking dead.

Rinse, repeat.


Well-Known Member
I am a gun owner. I am, in fact, licensed to carry.

The only people AGAINST universal background checks and safety features are, sorry to say, irresponsible horses asses.

That includes ANYBODY that would ever be a member of the NRA. That organization stands for and fights for one thing only: MORE GUN SALES TO GENERATE MORE PROFITS...no matter who the guns are sold to, or by whom, or what they do with them.

I heard you the first time. Yelling doesn’t change anything.

Here’s a blanket statement for ya. Everything for everyone only exists for sales that generate more profit.

You bought a gun. You support it all whether you like it or not.


Well-Known Member
I heard you the first time. Yelling doesn’t change anything.

Here’s a blanket statement for ya. Everything for everyone only exists for sales that generate more profit.

You bought a gun. You support it all whether you like it or not.
I support the 2nd amendment. I DO NOT support a criminal's right to buy guns. The NRA supports EXACTLY THAT - a criminal's right to buy guns.


Well-Known Member
here's her dad firing a 60cal handgun.


Yes. I've done something stupid with a gun. I've told the story. Taco may have told it again and called me stupid. I'm not sure as I have him on ignore.

I shot a bowling ball with a high powered rifle. It was stupid. I was a teenager.

I don't trust teenagers to not do stupid things let alone an 8 year old.