2 dead in school shooting in KY


Well-Known Member
This statement proves you arent what you say thanks.
Im not military
Just had a real father lol that taught his kid to be safe
I knew that you had trouble writing but I was not aware that you also had trouble reading. You did in fact claim that you have studied martial arts for over two decades, maybe in other words but that was what you claimed. If that's true, I can't imagine how you would not have at least second dan or equivalent.

The rest of my post was made up of questions.


Well-Known Member
Which gun club are you a member of which encourages leaving your guns lying around?
Let me say none but if you have a 8 year old that doesnt know or cant comprehend

You have failed as a parent.

Im not going to be here to hold their hands their whole life.
Gota teach them while you can


Well-Known Member
You're so ignorant and generally stupid that it hurts my brain to reply to you.

Kids are UNPREDICTABLE, you dumb sister fucking hick.
No fuck that if your kid is too stupid by the time they are 8 they are just fucking dumb

That shit doesnt fly in my house


Well-Known Member
Toddlers are unpredictable
But after the age of about 5 they understand guns are dangerous you know like an oven is hot

At 8 they should be able to tell you the rules of guns saftey

If not your kids are either fucking dumb or your a shit teacher


Well-Known Member
Doesnt matter
Im not doing anything illegal in my state :)
How bout you?
me? 100% legal state supplier here, no worries.
no kids in the house either. no guns on the table.
if you feel so unsafe without a visible loaded gun nearby, and you force your children to stay in that unsafe place ...your child neglect is overwhelming.
I offer the solid suggestion of holstering your firearm whilst you suffer your paranoia daily, as opposed to giving small children access to a loaded gun. Holstered, the gun will further boost your penis size fantasy just from the constant chub of knowing its so close if nothing else.


Well-Known Member
me? 100% legal state supplier here, no worries.
no kids in the house either. no guns on the table.
if you feel so unsafe without a visible loaded gun nearby, and you force your children to stay in that unsafe place ...your child neglect is overwhelming.
I offer the solid suggestion of holstering your firearm whilst you suffer your paranoia daily, as opposed to giving small children access to a loaded gun. Holstered, the gun will further boost your penis size fantasy just from the constant chub of knowing its so close if nothing else.
Dude did you guys ask if my pistol was holstered?

Holy fuck you guys are retarded
And your the type that die by gun accidents


Well-Known Member
Toddlers are unpredictable
But after the age of about 5 they understand guns are dangerous you know like an oven is hot

At 8 they should be able to tell you the rules of guns saftey

If not your kids are either fucking dumb or your a shit teacher

when he's grown he'll be disappointed in your choices in this matter= evolution
he wont allow his kids to visit you freely.
if the gun kills someone nobody will forgive your bad choices ever.


Well-Known Member
Trust me nothing disgusts me more then seeing a moron with a gun...

So i in turn taught my kids not to be morons with guns

Get the picture yet


Well-Known Member
Mabey yours would have shown you not to hide behind fake stories.

Father didnt raise a wana be pussy either
You're the one who claims to have studied martial arts for over two decades...

My statement stands. You probably never knew your father. If you did have a real father figure, he'd have taught you to read and write.