2 dead in school shooting in KY

Coming from a guy who spends hours writing but doesn't have time to learn how to do it well, I'd suggest spending less money on guns and more on your education.
Yea right i skipped colledge so i could make real money

Although it was great when a colledge grad had to be.my apprentuce bitch lol

I make pretty decent wages for a unejucated guy
House is paid for everything is paid for

Can you say the same?
Yea right i skipped colledge so i could make real money

Although it was great when a colledge grad had to be.my apprentuce bitch lol

I make pretty decent wages for a unejucated guy
House is paid for everything is paid for

Can you say the same?
Thanks for the lols.
The skill we all lack is predicting accidents. Consider locking your guns until children are no longer present.
Ive said it more then 3 times now
I have 2 guns that are never locked
For the reasons that they where designed

If i ever doubted anything they would be locked with the rest
Like i said sorry you think a gun is some mysterious force lol

Just another inanimate object
That when used can result in death

How.many people die of car accidents over shooting?

You not going to let your kid drive?

Didnt claim to be anything if i recall so fuck that

sorry you didnt get to grow up like i did.
If you had you would know guns are nothing to fear.

If you read my posts youll see that i say numerous times

If i felt a need to secure.my weapons in a safe i would do so. Most are anyways.:)

Just because i have a home defense weapon in my room means squat.

Or if i set my carry pistol on the counter
My kids wouldnt even look at it let alone acknowledg it because its normal to them :)

My kids arent little darwins. Oh but i forget you dont have any kids or any guns lol
Yeah sure...

I don't have kids or guns...you fucking moron.