2 dead in school shooting in KY


Well-Known Member
A couple of generations are just waiting for old white folks to die off so things can improve.

Conservatism is almost synonymous with "out of touch". Get with the times and realize that the fulcrum of your world view is the notion that things can ever be the way they were before your generation ruined everything. Every argument against a radical shift away from status quo is based on ignoring or denying the conclusions drawn by evidence and empirical research.


Well-Known Member
Nobody sees a problem with putting a auto uzi in the hands of a 9 year old girl, most adults can't handle one. Looks like another Darwin award winner.
Most people do, just not these "I've 3 kids and leave my guns loaded and ready to go around the house but it's ok because the kids are super mature and trained by the Navy Seals" retards.


Well-Known Member
Duh is what i said when i saw that
Ive said in my post
Most law enforcement dont give two shits about their gun.
Same in the.military except mabey the Marines
Not all people capable of buying a gun should have one
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Well-Known Member
Most people do, just not these "I've 3 kids and leave my guns loaded and ready to go around the house but it's ok because the kids are super mature and trained by the Navy Seals" retards.
Like i said sorry you think a gun is some mysterious force lol

Just another inanimate object
That when used can result in death

How.many people die of car accidents over shooting?

You not going to let your kid drive?

Didnt claim to be anything if i recall so fuck that

sorry you didnt get to grow up like i did.
If you had you would know guns are nothing to fear.

If you read my posts youll see that i say numerous times

If i felt a need to secure.my weapons in a safe i would do so. Most are anyways.:)

Just because i have a home defense weapon in my room means squat.

Or if i set my carry pistol on the counter
My kids wouldnt even look at it let alone acknowledg it because its normal to them :)

My kids arent little darwins. Oh but i forget you dont have any kids or any guns lol


Well-Known Member
Sad, sad that so many inner city youth think that the "gangsta" lifestyle is cool as opposed to getting an education and doing something constructive with their lives.
You ever wonder about the NRA's ability to draw/re-draw district lines?


Well-Known Member
Notice how it doesn't bother you that buck likes gun's because it kills more people of one race over any other...
What does this have to do with my argument? What does it even have to do with yours? How exactly do you suppose that it is a germain response to @UncleBuck 's joy that white people kill each other when you point out something (of dubious accuracy) about another race of people previously unmentioned?

How exactly does that excuse white male homicide?
When pointing out grammatical and/or spelling errors becomes part of the argument you have lost.
His "argument" is not of any concern to me. I already knew that he was an idiot and it simply provides additional support for this conclusion. If I had pointed out your poor grammar, maybe then you could declare yourself victorious. Dumb ass.

So why are you so pleased with yourself after spreading your hateful views against black people?


Well-Known Member
Now you're just getting upset because you lost.
I'm not upset, I rather enjoy pointing out what a mouth breathing dolt you are, dumb ass. Maybe you can declare victory when you actually respond to the arguments. It seems you're only able to respond to the insults.
No I didn't go on a rant, you asked me a question and I sincerely answered.
Your answer to my question was "Wow, you can't be this stupid can you?"

I think you lost.


Well-Known Member
I would rather weild a hammer or a sword then a pen sir

As long as men see the sun

There will be warriors and cowards among us.

Sorry i replaced online grammer with real world skills lol. And grammer doesnt much matter in my line of work ..

In which i get paid as much as some of those much more edjucated then my self lol