What the heck is going on with pot prices?

If I wanted to grow weed Michigan only allows at this time( soon to change laws) 72 plants legally every two month it would produce with 32 in bloom with the rest of the plants in veg or as mother's 124 lbs every two months easy or 248 k dollars

You could make those numbers work in the model I was talking about. 4 sets of 32 with a 60 veg adjusted here and there for different length flowering periods and a 30 day rotation. Harvest 32 every 30 days.
I've been wanting to use a sort of horizontal air flow array like you'd see in a greenhouse to create a rotating air flow like a vortex that rises from the bottom to the top of the room. I turn shared walls into push/pull fans by putting ducting at both ends that bring in air from down low on one side and blow it out across the top of the next room.

Combining the 2 would pretty much out an end two stratification and co2 pooling.
In my climate I would have to mix the air for winter to temper it. We wouldn't want negative 18 f air to hit the girls.
But not likely it would ever hit temp to bring exaust fans on in the winter .
So what I would do is have a furnace air handler on a duct work system blowing through the green house with a few fans low directing air back to the furnace . The furnace would also generate some co2 for the plants, although most of it would be forced out the flue be the inducer motor
I'll have to look at that. Always that Alibaba was Chinese knock off junk.
Not like it used to be.
You specify what you want and they will build it to your specifications.
Then ship it to you.
The Chinese have been growing in greenhouses forever and have the shit down.
If they did not grow food in greenhouses they would starve
In my climate I would have to mix the air for winter to temper it. We wouldn't want negative 18 f air to hit the girls.
But not likely it would ever hit temp to bring exaust fans on in the winter .
So what I would do is have a furnace air handler on a duct work system blowing through the green house with a few fans low directing air back to the furnace . The furnace would also generate some co2 for the plants, although most of it would be forced out the flue be the inducer motor

That's where the cogenerator comes in. An lp or ng generator with a heat exchanger to warm the greenhouses and catalytic converter on the exhaust to clean it for use as co2. You get power, heat, and co2.
Not like it used to be.
You specify what you want and they will build it to your specifications.
Then ship it to you.
The Chinese have been growing in greenhouses forever and have the shit down.
If they did not grow food in greenhouses they would starve

Comes down to quality and shipping costs. Shipping a 45,000 pound building across the ocean might not be so economical.
Dude the flow of power is like this . The most powerful is you.
The next is the county you live in.
The next is your state . Then the lowest power is the federal government.
For some reason you want to give all your power to the federal government then you and everyone else gets to live like a slave under them .
This is how it's supposed to work but somehow alot of that role got changed when the federal government over threw the power of the people and states .
If you followed the Bundy case any at all it was dismissed with prejudice against the government.
The founding documents of the country states when the federal government gets out of control it is out DUTY to over throw the government because it is tyrannical and illegal.
Jefferson stated also it was our duty to disobey unconstitutional laws and it was our duty to disobey them
Several supreme Court decision over the years state any law passed by the US Congress that is against the Constitution are NULL and VOID.
If you are scared of the government is because liberals like YOU have allowed them to steal too much power. .
go argue your case in court because trump and sessions wanted to undo the good that obama did.

you will be laughed out of the fucking room.

then maybe you can prance around with your guns and have a cute little revolution and overthrow the government.

dump truck.
I used to put Halon systems in restaurants . They normally come pre charged in the hood already.
Lots of different manufactures of this equipment but I would think you could find one used cheap someplace from closed restaurant . You install it with channel slot and all thread rod over the area you are working then run black iron duct to a roof Jack and through the roof and hook up power to it and a alarm if you want
I heard alot of Trinity county growers got shut down because they did not pay their tax's on the property or get license to grow . They are mostly mong growers in that area. Super nice people that work their ass's off . What a shame .
In Cali you have to pay to play.
They do not care what you do almost as long as you pay up.
Then the fire.
Prices will go back up because supply's always dry up by years end and with the fire and many growers getting shut down the supply will run out fast.

I knew somebody who was working up there and I think
I know what you are thinking . In a way your not wrong thinking it.
In a way you are. .first off I am doing electrical.load calculations site lay out . Estimates on what the materials what kind of power how much power it will take , where the power runs to how many light are needed what kind of times for the curtains and light will be used .
How many gallons of water will be needed and how big the storage tanks will be needed . Tomorrow I will be doing load calculations for cooling on a building . Go home work up designs and estemates.
What I personally doing is not illegal. Now for you growers ,
If the federal government wants you they will get you there is nothing you can do about it. How much space do you think the federal government has in prisons to throw weed growers and dealers into prison? All of us seriously ?
They do not have enough prison space so what they are doing is going after the real hard ass's who are involved with other things other than marijuana .
When senator Orin hatch from Utah says hey, uh maybe we should reschedule this ND at least open it up for medical research even the hard ass conservatives are coming around it's only a matter of time it gets rescheduled at the federal level.
The ninth and tenth amendments to the US Constitution states all powers not relegated to the US government by the Constitution are reserved to the states and to the people.
I do understand that the federal government t rarely follows the Constitution and to many idiots in this country have no understanding of it.
If the federal government starts busting people for weed there will be a supreme Court challenge and they will lose that case.
The last thing in the world they want to happen
Illinois is 45 and 8th for the good stuff. Lower quality is 35. The prices of wax dropped fast, 45-50/g used to be a good price, now I know a guy who can get it for 25-35/g. The prices of bud have been dropping fast with medical starting to pick up momentum and talk of rec on the breeze.

I don't have any problems moving what I don't smoke to my friends. Which isn't much.. I never intended to get rich from it.
I would rather my friends Buy High grade stuff from me ,Than line the pockets, of some little wanna be Gangster,Who has watched shottas too many times
You need to go check out Alibaba and save yourself a pile of money on the dep house . They will build it however you want it too

So it gets shipped to the States and just assemble it? One of my buddies uses low cost hoop houses in the summer on a licensed grow. in CO.
I would rather my friends Buy High grade stuff from me ,Than line the pockets, of some little wanna be Gangster,Who has watched shottas too many times
I love hooking up my friends. I used to grow mostly for myself and my grandpa who had cancer. But he's gone, and I can't smoke as much as I grow, so I hook up my friends with better weed than they can find anywhere around here.
I love hooking up my friends. I used to grow mostly for myself and my grandpa who had cancer. But he's gone, and I can't smoke as much as I grow, so I hook up my friends with better weed than they can find anywhere around here.
I do the exact same ,But all ways make them Beg lol,Sorry to hear about your Grandpa bro ,
I do the exact same ,But all ways make them Beg lol,Sorry to hear about your Grandpa bro ,
The world is a darker place without him.
On a lighter note, one time I had some hash oil on parchment paper. I did my best to scrape all I could off the paper but there was still a lot on there that I couldn't get. So I rolled up a hog leg of a doobie with it and passed it around a group of 7 or 8 people. I don't think we even got half way through it.. I love growing and being able to smoke almost wasteful amounts of weed! lol
I Can't smoke like i used to do,I'm after a way of producing vape oil ,But with out the use of Gas ,Bho,any ideas
Something like this? Just skip the decarb step if you're going to vape it. I've tried dissolving bho straight into VG, it didn't work worth a fuck. I smoke filterless American spirit cigarettes, so my lungs probably consider it a break when I some weed. lol. I'll drop the cigarettes some day (famous words of every smoker..)..........
go argue your case in court because trump and sessions wanted to undo the good that obama did.

you will be laughed out of the fucking room.

then maybe you can prance around with your guns and have a cute little revolution and overthrow the government.

dump truck.
I will not argue any case in court as I can't stand lawyers and government ,
Obamao wasn't worth a broke dick and catered to nothing but the free loaders in the country sucking on the government's tit .
I do not know of one thing obamao did that was not detrimental to the country.
He was the biggest crooked POS ever next to Clinton I have ever seen .
When the economy gets to rolling backwill ever control power outside the east and west coast again.
You should try ready a book maybe educate yourself a little instead of following me around RIU and others hass
So it gets shipped to the States and just assemble it? One of my buddies uses low cost hoop houses in the summer on a licensed grow. in CO.
Yes . And it's way cheaper then buying it here
Well in trouble with admin again .
Apparantly someone turned me in for giving the piss back at Uncle buck , then his cronies in admin sispe ded some of the features of my account .
If there is one thing I can't stand are snitchs and bitchs . They have a tendency to get trouble started and sometimes people in jail.
Of someone is childish enough after cussing at people gets cussed out back then snitchs the individual out he starts trouble with . That is straight up some bitch shit .
In my opinion Uncle buck and a few of his cronies , one in admin play this game all the time on here , especially with people who are conservatives or libertarians like myself then I really do not have use for them or this site .
You can't trust them they are snitchs and bitchs .
So I will be leaving this site again soon .