If you have high quality product up here, you get high quality prices and that's it, that's all she wrote. Also MMG, as stated, getting rid of a few is easy and you get the price you ask for ..... if it's good, and yup it's a good looking product, if trying to judge by pics. It's trying to get the 25+ pounds gone that can be a challenge and still get the profit that were the norms back in the day, even with fire. Prices for mids have sunk to bargain basement prices here gggdue to the huge knowledge base now that there is some great product available. The days of unloading a truck load and retiring for a year are gone for me and ended 20 years ago for the same reasons as now but on a different plain. It was brick competing against mids to fire indoor that had just started to be marketed....damn Asians lol, now it's mids competing against fire. We switched our game to a better product with a higher risk factor and were able to keep going for a while longer......then the market just exploded and I got old.....damn everyone lol. Same stratigy is required now I think, even though I am done with it, but if you have the best fire product you will easily be able to unload it here. Now keep in mind I'm talking here and no where else, mass produced fire here is still the exception and not the norm, and gone quickly. Also with the Canadian legal pricing, I'm thinking it would be a great time for the underground to make huge on the projected retail $10 per gram, that's an easy number to get under, again if it's fire. I just bought a QP for $300 only because I was curious at that price and honestly was surprised at the quality. That's my take on all this anyways, sorry for the ramble, high again lol.