Nothing dumber than a flat earther

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You just hooked into a network of terrestrial based dishes. This is old technology dude they bounce signals off the ionosphere/sky/dome. You may need to look that up because you keep ignoring the fact it exist. The IONOSPHERE sky or dome is electrically charged. I never suggested anyone read the bible. The Earth is not in a state of weightlessness so who cares. I liked soap bubbles too don't forget about them. The Earth is only 70% water not 100%. You have no clue about my past. PEACE May every bowl be greens my friend.
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Literally anyone could measure and make the same observations tha NOAA made. As a matter of fact, a ton of people have so it’s not a lie.

But you can keep being blind all you want. Sorry that the universe is so large that it scares you into needing to believe we live under a dome.

Since you keep moving the goalposts, explain who pays for the continuous editing of the feeds on the ISS. Those feeds are live too, since they capture rocket launches in real time. Explain.
you didn't know? the earth isn't 70% water. that was a government plot to control water, its actually 99% water, the government hid the other 29% so we couldn't find it. they froze it, tied a big rope to it, and pushed it over the edge of the flat earth. they'll haul it back up when they need it.
apparently aliens have a base on the back side of the flat earth, from which they control most of the worlds governments.
i'm not precisely sure how they got here since there's not supposed to be an actual sky with space above it...its a "firmament" if there's no sky or no space above it, where did the aliens come from?
and the sun is a big light bulb that is lit by electricity from the sea. not sure how the electricity from the sea gets to the sun, but it does.
the moon is a calendar, placed in the sky to help us keep track of passing time, and it has no mass, so tides are produced by whales fucking in unison....i guess.
math isn't absolute, you can tweak it to get results that suit you, even though they're impossible to duplicate in the real world. as long as you can write it out on paper, that proves...that you can do math poorly.
i'm trying to be open minded....bear with me...i smell circuits burning
Yes Roger Curve the beam of light over the surface of the ocean you can do it, it will work one day keep trying help save us all the Globe is crumbling. Raaaaahhhhh Dome, stars revolve around Polaris Gods creation, moon , sun, ionosphere no outer space, your universe is another ocean above the dome, no gravity, only density displacement no tides in the great lakes water is flat indoctrination electromagnetic tides TV Globe Globe Globe TV TV TV spin it on its axis no terrestrial life in antarctica the frozen wastelands protect the dome....
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Very good video Terps, i hope everyone takes a minute and checks it out. Antarctica is pretty much a isolated wasteland. No terrestrial animals or trees only lichen on rocks. Seals and penguins can be found in the subarctic islands and coastal areas as they depend on the ocean for survival. Whereas the North Pole has reindeer, polar bears, arctic fox ect. ect. Polaris is above the North Pole and all the stars in the dome rotate around it. Time lapse video proves the stars close to polaris rotate faster than those on the edges. Dude is right, why the deception? Like most things it's all about that $$$MONEY$$$. The freemasons at NASA get billions every year for fakery. They probably could care less that it challenges the history of creation in the bible because they are occultist. Watch your T.V. we are constantly being fed images of a Globe. Makes me sick.
that video is a parody he is taking the piss out of flat earthers
RetiredGuerilla probably believes there is a Santa Clause. Lets hear his theory about that!
I found out in 1975 in 3rd grade right after i started cussing and using the F word. There is no Santa? This is bullshit! Oh the deception. No tooth fairy. No fucking Easter bunny I bet they lying about them turkey eatin pilgrims too. Fuck it I got some G.I. Joe's
Very good video Terps, i hope everyone takes a minute and checks it out. Antarctica is pretty much a isolated wasteland. No terrestrial animals or trees only lichen on rocks. Seals and penguins can be found in the subarctic islands and coastal areas as they depend on the ocean for survival. Whereas the North Pole has reindeer, polar bears, arctic fox ect. ect. Polaris is above the North Pole and all the stars in the dome rotate around it. Time lapse video proves the stars close to polaris rotate faster than those on the edges. Dude is right, why the deception? Like most things it's all about that $$$MONEY$$$. The freemasons at NASA get billions every year for fakery. They probably could care less that it challenges the history of creation in the bible because they are occultist. Watch your T.V. we are constantly being fed images of a Globe. Makes me sick.
This just makes me sad inside
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