Nothing dumber than a flat earther

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Hey bud, how are you doing? Your plants are looking beautiful, as usual. The above-quoted text is not accurate. If retarded Gorilla ( I think that's his name) would actually read the bible, which most believers do not, rather than regurgitating what his masters propagate, he would know that the bible does allude to Earth being flat. Further proving that the bible cannot be inspired by a divine deity because that said deity, the creator of all, would obviously know that he created a world that is sphere shaped.

Here are a few verses that one (with a low IQ) could conclude that the Earth was flat. Last time I checked, sphere shaped objects have no corners. Have a good day bro.

Isaiah 11:12
Revelation 7:1
Revelation 20:8

What’s up brother!

I told you your new name should be “forgotten toker”. You missing in action mother fucker!

I concede that the Bible does refer to the world as flat. Well at least not as a globe.

Of course Moses was more likely a scientist than a religious fanatic. He may have known. He obviously knew weather patterns and other natural events and history.

Or it’s all just fiction. I don’t know. Lol.

I went to Hebrew and Sunday school and studied the Old Testament but I didn’t remember any specific flat or round references.

You are one smart dude!
What’s up brother!

I told you your new name should be “forgotten toker”. You missing in action mother fucker!

I concede that the Bible does refer to the world as flat. Well at least not as a globe.

Of course Moses was more likely a scientist than a religious fanatic. He may have known. He obviously knew weather patterns and other natural events and history.

Or it’s all just fiction. I don’t know. Lol.

I went to Hebrew and Sunday school and studied the Old Testament but I didn’t remember any specific flat or round references.

You are one smart dude!
Some of you need to practice your lying because you suck at it. If you did study the Old Testament you would have started with page 1 and Genesis. It's how God created the Earth, moon, sun and the firmament. Pseudo science is what you Globetards have put your faith in. If you lie keep it real make it a art. How many miles was it to that Chicago skyline? According to your scientist it's 8 inches squared per mile that the earth curves.
Some of you need to practice your lying because you suck at it. If you did study the Old Testament you would have started with page 1 and Genesis. It's how God created the Earth, moon, sun and the firmament. Pseudo science is what you Globetards have put your faith in. If you lie keep it real make it a art. How many miles was it to that Chicago skyline? According to your scientist it's 8 inches squared per mile that the earth curves.

You are accusing us of lying?


had to write that out so you can really here my bellowing laughter at you. ;-)
Just saying!

Very good video Terps, i hope everyone takes a minute and checks it out. Antarctica is pretty much a isolated wasteland. No terrestrial animals or trees only lichen on rocks. Seals and penguins can be found in the subarctic islands and coastal areas as they depend on the ocean for survival. Whereas the North Pole has reindeer, polar bears, arctic fox ect. ect. Polaris is above the North Pole and all the stars in the dome rotate around it. Time lapse video proves the stars close to polaris rotate faster than those on the edges. Dude is right, why the deception? Like most things it's all about that $$$MONEY$$$. The freemasons at NASA get billions every year for fakery. They probably could care less that it challenges the history of creation in the bible because they are occultist. Watch your T.V. we are constantly being fed images of a Globe. Makes me sick.
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LMAO !!! Whatever you don't actually believe the big lie either. You are just trying to troll. Many books have been written on the fake moon landings. Millions don't believe it as books and documentaries are good sellers. The photos have been proven to be fake. Shadows in the pictures don't run parallel as they should from a single light source (sun). The whole thing was produced in a studio under lights. Dutch Prime Minister Willem Drees was given a moon rock by Neil Armstrong that turned out to be petrified wood after it was examined. There is no outer space only a dome with stars set in the firmament that revolves around polaris. I guess you also think that jet fuel can melt steel beams right? My advice to you is to lay off the fluoridated tap water and tooth paste. In the beginning television was meant for entertainment not for education. Soon it became a powerful tool for propaganda and indoctrination. Their is no outer space. Your GPS systems work off of a network of terrestrial based satellite dishes pointing south and away from the magnetic center that is the north pole. The dishes ricochet signals off the ionosphere/Dome that are received by another dish hundreds of miles away creating a link for communication. There is no satellite in orbit that they link up to. Cell towers track your movements through your cell phone. Hundreds of homicides are solved every year via cell phone records and which tower your signal was pinging off of. You are the one who doesn't understand math and science. How is that Alaska and extreme northern regions have near 24 hours of light in Summer? The sun circles in the center of the flat earth above the north pole during summer. During the winter it circles around the edges of the ice ring above the Antarctic so the south pole gets nearly 24 hours of light during winter and leaves the north pole with near 24 hours of darkness. How is it that the whole earth sees the same moon phase? Think GLOBETARD!! You should be pissed that NASA has been fisting you your friends and family out of your hard earned tax dollars with an elaborate hoax.

Neil Armstrong didn't give that to the dutch prime minister, it was the US ambassador J. William Middendorf.

This stuff is so easy to look up and verify.

I'm sorry that you are living such a sad scared existence.
Neil Armstrong didn't give that to the dutch prime minister, it was the US ambassador J. William Middendorf.

This stuff is so easy to look up and verify.

I'm sorry that you are living such a sad scared existence.
That article came out years after. Disinformation to refute or create doubt don't you know who controls the media? So did Middendorf switch the rocks? lol Watch the above video posted by Terps. PEACE
That article came out years after. Probably disinformation don't you know who controls the media?

The netherlands have an actual moon rock display.

That dude had been out of office for like 10 years when he was given that, and no one is sure of the details of why he was given it exactly.

No one is trying to say it's a moon rock any more. It's not.

They have actual moon rocks though. We gave them to a lot of countries.
That article came out years after. Disinformation to refute or create doubt don't you know who controls the media? So did Middendorf switch the rocks? lol Watch the above video posted by Terps. PEACE

We can't even work together to make sure everyone has food so I would love to hear how there's one person pulling the strings and getting all these states that hate each other to report the same stuff.
The netherlands have an actual moon rock display.

That dude had been out of office for like 10 years when he was given that, and no one is sure of the details of why he was given it exactly.

No one is trying to say it's a moon rock any more. It's not.

They have actual moon rocks though. We gave them to a lot of countries.
I bet those countires were warned not to go public with fake rocks or U.S. aid will be cut off. LOL
The moon is void of mass and self luminant. It's put there by intelligent design so we can count the months and years. It's light doesn't come from the sun. EXAMPLE: If it was lit by the sun then people in Alaska would see a different moon phase than those in New Zealand due to perspective. The whole earth sees the same moon phase. Welcome to the 21 century the earth is flat. ONE DAY: Take a telescope to the beach near a port city because they have plenty of ship traffic. What you will see is ships on the ocean not disappearing over a curve but staying in complete view. The surface of water does not curve it always finds its level. Forget about gravity it's a freemason word used to con you out of your tax dollars. NASA has a multi billion dollar budget. The media tells you what they want you to hear so you won't be exposed to any real news from the USA much less Iran.
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The moon is void of mass and self luminant. It's put there by intelligent design so we can count the months and years. It's light doesn't come from the sun. EXAMPLE: If it was lit by the sun then people in Alaska would see a different moon phase than those in New Zealand due to perspective. The whole earth sees the same moon phase. Welcome to the 21 century the earth is flat. ONE DAY: Take a telescope to the beach near a port city because they have plenty of ship traffic. What you will see is ships on the ocean not disappearing over a curve but staying in complete view. The surface of water does not curve it always finds its level. Forget about gravity it's a freemason word used to con you out of your tax dollars. NASA's has a multi billion dollar budget. The media tells you what they want you to hear.

Explain the tides
How come the great lakes have no tides? The moon phase changes but the tides never do? Mother Earth breathing in and out? I'm in the camp that thinks it is the electromagnetic energy of the sun and moon. Fresh water can't produce a electrical charge but salt water can.
Stop spreading lies !!! They are considered non-tidal. Barometric pressure and winds make up the little ole 2 or 3 centimeters. Your Globe is crumbling you need to let go.
Stop spreading lies !!! They are considered non-tidal. Barometric pressure and winds make up the little ole 2 or 3 centimeters. Your Globe is crumbling you need to let go.

Literally anyone could measure and make the same observations tha NOAA made. As a matter of fact, a ton of people have so it’s not a lie.

But you can keep being blind all you want. Sorry that the universe is so large that it scares you into needing to believe we live under a dome.

Since you keep moving the goalposts, explain who pays for the continuous editing of the feeds on the ISS. Those feeds are live too, since they capture rocket launches in real time. Explain.
Some of you need to practice your lying because you suck at it. If you did study the Old Testament you would have started with page 1 and Genesis. It's how God created the Earth, moon, sun and the firmament. Pseudo science is what you Globetards have put your faith in. If you lie keep it real make it a art. How many miles was it to that Chicago skyline? According to your scientist it's 8 inches squared per mile that the earth curves.
Come on. You refuse to acknowledge any post I've made to you. I've installed eastern and western arc satellites as well as C and Ku band satellites. Gps is not land based.

You go on about people reading their bible. You know that the King James bible is an incomplete works. It even references books that are missing. The books were selected to control people. There are many more books of the bible.

A sphere makes sense. You keep saying water finds level. Why is that water drops, falling water drops and water in zero gravity make a sphere?

You may very well been a grunt but that was about it. Probably many years ago and wasn't allowed to mess with any specialized equipment. I doubt you had any serious training with any kind if gps, radar or anything else advanced.

Its beyond your comprehension so it doesn't exist.
Come on. You refuse to acknowledge any post I've made to you. I've installed eastern and western arc satellites as well as C and Ku band satellites. Gps is not land based.

You go on about people reading their bible. You know that the King James bible is an incomplete works. It even references books that are missing. The books were selected to control people. There are many more books of the bible.

A sphere makes sense. You keep saying water finds level. Why is that water drops, falling water drops and water in zero gravity make a sphere?

You may very well been a grunt but that was about it. Probably many years ago and wasn't allowed to mess with any specialized equipment. I doubt you had any serious training with any kind if gps, radar or anything else advanced.

Its beyond your comprehension so it doesn't exist.
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