Nothing dumber than a flat earther

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RetiredGriller is one of the most ignorant dumbasses here. Who the fuck would hire such an ignoramus?

Fast forward this thread 6 months and he'll still be arguing the same old points. Facts don't matter. Logic can be worked around. He's in a vacuum created from stupidity. Can't change that.

Same with hollow earth knuckleheads, new earth dickheads, and end-of-world bible code reading assholes.
Did you read his did bit about dropping acid and a rpg ripped his helmet off. In the craziest thing you ever got away with thread.

I can't fathom why someone would want to drop acid in a war zone. For one the trip would be horrible and the risk to fellow soldiers would be too great.

No offense to grunts meant but there is a reason the asvab requirements are lower for such jobs.
It's about creations history and the Freemason perversion of it. It's a slap in the face and insulting because water finds its level. The masons use it to make their own structures level. They want you to worship their demonic asses and turn you against the bible with some sci fi bullshit. It's a shame because many don't realize the bible is cool as shit. All it says is basically this . Be humble. Mind your own business. Keep your mouth shut. Don't rip people off . Don't bang your neighbors wife but its better than jerkin off. Don't try to get rich fast make long term investments. Love one another. What is so bad about that ? Peace. Flat earth. Lol
The bible also speaks of chariots coming from the heavens. Space travel.

Yes water finds level but gravity also effects it. If not then explain how tides work.

You don't know shit about satellites either. What about western and eastern arc satellites? Ill give you some time to look it up. I've actually installed them.
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The bible also speaks of chariots coming from the heavens. Space travel.

Yes water finds level but gravity also effects it. If not then explain how tides work.

There are hieroglyphics in Egypt that depict what looks exactly like a flying saucer from a 50’s sci fi movie.

They and other ancient people built huge monuments to be seen from the sky.
Never met my mom. I was raised in a orphanage by Shaolin monks in Northern China. After I mastered Kung-fu and the art of weaponry i was recruited by the CIA. I settled in at Langley Va. in a modest home with my handlers until i was old enough to be educated at the Naval Academy where I was added to the elite Seal Team 6 program based off my impressive mental and physical skills. Earned some trigger time in Desert Storm and had 23 confirmed kills as a sniper with a specialized .17 caliber Remington. A high powered low diameter round that could pop a skull at 700 meters without giving up my poz. Only part of this story is true.
you sure that rpg didn't hit you in the head a little harder than you admit?......
I STILL can't tell if you're a committed troll or a genuinely insane person...
i just have trouble accepting this level of lunacy from an adult.
Aliens built the pyramids.... Duh :idea::hug::idea:
Puma Punku a obliterated granite fortress on a mountain top in Bolivia displays stone carving technology that can't be replicated today. Look that up. It will blow your hair back. Could be as old as 15,000 years. Some powerful weapon or force tossed these 100 ton stones around like legos.
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Puma Punku a obliterated granite fortress on a mountain top in Bolivia displays stone carving technology that can't be replicated today. Look that up. It will blow your hair back. Could be as old as 15,000 years. Some powerful weapon or force tossed these 100 ton stones around like legos.
I have this bridge to sell, you interested???
Truth of the matter is this. No one has definitive proof that the earth is a sphere. Absolutely none. If you choose to believe pseudo science that says the oceans surface has curvature or that lasers curve over the oceans surface when tracking targets then that's on you. Gravity is sci fi horse hockey. It's all about density displacement my friends. The moon landings are a hoax you been duped. 911 was a inside job. JFK was murdered by the military industrial complex. A shot from the back doesn't blow his brains out all over the trunk of that limo. Watch the Zapruder film. Jackie climbs on the back of the limo and grabs a hunk of his skull and climbs back in. It would explain a shot from the front. Jet fuel doesn't melt steel beams. Those towers were brought down by strategically placed thermite. How did Tower 7 collapse at free fall speed when it wasn't even hit by a plane? You accept the reality you have been presented with plain and simple.
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Truth of the matter is this. No one has definitive proof that the earth is a sphere. Absolutely none. If you choose to believe pseudo science that says the oceans surface has curvature or that lasers curve over the oceans surface when tracking targets then that's on you. Gravity is sci fi horse hockey. It's all about density displacement my friends. The moon landings are a hoax you been duped. 911 was a inside job. JFK was murdered by the military industrial complex. A shot from the back doesn't blow his brains out all over the trunk of that limo. Watch the Zapruder film. Jackie climbs on the back of the limo and grabs a hunk of his skull and climbs back in. It would explain a shot from the front. Jet fuel doesn't melt steel beams. Those towers were brought down by strategically placed thermite. How did Tower 7 collapse at free fall speed when it wasn't even hit by a plane? You accept the reality you have been presented with plain and simple.
Wowsa. Well I guess congratulations on being so smart and well informed. I'm sure all your "knowlege" has helped you tremendously in life. What I don't get is why you feel the need to spread your "knowledge" like cancer? ?? And even if everything you said is true.... Who cares??? If 9/11 and jfk were inside jobs, so what? If the world is proven to be flat, why should anyone care??? You are like school in summertime man.. No class.
Have fun being a CIA undercover superhero...
I have heard the earth is flat and gravity is bullshit.
This got me wondering.

While here on earth we don't float in the air. If we jump we fall.
Here is the scenario.

Walk to the edge of the "flat earth"
And step off.
What would happen?
Would you float? (neutral buoyancy)
If you fell where would you fall to?
Never met my mom. I was raised in a orphanage by Shaolin monks in Northern China. After I mastered Kung-fu and the art of weaponry i was recruited by the CIA. I settled in at Langley Va. in a modest home with my handlers until i was old enough to be educated at the Naval Academy where I was added to the elite Seal Team 6 program based off my impressive mental and physical skills. Earned some trigger time in Desert Storm and had 23 confirmed kills as a sniper with a specialized .17 caliber Remington. A high powered low diameter round that could pop a skull at 700 meters without giving up my poz. Only part of this story is true.
So do most CIA agents brag about how cool they are online??? Seems like the CIA wouldn't want agents in a marijuana website telling all these "secrets" and bragging about All the "classified" "info" he knows.... If your telling the truth though, well agents like you would explain why the alphabet soup agencies are so dysfunctional nowadays.
Never met my mom. I was raised in a orphanage by Shaolin monks in Northern China. After I mastered Kung-fu and the art of weaponry i was recruited by the CIA. I settled in at Langley Va. in a modest home with my handlers until i was old enough to be educated at the Naval Academy where I was added to the elite Seal Team 6 program based off my impressive mental and physical skills. Earned some trigger time in Desert Storm and had 23 confirmed kills as a sniper with a specialized .17 caliber Remington. A high powered low diameter round that could pop a skull at 700 meters without giving up my poz. Only part of this story is true.
I love it, you say only part of this is true. Is it the part about living in a modest home?
If so we have that in common.
I have heard the earth is flat and gravity is bullshit.
This got me wondering.

While here on earth we don't float in the air. If we jump we fall.
Here is the scenario.

Walk to the edge of the "flat earth"
And step off.
What would happen?
Would you float? (neutral buoyancy)
If you fell where would you fall to?
First you would need to traverse a vast landscape with inhospitable conditions. 150 mph winds. 100 degrees below zero. Then in theory a firmament. Could be made of super dense saline or electromagnetic plasma. We don't know. There is a reason there no terrestrial animals native to antarctica its a wasteland of ice. Only penguins and seals are found near the coast. No gravity just density displacement.
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I think you might have watched Dune one too many times.
Only watch sports and related topics.
Aliens built the pyramids.... Duh :idea::hug::idea:
The shamen in ancient times concocted mind-altering drinks from plants so powerful the user would have out of body experiences. This lead to the art you can see from the air in Peru and other S. American countries.
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Problem is there is nothing written in religious books to support your flat earth theory.
Hey bud, how are you doing? Your plants are looking beautiful, as usual. The above-quoted text is not accurate. If retarded Gorilla ( I think that's his name) would actually read the bible, which most believers do not, rather than regurgitating what his masters propagate, he would know that the bible does allude to Earth being flat. Further proving that the bible cannot be inspired by a divine deity because that said deity, the creator of all, would obviously know that he created a world that is sphere shaped.

Here are a few verses that one (with a low IQ) could conclude that the Earth was flat. Last time I checked, sphere shaped objects have no corners. Have a good day bro.

Isaiah 11:12
Revelation 7:1
Revelation 20:8
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