Nothing dumber than a flat earther

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this isn't about flat earth, this is about people going to the moon, but its a closely related topic as far as i can see, has to be part of the same conspiracy.....
my mom told me about going to Merritt island in Florida when i was 4 years old to watch Apollo 11 launch. she had my grandfathers binoculars, and said she could see people getting into the rocket. she said she couldn't tell who it was, but that she could see the big white suits going in, smaller darker figures going in and out, then they sealed up the capsule, and about a half hour later, at 9:30 in the morning, it launched. she watched it go out of sight with a good pair of binoculars.
my mom wasn't a scientist, or an astronaut, but she wasn't a fool either. and she wasn't a liar. so, as far as i'm concerned, i have an eye witness account of the launch of Apollo 11. tell me why my mom would lie to me, and how a fairly intelligent woman could be fooled that completely? were those chimps they fired into the sky? why didn't anyone see the rocket explode against this "dome" ? did they have a big meeting with all the leaders of all the countries, and they drew straws to see who would get to the fake moon first? the single biggest question i have about all these theories, is why? why perpetuate a myth that could be fairly easily dismissed by anyone with decent equipment and rudimentary scientific knowledge? whats in it for them? thats the big question, why perpetuate this myth when they don't have to? for money? they tell us what they do with the money, we have no ones word but theirs already, why not just lie on paper, why tell huge lies that have to eventually fall?
this isn't about flat earth, this is about people going to the moon, but its a closely related topic as far as i can see, has to be part of the same conspiracy.....
my mom told me about going to Merritt island in Florida when i was 4 years old to watch Apollo 11 launch. she had my grandfathers binoculars, and said she could see people getting into the rocket. she said she couldn't tell who it was, but that she could see the big white suits going in, smaller darker figures going in and out, then they sealed up the capsule, and about a half hour later, at 9:30 in the morning, it launched. she watched it go out of sight with a good pair of binoculars.
my mom wasn't a scientist, or an astronaut, but she wasn't a fool either. and she wasn't a liar. so, as far as i'm concerned, i have an eye witness account of the launch of Apollo 11. tell me why my mom would lie to me, and how a fairly intelligent woman could be fooled that completely? were those chimps they fired into the sky? why didn't anyone see the rocket explode against this "dome" ? did they have a big meeting with all the leaders of all the countries, and they drew straws to see who would get to the fake moon first? the single biggest question i have about all these theories, is why? why perpetuate a myth that could be fairly easily dismissed by anyone with decent equipment and rudimentary scientific knowledge? whats in it for them? thats the big question, why perpetuate this myth when they don't have to? for money? they tell us what they do with the money, we have no ones word but theirs already, why not just lie on paper, why tell huge lies that have to eventually fall?

Might as well ask why I should her a church on every corner in America and a bar on the opposite corner.

People need something to believe in or they will just take up drinking. ;-)
Am I really the only one who wants to learn about exploding oranges????
It's about creations history and the Freemason perversion of it. It's a slap in the face and insulting because water finds its level. The masons use it to make their own structures level. They want you to worship their demonic asses and turn you against the bible with some sci fi bullshit. It's a shame because many don't realize the bible is cool as shit. All it says is basically this . Be humble. Mind your own business. Keep your mouth shut. Don't rip people off . Don't bang your neighbors wife but its better than jerkin off. Don't try to get rich fast make long term investments. Love one another. What is so bad about that ? Peace. Flat earth. Lol
this isn't about flat earth, this is about people going to the moon, but its a closely related topic as far as i can see, has to be part of the same conspiracy.....
my mom told me about going to Merritt island in Florida when i was 4 years old to watch Apollo 11 launch. she had my grandfathers binoculars, and said she could see people getting into the rocket. she said she couldn't tell who it was, but that she could see the big white suits going in, smaller darker figures going in and out, then they sealed up the capsule, and about a half hour later, at 9:30 in the morning, it launched. she watched it go out of sight with a good pair of binoculars.
my mom wasn't a scientist, or an astronaut, but she wasn't a fool either. and she wasn't a liar. so, as far as i'm concerned, i have an eye witness account of the launch of Apollo 11. tell me why my mom would lie to me, and how a fairly intelligent woman could be fooled that completely? were those chimps they fired into the sky? why didn't anyone see the rocket explode against this "dome" ? did they have a big meeting with all the leaders of all the countries, and they drew straws to see who would get to the fake moon first? the single biggest question i have about all these theories, is why? why perpetuate a myth that could be fairly easily dismissed by anyone with decent equipment and rudimentary scientific knowledge? whats in it for them? thats the big question, why perpetuate this myth when they don't have to? for money? they tell us what they do with the money, we have no ones word but theirs already, why not just lie on paper, why tell huge lies that have to eventually fall?
Just look at the retarded photos on the fake moon. Do you think they went to the moon in that piece of junk? It's pathetic.
Just look at the retarded photos on the fake moon. Do you think they went to the moon in that piece of junk? It's pathetic.
no, you're pathetic. you have absolutely no understanding of science. they built the thing to withstand space, which has entirely different properties than atmosphere. there is so little friction you can pretty much ignore it. thats why they could use gold foil to shield some parts, because it was lighter than heavy metal panels, and didn't need to be able to withstand the heat of flight through air.
you can't understand something, so it can't be that you're the mental deficient, the entire rest of the world has been fooled, and you're part of the VERY small community that is smart enough to see the truth......
you can't imagine people smart enough to build a space vehicle, so it must be lies...
you can't imagine people brave enough to ride it into space, so it must be lies....
you can't understand basic science and math (you already proved that, saying you can see the statue of liberty 60 miles away)
so someone, somewhere, is lying...even though if you bothered to learn how to actually do the math, you could see they are not lying....
i just don't understand why you think this? estimates are much lower, (more like 10,000) but if 1 million people believe the earth is flat, that means 7.4 Billion do not...a factor of 75,000 to honestly believe that 75,000 people get fooled for each one that sees the truth?
if that was the case, the race would have already failed, we would all be sitting in caves waiting for the next lion to come eat one of us.....

i don't like wasting my time on a troll...but please tell me you're a troll that doesn't really believe the stupid, retarded, moronic, pinheaded, lunatic, nonsense you've been saying....because i really don't want to believe people that stupid can exist and operate in our society.
It's a shame because many don't realize the bible is cool as shit. All it says is basically this . Be humble. Mind your own business. Keep your mouth shut. Don't rip people off . Don't bang your neighbors wife but its better than jerkin off. Don't try to get rich fast make long term investments. Love one another. What is so bad about that ? Peace. Flat earth. Lol
basicly the bible doesnt say all that and really isnt as cool as shit.. in fact its fucking disgusting by todays standards
Exodus 21
21 “These are the laws you are to set before them:

2 “If you buy a Hebrew servant, he is to serve you for six years. But in the seventh year, he shall go free, without paying anything. 3 If he comes alone, he is to go free alone; but if he has a wife when he comes, she is to go with him. 4 If his master gives him a wife and she bears him sons or daughters, the woman and her children shall belong to her master, and only the man shall go free.

5 “But if the servant declares, ‘I love my master and my wife and children and do not want to go free,’ 6 then his master must take him before the judges.a]">[a] He shall take him to the door or the doorpost and pierce his ear with an awl. Then he will be his servant for life.

7 “If a man sells his daughter as a servant, she is not to go free as male servants do. 8 If she does not please the master who has selected her for himself,b]">[b] he must let her be redeemed. He has no right to sell her to foreigners, because he has broken faith with her. 9 If he selects her for his son, he must grant her the rights of a daughter. 10 If he marries another woman, he must not deprive the first one of her food, clothing and marital rights. 11 If he does not provide her with these three things, she is to go free, without any payment of money.

12 “Anyone who strikes a person with a fatal blow is to be put to death. 13 However, if it is not done intentionally, but God lets it happen, they are to flee to a place I will designate. 14 But if anyone schemes and kills someone deliberately, that person is to be taken from my altar and put to death.

15 “Anyone who attacksc]">[c] their father or mother is to be put to death.

16 “Anyone who kidnaps someone is to be put to death, whether the victim has been sold or is still in the kidnapper’s possession.

17 “Anyone who curses their father or mother is to be put to death.

18 “If people quarrel and one person hits another with a stone or with their fistd]">[d] and the victim does not die but is confined to bed, 19 the one who struck the blow will not be held liable if the other can get up and walk around outside with a staff; however, the guilty party must pay the injured person for any loss of time and see that the victim is completely healed.

20 “Anyone who beats their male or female slave with a rod must be punished if the slave dies as a direct result, 21 but they are not to be punished if the slave recovers after a day or two, since the slave is their property.
exodus 22
16 “If a man seduces a virgin who is not pledged to be married and sleeps with her, he must pay the bride-price, and she shall be his wife. 17 If her father absolutely refuses to give her to him, he must still pay the bride-price for virgins.

18 “Do not allow a sorceress to live.

19 “Anyone who has sexual relations with an animal is to be put to death.

20 “Whoever sacrifices to any god other than the Lord must be destroyed.e]">[e]

28 “Do not blaspheme Godf]">[f] or curse the ruler of your people.

29 “Do not hold back offerings from your granaries or your vats.g]">[g]

“You must give me the firstborn of your sons. 30 Do the same with your cattle and your sheep. Let them stay with their mothers for seven days, but give them to me on the eighth day.

now i know you havent ever read the bible for yourself you have only been told what it contains but its a hateful book that has some nice stuff spattered amoungst the really really shity stuf
It's about creations history and the Freemason perversion of it. It's a slap in the face and insulting because water finds its level. The masons use it to make their own structures level. They want you to worship their demonic asses and turn you against the bible with some sci fi bullshit. It's a shame because many don't realize the bible is cool as shit. All it says is basically this . Be humble. Mind your own business. Keep your mouth shut. Don't rip people off . Don't bang your neighbors wife but its better than jerkin off. Don't try to get rich fast make long term investments. Love one another. What is so bad about that ? Peace. Flat earth. Lol

Now Citibank has edited the bible. Money being all Holy.
i don't like wasting my time on a troll...but please tell me you're a troll that doesn't really believe the stupid, retarded, moronic, pinheaded, lunatic, nonsense you've been saying....because i really don't want to believe people that stupid can exist and operate in our society.
thank God we have the ONE troll that believes it. bongsmilie
no, you're pathetic. you have absolutely no understanding of science. they built the thing to withstand space, which has entirely different properties than atmosphere. there is so little friction you can pretty much ignore it. thats why they could use gold foil to shield some parts, because it was lighter than heavy metal panels, and didn't need to be able to withstand the heat of flight through air.
you can't understand something, so it can't be that you're the mental deficient, the entire rest of the world has been fooled, and you're part of the VERY small community that is smart enough to see the truth......
you can't imagine people smart enough to build a space vehicle, so it must be lies...
you can't imagine people brave enough to ride it into space, so it must be lies....
you can't understand basic science and math (you already proved that, saying you can see the statue of liberty 60 miles away)
so someone, somewhere, is lying...even though if you bothered to learn how to actually do the math, you could see they are not lying....
i just don't understand why you think this? estimates are much lower, (more like 10,000) but if 1 million people believe the earth is flat, that means 7.4 Billion do not...a factor of 75,000 to honestly believe that 75,000 people get fooled for each one that sees the truth?
if that was the case, the race would have already failed, we would all be sitting in caves waiting for the next lion to come eat one of us.....

i don't like wasting my time on a troll...but please tell me you're a troll that doesn't really believe the stupid, retarded, moronic, pinheaded, lunatic, nonsense you've been saying....because i really don't want to believe people that stupid can exist and operate in our society.
LMAO !!! Whatever you don't actually believe the big lie either. You are just trying to troll. Many books have been written on the fake moon landings. Millions don't believe it as books and documentaries are good sellers. The photos have been proven to be fake. Shadows in the pictures don't run parallel as they should from a single light source (sun). The whole thing was produced in a studio under lights. Dutch Prime Minister Willem Drees was given a moon rock by Neil Armstrong that turned out to be petrified wood after it was examined. There is no outer space only a dome with stars set in the firmament that revolves around polaris. I guess you also think that jet fuel can melt steel beams right? My advice to you is to lay off the fluoridated tap water and tooth paste. In the beginning television was meant for entertainment not for education. Soon it became a powerful tool for propaganda and indoctrination. Their is no outer space. Your GPS systems work off of a network of terrestrial based satellite dishes pointing south and away from the magnetic center that is the north pole. The dishes ricochet signals off the ionosphere/Dome that are received by another dish hundreds of miles away creating a link for communication. There is no satellite in orbit that they link up to. Cell towers track your movements through your cell phone. Hundreds of homicides are solved every year via cell phone records and which tower your signal was pinging off of. You are the one who doesn't understand math and science. How is that Alaska and extreme northern regions have near 24 hours of light in Summer? The sun circles in the center of the flat earth above the north pole during summer. During the winter it circles around the edges of the ice ring above the Antarctic so the south pole gets nearly 24 hours of light during winter and leaves the north pole with near 24 hours of darkness. How is it that the whole earth sees the same moon phase? Think GLOBETARD!! You should be pissed that NASA has been fisting you your friends and family out of your hard earned tax dollars with an elaborate hoax.
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next time you peel a orange grab a lighter. Take a piece of the peeling and bend it in half and squirt the orange oil into the flame and watch it jump up. You have to figure out the rest classified info.
So a lighter and an orange.. I knew you were full of shit.

This is not a bomb honey-child.
LMAO !!! Whatever you don't actually believe the big lie either. You are just trying to troll. Many books have been written on the fake moon landings. Millions don't believe it as books and documentaries are good sellers. The photos have been proven to be fake. Shadows in the pictures don't run parallel as they should from a single light source (sun). The whole thing was produced in a studio under lights. Dutch Prime Minister Willem Drees was given a moon rock by Neil Armstrong that turned out to be petrified wood after it was examined. There is no outer space only a dome with stars set in the firmament that revolves around polaris. I guess you also think that jet fuel can melt steel beams right? My advice to you is to lay off the fluoridated tap water and tooth paste. In the beginning television was meant for entertainment not for education. Soon it became a powerful tool for propaganda and indoctrination. Their is no outer space. Your GPS systems work off of a network of terrestrial based satellite dishes pointing south and away from the magnetic center that is the north pole. The dishes ricochet signals off the ionosphere/Dome that are received by another dish hundreds of miles away creating a link for communication. There is no satellite in orbit that they link up to. Cell towers track your movements through your cell phone. Hundreds of homicides are solved every year via cell phone records and which tower your signal was pinging off of. You are the one who doesn't understand math and science. How is that Alaska and extreme northern regions have near 24 hours of light in Summer? The sun circles in the center of the flat earth above the north pole during summer. During the winter it circles around the edges of the ice ring above the Antarctic so the south pole gets nearly 24 hours of light during winter and leaves the north pole with near 24 hours of darkness. How is it that the whole earth sees the same moon phase? Think GLOBETARD!! You should be pissed that NASA has been fisting you your friends and family out of your hard earned tax dollars with an elaborate hoax.
I bet your mom is really proud of you, huh?
It's about creations history and the Freemason perversion of it. It's a slap in the face and insulting because water finds its level. The masons use it to make their own structures level. They want you to worship their demonic asses and turn you against the bible with some sci fi bullshit. It's a shame because many don't realize the bible is cool as shit. All it says is basically this . Be humble. Mind your own business. Keep your mouth shut. Don't rip people off . Don't bang your neighbors wife but its better than jerkin off. Don't try to get rich fast make long term investments. Love one another. What is so bad about that ? Peace. Flat earth. Lol
The bible is the last resort of uninteresting people.. The Koran, now there's some interesting stuff. But the bible.... Just boring.
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